Thelma And Louise

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Leaning against the green jeep, Stefan kept his eyes glued to the airport exit as he waited for his girlfriend to finally make an appearance.

Despite the fact it had barely been 18 hours since he had seen her, he just had a feeling in his gut that something had gone wrong. While he had no doubt that she had managed to save the world, he was just worried about her physical state.

Hearing a familiar click of heels exiting the building, Stefan found himself frozen as he finally caught sight of Buffy.

All of his worry and fear suddenly confirmed as he took in her injuries.

She was limping, favoring her left sight, massive bruises covering half of her face...and worst of all, her right arm was in a sling.

In less than a second he was in front of her, pulling her into his arms. Clutching onto her so tight as a way to convince himself that she was alive and safe in his arms.

Buffy wrapped her good arm around his neck tightly, holding onto him just as tight as she hid her face into the crook of his neck "I'm okay." She whispered softly "I'm okay."

Instead of answering, Stefan pulled back from the hug, scanning her injuries one last time before shocking her by swooping her up into his arms.

One arm rested under her legs and the other held her back as he carried her bridal style to the jeep.

Buffy couldn't help but laugh at the action as she quickly wrapped her good arm around his neck, gripping him tightly. Though she doubted she weighed much to him.

It was probably like lifting up a box of feathers to Stefan.

'"Stefan, I can walk." She reminded him through her giggles. Her legs had been surprisingly the only part of her body that wasn't horribly bruised.

Stefan shook his head as he continued to carry her to the jeep, he had no intention of putting her down anytime soon "Nope. You are officially under your worried boyfriend's care." He argued placing a soft kiss on her forehead as he adjusted her in his arms so that he could open the passenger door.

Buffy giggled slightly before using her left hand to bring his lips to hers, kissing him with as much love and compassion as she could possibly muster together.

Even if sometimes his concern was a little annoying, she loved how much he cared. 

Pulling back from the kiss, she couldn't help but grin smugly at the dazed look in his eyes "So Mr. Salvatore, are you going to be carrying me everything?"

Stefan just smirked down at her "Is that a problem?"

"Nope! Onwards Dr. Boyfriend!"

MYSTIC FALLS, VIRGINIADamon needed to talk to Buffy

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Damon needed to talk to Buffy.

It had been almost 20 hours since their kiss on the porch and he had still yet to get it out of his mind. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about it.

Desperate to speak to her, before she spoke to Stefan, he made his way through the halls of the hospital in hopes that she had finally gotten back to Mystic Falls.

Or at least that one of her friends knew how long it would be until she returned.

A part of him though was hoping she wasn't back yet because that would mean he could intersect her before Stefan picked her up from the airport.

He had tried calling her, but sure enough, she was either ignoring his calls or her phone was on airplane mode.

He was hoping it was the latter of the two.

Spotting Elena and Bonnie hovering outside one of the rooms, which he could only assume was Caroline's, he quickly strolled over to them. Forcing their conversation to a sudden halt.

"Where's Buffy?" He asked Elena, not even bothering to acknowledge Bonnie "I need to talk to her..." trailing off when he spotted Elena raise an eyebrow he quickly cleared his throat awkwardly "...about something."

Of course, Buffy wouldn't mention their kiss to Elena.

Elena was too moral not to tell Stefan.

Elena just rolled her eyes as she waved him off "Stefan is picking her up from the airport now." 

As she turned back to Bonnie, Damon clicked his jaw in frustration. 

If Buffy was already with Stefan, there was no way she would give him to time of day to talk about everything that had happened between them.

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