Chapter Twenty Five ~ His Arranged Marriage

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Chapter Twenty Five ~ His Arranged Marriage

" My heart just hurts more and more each second thinking about it and seeing it with my own eyes. I hope this will end soon, all this drama and all these pain. "


~KyungSoo's Point of View~

KyungSoo: can you ever let me have my rights? I want to choose who I love, who I want to be with, who I want to marry, who I want to protect, and what I want to do with that person! You act like I'm your doll, where I'm the prince in yoru story and then you find a princess to fulfill your stupid imaginary fairytale! I'm no character in a fairytale, I won't be because I am a human, I have feelings for whatever you do to me, can you ever respect me and of my choices I make, you're only my aunt, not my mom, nor dad, not my anyone! But someone who acts like they care about me. Remember back in my childhood how you treated me? My mother and father gave you responsibility to take care of me and pick me up after school but you didn't. You picked up your children and left me there for about five hours, then you came, but without any food. You promised me in the morning that when you pick me up, you'd have ice cream for me. Nothing happened. You shoved me in the car while your children had ice cream and I was crying but you slapped me and told me to shut up. You gave me no rights. You act like I'm your doll and you still do.

Auntie: You gave me a very hard time!

KyungSoo: because you only care for yourself and your children, no one else. So selfish, at least I cared for you, remember that day you had work extra early because a project that was very important was due that day? You rushed and you forgot your folders and without your folders you wouldn't be able to present what you had and yo uwould have been fired. I chased after you for a few blocks when you were driving a car and I still caught up to you to give you those folders and files. You didn't even thank me, you just told me to run back home and don't bother you. I was trying to help you and you're already so mean, you can't even just say one thank you? Or at least show it in your actions that you appreciate me?

Auntie: I did! When I brought you milk tea..

KyungSoo: once. And that was only because your son didn't want it and you didn't want to waste it so you just gave it to me, you never thought of buying it for me in the first place. You never thought of me, I was like your second chance, where you use me to get what you want, and you expect me to allow you to use my life for your uses? Because Rose is rich you want money, i get it, why dont you get your son to marry her?

Aunt: Because he is already married! And this is only for your good!

KyungSoo: because i'm your second chance, since your son married a girl who was average and wasn't rich like you wanted so you're using me, like all your hope is on me but remember you're only using me for your needs not because you care about me. So why should I listen to you or your decisions, this is my life.

Aunt: You won't understand it KyungSoo

Rose: can you guys stop shouting? KyungSoo i get your life is terrible but i promise I'll make it better for you, just listen to Auntie.

KyungSoo: she's not your auntie! Of course you agree because you want to be with me, but I don't.

Rose: things aren't going to happen like how you expect KyungSoo.

KyungSoo: I know Rose, things aren't going to happen like you expect. Everyone knows you've been dreaming and making lots of rumors about us together, it's all your dreams, it's what you want, and it's not happening this time! You bully everyone enough

Auntie: Hey! It's not bullying, it's having control over people. That's what I call smart.

KyungSoo: Smart? More of putting people at risk and bullying causes many deaths and if you want be to marry someone who kills people, sorry I can't do that. I want to be able to control my woman, not her. She's over, not even on the list.

Auntie: You have power over her, you saved (YourName) from Rose.

KyungSoo: and that's the start when I fell for (YourName), because she strong, she was able to fight through all the bullying and hatred of the school, I thought she was like my hero, someone who I look uo to. So if you want to blame someone for me liking (YourName) don't blame me because I can't control my feelings, they're natural. If you want to blame someone, Rose is the correct person to blame.

Auntie: How could you say that KyungSoo? She is your girlfriend, that is very rude!

Rose: that's okay, I will teach him how to behave better, i mean of course it's heart breaking for him right now that he can't be with (YourName), he just needs to see how great of a person I am to be around, he won't regret it Auntie, just give him some time and give him some space, don't yell at him like it's his fault, anyone would do the same in his position.

Auntie: Ahh smart girl, see this is why..

KyungSoo: PLease shut up..

~KyungSoo's Aunt's Point of View~
He's getting on my nerves and this is seriously making me anxious, Rose can wait but I can't, KyungSoo will create my death soon just by irritating and annoying me so much, I really can't stand it. That (YourName) girl or whatever her name is, is pathetic, stupid, and just never knowing when to let go or give up. She's So just out of it. She's never going ot be with KyungSoo no matter what because now I'm going to force KyungSoo to marry Rose now. I don't care about other things or any other conditions, they will get married and live happily forever after. I won't care how KyungSoo will look at me or yell at me. He's not going to see that (YourName) girl ever again. I just won't allow it, I will make sure Rose and KyungSoo are together twenty four seven. Day and NIGHT. Yes night. They can sleep together as well and cuddle. That way they will get use to it when they marry and actually live in the same house, sleep in the same rooms, sleep on the same beds, under the same blankets together. KyungSoo will no way let go unless (YourName) gives up. I will make her jealous and feel like she has no more hope anymore and I'll make her stop loving KyungSoo, I'll make her love for him go away so that she can leave our lives forever for the benefit and for the best of us. Tomorrow they will meet and both dress really well for their wedding and I will invite (YourName) to make her jealous and lose her love for KyungSoo.

~At The Wedding~

KyungSoo: can't you see the only person who I love is (YourName)? No one else.

Rose: I agree that we will live together happily ever after!

KyungSoo: you know nothing Rose, shut up!

Rose: you can't deny it, this wedding is made that there are no objections

KyungSoo: what?!

Auntie: it was my idea, not Rose, so don't be so rude to your wife.

KyungSoo: This is stupid! You can suddenly arrange a marriage for me without even telling me a thing about it? And have I told you that I don't want to be with Rose, not even in a simple friend relationship, never! We're enemies! i don't want you to use me for money Auntie, this is too much, you're not being fair!

Auntie: Life is never fair

KyungSoo: I'm tired how none of my friends and all the close people I know, including all those fans at our school, they can hate (YourName) when I'm with her, but when I'm with Rose, they're not sending hate or anything, they even ship us and it's really not fair like that! What has (YourName) done to you? What is so different about her and Rose?

Auntie: She has control over things

KyungSoo: you only want money.. but have you ever thought about personality or me being happy? Only (YourName) understands me, she always make me laugh and smile through my hardest times. She's been there for me not like anyone else. She was different, she stood out to me. I felt like I owed her so much, everyday I would do my best to save her from Rose bullying her. I felt like I was in debt because she was so nice to me, she was jsut amazing. Honestly, she's chnaged me so much, to another person, not just any person but a person I want to be. Not a player, not one who brags about what they own because there's no point in all that. We originally were two differeny worlds but now she's brought me to her world and I feel more like a useful person. Someone I always wanted to be.

I walk to where (YourName) was sitting and I took her by the hands and hugged her tight and whispered 'I love you'

...To Be Continued~~~

Sorry I haven't been posting! I've been busy these days~ Hope you like this chapter and the story! Have a wonderful day~~

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