Comes And Goes In Waves

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"Where is she?"

Damon's question gave Elena pause.

For the past few days, she had narrowly managed to avoid having to explain why Buffy was suddenly not answering calls and texts. It was easy with some of their friends except for maybe Bonnie who had been more worried than most. After a Facetime call with Buffy though, where the Slayer had explained that she had gone to see Angel, the witch had calmed down a little.

Angel and Buffy had spent the past few days just the pair of them bar-hopping in Chicago while he helped her deal with her upgrade. Making their way through to some of his demon contacts who had some theories about her new abilities.

At least that was what Buffy had told Elena during their catch-up call when Buffy had confirmed she would return the following day.

Yep, it was almost mid-day and Buffy had yet to make her appearance.

And as expected after three days of radio silence, Damon and Stefan were no longer buying her tale that Buffy just needed a couple of days of peace at the lake house.

With the brothers' eyes still glued to her, Elena rubbed her hands together nervously, trying to avoid their stares as she continued to eye the front door. Praying for Buffy to finally walk in and save her from having to deal with this conversation "She said she would be here by now."

"Why did she leave town anyway?" Stefan asked curiously.

He and Damon had been left completely in the dark when it came to Buffy's sudden disappearance. Only having learned of it the morning after when they had come over intent on talking through their plan to deal with Klaus and Mikael.

It just didn't make sense.

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out what would have driven Buffy to just take off. Especially with her friends from Sunnydale in town, normally when she used to disappear it was because of Sunnydale drama.

Yet they were here...and she wasn't.

Knowing that she couldn't hold off much longer given that Damon looked ready to rip her throat out and Stefan looked like he was about to have a nervous breakdown, Elena gulped nervously.

She was seriously cursing her sister in her mind right now.

Buffy so owed her for this.

"She got a phone call the other night and next thing we knew she was heading out of town."

Damon frowned at the weak explanation. Elena really wasn't the best liar. Anyone who knew Buffy, knew that she wasn't the type to just drop everything and run off without a good reason "Who called her?" He pushed.

Elena rolled her eyes slightly under Damon's glare. Glancing once more at the front door, she finally sighed in defeat "Angel. She went to see Angel."

That was certainly one way to get the Salvatore brothers to shut up.

 The pair of them glanced at each other, blinking rapidly as though they had misheard before turning back to the brunette with wide eyes.


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Instead of her plan of a night in bed with her fried chicken where she could digest the confusing emotions that had been awakened after her visit with Angel, Buffy had been summoned to the boarding house.

Adjusting the box of chicken in her arms as she pushed open the front door and found herself frozen in the entry.

Her feet refused to let her step further into the Salvatore home.

Her body was practically screaming at her to go home, screaming that she wasn't ready to face anyone after her emotional weekend.

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