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"Thomas Stanley Holland, are you out of your mind?" Tom's mother gasped in disbelief at her son's sudden question during dinner "you are not traveling all the way to Australia just because a girl you like is going through something personal!"

"mum, seriously? She's not just a girl. Leia is special to me" Tom explained, playing with his food using his fork, not entirely in the mood to eat

"Son, me and your mother have been very supportive of you and whoever it is you've been dating— may it be Leia or that Samantha girl you used to like. But don't you think this is a little out of hand?" his father spoke calmly from across the table, in contrast to her mother's frantic state

"Dad, she's going through something very serious right now and she has no one to be there for her. I can't let her go through this alone" Tom glanced at his brothers, hopeful that they would help him out, but then realizing that they had not much to do to help. "you'd do the same if it were mum in her place, right?"

"that's because we're married, Tom. It's different-"

"no it's not! I love her, mum. This isn't just an experimental game to me. You have to understand" Tom defended, his voice raising a little

"you're 18! How do you know this isn't going to end up down the drainage?" she retorted, genuinely aggravated

"because I do. Dad?" Tom turned to his father for help, knowing that he'd be the one to let him

"I think that Tom is old enough to make decisions for himself, love." he paused, taking a hold of his wife's hand in attempt to calm her down. "and if it so happens to be the wrong one, then I'm sure he'll learn from it."

Tom smiled triumphantly as his mother released a sigh of defeat, shutting her eyes closed for a few seconds to think, before mumbling a few words and releasing a sigh once more.

"how long are you staying there for?" she asked.

Although she was upset with her husband for leaving her with no choice but to let Tom go, she was quite happy that her son was falling in love and was growing to be such a gentleman. Anyone who has a man willing to travel overseas just to be by her side is very lucky. And she's more than blessed to have a son who's grown up to be that man.

Despite not being one hundred percent in terms with his decision, Tom's parents ended up driving him to the airport at two in the morning that day. Dressed in nothing but hoodies and sweatpants, they exchanged their goodbyes and gave their son one last hug for the next few days.

"let us know when you land! And facetime us whenever you can. Tell Leia to be strong and that we're praying for her dad" his mother sobbed, opening her arms and reaching out for her son

"my god, mum. I won't be gone for that long.. Stop" Tom blushed, embarrassed.

"you'll be gone nonetheless, so shut up and give your mother another hug"

"take care there, son. Be wise and tell Leia that everything will be okay soon" his dad smiled as he waved his son goodbye, a proud smile on both their faces as they watched their son walk away, heart churning at how fast he's grown up.

Resting his head onto the plane window— he made sure to send Leia a text, asking her how she was and also asking for the exact address of her whereabouts.

By the time the plane had taken off, Tom was deep asleep, in hopes of making time go faster as he found it hard to wait until he has Leia wrapped in his arms once again.


I have finally published the social media spin-off of this book and I hope that you guys will like it!

It will not be a standalone book bc it basically tells the same story (but I will be adding some twists and specific details that have never been mentioned here before). It will be short and kind of humorous? Idk yeet..

I will be updating it everyday soo..

Oh and ofc the original book will still be ongoing. I genuinely love this book so much and I am not going to abandon it anytime soon so you'd better stick around to see if Leia and Tom will end up together.. 

Ok ily bye

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now