The Dance From Hell

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Walking through the small graveyard on the edge of Mystic Falls, Buffy continued tracking a good old-fashioned dusty variety vampire.

She had to admit, she was actually enjoying the peace and quiet of patrol. With all the drama going on with the Klaus situation, it felt nice to get back to her normal routine.

Especially hunting a dusty vampire, rather than a magically upgraded one.

Coming up behind the vampire, Buffy tapped his shoulder causing him to gasp as he turned to her, playing up the human role to a tee.

"Looking for me?" She questioned with an innocent smile on her face.

The vampire sputtered "Holy—what do you want?"

He needed some serious acting classes if he was going to be running playing human.

Buffy rolled her eyes at the dramatics and swung out her fist.

His head violently snapped to the side.

"Hey!" He exclaimed before turning back toward her.

The sight of his real face brought an excited grin to Buffy's lips "Look who's home?" 

"Slayer." He hissed just as Buffy jabbed a fist towards his stomach which he quickly blocked with both hands causing Buffy to grin. Taking the opportunity she swung up her left hand, slamming it across his face.

The vampire growled before he threw his fist out at her but Buffy easily ducked out of the way "Why don't you just go back where you came from?" He snapped as she continued to duck blow after blow with ease "Things were great before you came."

Buffy glared at him before swinging her leg around and knocking him to the ground. He was back on his feet quickly but as he threw a sloppy punch her way, she easily captured his wrist and twisted it sharply, sending him flying through the air as she launched him.

He flipped through the air and landed painfully on his back.

As he tried to get back up, Buffy grabbed him from behind keeping her arm wrapped tightly around his neck "And they say one person can't make a difference." She snarked before driving the stake through his back.

Straight into his heart.

Nothing but dust.

Buffy grinned before slapping the specks of dust from her hands. Placing her stake in her pocket she moved to head back to her car only to freeze.

She could feel a weird sensation running down her spine, turning her head Buffy couldn't help but examine the trees around her.

She didn't know why but she felt like someone was watching her. Yet despite that, she didn't feel in danger.

Typically, when she felt someone spying on her darkness would spread down her spine and she would be filled with unease.

Looking around Buffy sighed, there was no one else here. Shaking her head she tried to force down the feeling as she started her trek back home.

She had enough problems at the moment, this did not get to be one of them.

However, as she walked off she didn't spot the figure watching her from the shadows, his familiar eyes following her every movement.

Familiar eyes that Once Upon a Time... she had loved more than anything.

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