Nevertheless, She Persisted

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At the sound of glass shattering loudly, Elena screamed, instantly shooting up in bed as the glass that had been thrown at her fell in pieces around her bed.

Gasping loudly in a panic as a shard of broken glass cut her cheek, she winced slightly before glancing over to see who had done it only for her eyes to widen as she spotted the culprit.


Buffy was standing at the foot of her bed, with a furious look on her face.

Elena who was still hyperventilating, turned to her sister who was still hidden in the shadows "Buffy, what the hell!?"

"Do you know what you did?" Buffy asked ignoring Elena's question "You filthy little bitch you caused this!"

Elena's eyes widened in shock and horror.

Never in her entire life had Buffy scared her, till this moment.

It's like she was possessed or something. She was acting like a completely different person.

"You should be dead!" Buffy screamed,"You cause death like a revolving door!"

Elena sputtered slightly but before she could do anything else Buffy grabbed the flower pot off the side table and launched it at her causing a scream to erupt from Elena as she covered her head with her arms to avoid getting hurt.

As the pot shattered above her head Elena tilted her head to look at her sister in horror.

"You have more blood on your hands than any of us! You are stained! You're going to kill again! You're a killer! You are death!"

As she continued, Elena felt tears prickling her eyes but she shook her head refusing to let them fall. She was stronger than that. Quickly crawling across her bed she switched on the light just as Jeremy and Alaric kicked open her door, both with guns in their hands.

"Elena!" Jeremy exclaimed as he quickly rushed over to his sister in a panic.

He had heard her screaming and had panicked.

He couldn't lose her.

As Jeremy examined her for injuries Elena just frowned in confusion. The second light had filled the room Buffy had disappeared.

What the hell was happening?!

Gulping, she quickly glanced down at her sheets only to spot them twisted up around her.

"There's no glass." She breathed out as she stared at the bed in confusion.

It was like it had never happened, which made no sense.

It had been real, the glass had been real.

She could feel it.

"Elena?" Alaric asked as he lowered his gun and turned to the clearly terrified young woman "What happened?"

Elena shook her head slightly as she moved to sit on the edge of her bed "Buffy." She whispered, "She was screaming at me, she threw glass but..."

At her statement, Jeremy glanced at her bed before frowning at the lack of glass.

There was nothing there.

Turning to Alaric for help, Jeremy sighed as Alaric just shrugged, rubbing his tired eyes with the back of his hands.

"Elena, I just checked on Buffy a second ago. She's asleep." Alaric assured her.

He and Jeremy had spent all night camped outside of Buffy's bedroom door with their weapons ready just in case someone came for her.

They hadn't left their spot in hours.

There was no way Buffy had left her room.

Elena frowned in confusion before shaking her head.

It hadn't been a dream she was sure of it.

"You didn't hear it?"

Jeremy shook his head "No. Hear what?"

Elena sighed running a hand through her hair as she tried to think. How the hell was she supposed to explain this?

It felt like something they would have dealt with in Sunnydale, not Mystic Falls.
" looked like Buffy, it was screaming at me. Telling me I was death...I..."

"Maybe it was a dream." Ric offered but instantly Elena shook her head.

After a year in Sunnydale, she could tell the difference between a supernatural occurrence and a dream.

"It wasn't a dream." Elena stated strongly before standing "I'm sure of it."

Leaning against the wall for support, Elena froze, her eyes widening in horror as she spotted something crawling on the wall.

It was as though a large creature was just underneath the wallpaper.

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