Chapter Eleven ~ Injured

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Chapter Eleven ~ Injured

" Cindy and all the other people who were now on (YourName)'s side were to scared to confront to Rose and Daisy and tell them to stop, resulting in (YourName) getting bullied again. "


KyungSoo is like my key, my key to happiness, my key to success, my key to my heart. He means everything to me and I feel so bad for him because the fact that I keep getting bullied, he is going to be all stressed out and try to help me. I didn't want to bother him like that. I didn't want to, I really didn't. I finally understood what KyungSoo's aunt meant. She knew I was going to ruin his life one some way, whether now or later, it's going to be soon. For me to make him fall in love with me in the first place was where my problem started. To him, meeting me was probably the worst thing for him. I'm always doubting myself for these reasons. Am I really not good enough? Do I not belong here? I don't know how to hang in anymore. I was independent but ever since KyungSoo came, I had ben relying on him to save. I become dependent, I needed him on my side now. I couldn't do it alone. There was no way for me to do that. Life is going to be hell for a week or so until KyungSoo comes. If only I could feel his embrace once more. I miss him so much already, I just wish, like always, how he would appear out of nowhere and help me from being bullied.

Rose: Ahh you make me sick!

Me: I don't care about you!

Rose: neither do I!

Me: then leave me alone, if you bother me like this, it's obvious you care. You're worried that I'm taking up your spotlight right? How everyone isn't on your side as usual. Only those who have went insane with you, stayed.

Rose: shut up, you don't know anything. Spotlight? I got all the spotlight I need. But it's you!! Who stole my boyfriend! KyungSoo was mine! I called him!

Me: is boyfriend a thing where you can call for? Do you think he's a toy where you just call for it and it's yours? Do you think that you don't even have to try to win his heart? You're so cold hearted, of course he wouldn't pick you.

Rose: Insutling! How can KyungSoo like you? You're so mean! I'm telling KyungSoo..

Me: really? that line is for first graders. Grow up! Do you think bullying is right? Look at your age! Who do you think you are?! Bullying is serious, I don't mind you bullying me but others in school? A lot of people die from that! So many people suicide!

Rose: I can stop but not for you, I want you gone! Away from my KyungSoo!

Me: like ive said, he's not yours, you don't call for things. You earn it!

Rose: I don't want to hear your stupid talk.

Me: then leave me alone. You're the one who started the conversation

Rose: well then you didn't have to answer and who said I was talking to you? I could be referring to someone else.

I didn't want to argue with her any longer, about stupid and useless things. It was such a waste of time! I walked away from her but she grabbed me by the arms.

Rose: where did you think you were going? Did I tell you that you could leave?

Me: actually yes because you saud you didn't want to talk with me, you wanted m gone. I'm going, trying to get gone like how you've wanted but I can't you'r stopping me so what can I do? If i leave you're going to be mad, if I stay, you're going to be mad, like what is your problem?

Rose: ive said it, stay away from my KyungSoo!

Me: no! Leave me alone!

Rose: don't be sorry then. i'm giving you one more chance. Yes or no? will you stay away from him?

Me: NO!

Rose: okay since you're so hard headed, not willing to give up huh? You will after you enter my wrath.

Me: you don't scare me

Rose: well too bad you don't have that 'prince' of yours to save you!

Me: it's not like you're willing to beat me to death

Rose: not me but i got people willing to.

Me: Ahh i forgot, you're too scared so you need other people to help you, my bad, I should have known.

Rose: You!

I see Rose whisper to Daisy something. I didn't here but I heard burn down something. I didn't know but I was afraid because I knew they aren't willing to. I know they wouldn't dare to. But maybe I'm wrong. Burn down what though?

Rose: you can leave now, leave my sight! Now! I don't want to see such an ugly sight! It burns my eyes

I leave, go to my locker then back home. I studied for awhile, felt like it was safe, so i decided to take a little nap, nothing different. No one was there. I ate dinner and finished any unfinished homework then took a shower and went to bed. In the middle of the night I smilled smoke. I heard laugher and voices outside of my house but because I was only have asleep, I didn't really know what was going on so I fell back asleep on my bed. Not realizing ther was a fire. The next thing I notice is that I'm in th hospital now, because I was injured from the fire. My house was burnt down. I never thought they would do this. It was on the news, I wonder if KyungSoo had found out yet or not. I hope he doesn't because I don't want him to rush back to see me. i don't want him to be stressing out so much, I want him to focus on his career. I looked around, trying to remember how I got here. I only remembered falling asleep on my bed but now I'm at the hospital, not my bed. I look around, trying to ask the doctors what happened. They seemed to not know but how did I get here? Who brought me here is the biggest question. I knew Rose and done this, no further questions, it has to be her. Soon the doctors aloud a few visitors. Visitors? Who would visit me? No one even cares, besides Cindy.

Rose: how's the bed? You're lucky I'm paying for your bills her. Too bad KyungSoo won't be back till a week

Me: you better be! You done this to me! You burnt down my house! Now where can I live? Where can I shower? Eat? Why are you trying to do this to me? Isn't my life bad enough? What more do you want? When will you become mature and wake up from these stupid games?

Rose: I want my KyungSoo back!

Me: like you said, he's not going to be back until a week, how can I give him to you? And why would I? I wouldn't not, in your dreams! No matter how much you ruin my life, I will always love him! I don't want to lose him! I can give you everything in my life BUT KyungSoo! He means everything to me!

Rose: I don't care! Stop being all lovey dovey with that stuff! Everyone only cares for fame and money! if I was with him, I'd be so famous and he'll be buying me so much stuff, it would be so great!

Me: do you not understand the meaning of love? You're taking everything as a game! Why do you act like this? Don't you want to be loved? Don't you want to feel special in the world instead of money and fame? So what if you had them? All that can be turned around any time but having someone you're dedicated to forever, is different. I have found KyungSoo, my first and last one I'll ever love. He brought me to the real world, I would never have realized how much more there is. We are two different worlds but he makes me realize that it doesn't matter what world you're in, anything is possible

~Author's Point of View~

Someone was in the room, recording their conversation the whole time. Kyungsoo saw the news about (YourName)'s house as well. He has been keeping in contact with Cindy, the one who was recording the conversation for KyungSoo. KyungSoo rushed back because he had heard so much has been going on only for a day that he's been gone. Luckily the first few days of the week is only dance practice, so he can skip it and fly back in time to the concert since it's really close by, in China.

...To Be Continued~~~

How is the story so far? Have a wonderful day! Sorry for posting up so late!

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