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Tom read the address from the text twice, making sure that he was in fact at the right place. Although the hospital was quite hard to miss, considering that it's the biggest hospital he's ever seen yet.

Inhaling a deep breath, Tom entered the building— his eyes searching the place immediately for a familiar face. When found none, Tom directed towards the front desk.

"hi, how are you? I'm looking for a Matthew Cravalho? I'm a friend" he asked politely, waiting patiently as the nurse checked the records

"422" the nurse replied shortly, nodding towards the direction of the elevator.

Just as the elevator door opened, Tom was greeted with a shocked Leia. They both stood there astonished, not expecting to see each other in such way

As soon as Leia had absorbed the fact that it was actually Tom standing in front of her, she released a squeal of happiness, despite her tear stained cheeks, she wore a genuine wide smile.

Tom was caught off-guard when Leia jumped and wrapped her arms around him, inhaling his long missed scent and snuggling her face into his neck, the smile not once leaving her face

"you're here" she whispered, her heart beating fast

"I told you I'd be" Tom's smile was mirroring Leia's, a sense of familiarity waving through him as he put his lips on hers.

"how's your dad?" he asked, regretting it when Leia's smile disappeared almost instantaneously

"he's still unconscious. The doctors explained a few hours ago that they think his lungs are failing him faster than they had expected" she sighed, Tom once again enveloping her in a tight embrace.

"let's go see him, shall we?"

They made their way towards Matthew's room, hand in hand, both incredibly thankful to be in each other's company again.

Leia paused just outside of the room, "his wife and their kids left a few hours ago to get clothes and bring food over. Then they want me to go home and get some rest once they get back. Kinda like a change shift thing" she explained, feeling the need to let him know of the recent events before he arrived

"they're treating you well though, right?" Tom asked, concerned. He knew very well how anxious Leia tends to get over things like that

"since the moment I met them, yes. We've only made brief conversation" she smiled softly before opening the door silently. Although Leia knew it wasn't the case, she still found it a bit more comforting to think that her dad was just sleeping. For the mean time at least, of course she knew what the situation actually was, but she'd like to remain hopeful

"hi, dad. Look who's here to see you" she greeted, her voice barely above a whisper. Despite her father's incoherence, she sat next to him, pulling Tom down to sit next to her. "the doctors said that we should keep talking to him. They said it helps with keeping him stable. Apparently he can hear us" she explained, earning her a nod of understanding from Tom.

"hello, Mr. Cravalho. How are you doing?" Tom spoke cautiously, mentally facepalming himself at the dumb question he just asked. "I'm sorry that's a stupid question." he chuckled.

"Tom flew all the way here to be with us. I'm sure if you were awake you'd give him the scary father talk" she joked lightheartedly, giving Tom a smile.

"I'd pee my pants for sure" Tom laughed, nudging Leia gently

"I'm not sure what's going to happen, and I'm not going to beg you to wake up and live your life if that means you'll suffer more, because that's not living. But promise me that you'll try?" inspite of the slight smile that displayed on Leia's face, she felt like dying inside.

"I love you, dad. I know we never had the chance to tell each other that for a very long time, but I do. And all I want for you right now is whatever it is that'll make you feel better" she felt Tom squeeze her hand, and his other free one rubbing her back.

"you're very brave, baby. I'm proud of you" Tom grinned, giving Leia a peck on her forehead.

Their moment was then disturbed by a knock on the door. "it's probably them" Leia stood up from her seat, walking towards the door to open it. Her eyes widened when a guy from her class stood across it, a box of cupcakes in hand.

"Leia." he offered a smile, making Tom raise an eyebrow. "I heard about your dad from my dad. They're close friends, apparently. And since I was already here to visit my cousin I figured it'd only make sense to drop by and see how you were doing" Leia stood there speechless, remembering him as one of the guys who very confidently hit on her a day ago.

"oh. You didn't have to.. Thanks. Um.. Come in?" she stuttered, unsure of what to say, taking the box of sweets from his hands and moving aside, making way for him to get inside.

"um.. Tom, this is Brad. Brad this is Tom" Leia introduced them when the two of them stood there giving each other hostile looks.

Tom was the first to cave in, reaching his hand out for Brad to shake. "Hey, mate" he nodded in acknowledgement, earning a smile from him.

"you must be her friend" Brad spoke, Tom was quick to correct him saying-


Leia palmed her face in embarrassment, feeling like she was the cause of the sudden tension.

"wow.." she laughed awkwardly, before continuing. "what an overwhelming amount of British men in such a confined space" she joked in attempt to lighten up the mood, preparing herself for a disastrous night ahead


Bradley Simpson plays Brad btw. I love him

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now