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The 16th of November wasn't like any other day of the month for Leia, aside from the fact that she was still adjusting to the Australians and their beautiful accent, it was also her first day of school. She was beyond nervous to say the least. She was anxious and she had no idea at all at what to expect. Considering that she knew no one, and that she's in her last year of highschool. Seniors are always the hardest to please. Not that Leia thought it was okay to please other people, it was just that she knew the way highschool worked and how dangerous seniors could be.

That morning, Leia was stood in front of her room's vanity desk, staring at her reflection, pointing out every single flaw that she took notice of. If only she knew how to apply makeup-or if she owned any at all, then maybe she could've done something to make herself look socially acceptable.

"Leia, are you ready? Dad wants to drive you to school" she heard her sister say against her door, making her jump in her spot, immediately feeling ashamed of the thoughts that were running inside her mind about her physical appearance.

"Um.. Y-yeah." she answered back before muttering, "Ready as I'll ever be"

"you look different today, Leia. Is it your hair?" Keliana mentioned upon seeing Leia exit her room, making her blush at the notice of her efforts. "are you wearing foundation?" her sister gasped

"w-what?" Leia stuttered, embarrassed. "it's just a little bb cream" she mumbled, walking past Keliana and making her way downstairs

"you look nice!" she heard her sister call out from behind her, resulting her to smile to herself

Leia made her way outside of her father's house— an apple in hand, waving at her dad who was waiting inside the car.

Although Leia would never admit, she was happy that her father actually made efforts and was taking her to school himself.

"how was your sleep, princess?" Matthew asked, attempting to make a simple conversation

"it was alright, could use a little more getting used to" she gave him a small smile.

The rest of the ride was silent, Leia had no plans at making conversation and her father seemed to have the same mindset. In fact, he seemed distant. As if there was something bothering him. Which worried Leia, of course.

"this is a private school, so you best expect that the students are most likely going to be a bunch of spoiled brats. But you're my daughter, so I'm sure you'll handle just fine" her father stated, parking a few blocks away from the school itself. Even though he had admitted multiple times that he was old, he knew that teenagers never want people to see that their parents drive them to school. Leia wasn't like that though, but considering the fact that her father was never there while she was growing up, she didn't expect him to know that.

"yeah. Sure. Thanks for the heads up, dad. I'll be fine" she assured him, also assuring herself at the process.

Just as Leia was about to give her dad a hug as a thanks for driving her to school, he broke into a coughing fit, holding his hand up and waving Leia off, trying to make a small deal out of it.

"are you alright?" Leia asked, rubbing his back, worry showing through her face

"yeah. I'm fine. Go on, you'll be late" he said inbetween coughs, covering his mouth with his white handkerchief, giving Leia one last reassuring smile before she headed off.

Standing in front of the main entrance, Leia clutched the bracelet that Tom gave her with her free hand, releasing a breath that she didn't realize she was holding.

"you know, just something for you to hold on" she remembered his words, using it as her rock— her strength to make it through her first day without passing out.

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now