Something In The Way You Move

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Caroline and Buffy had been making the most out of their trip to New York, while originally they had just planned to go to a Broadway show then the Showcase, they had quickly drifted away from that plan.

The second they had gotten off the plane, which Caroline had used compulsion to get them First Class seats, they had gone crazy.

Their simple trip had spiraled out of control.

Not only had they gotten through every store in Manhatten, but they had also gone to Juilliard to give Caroline the chance to see their post-grade department.

Caroline was a drama major after all and even though she was just a sophomore, she was already planning five years ahead.

Clearly, going to see Cats had gotten Caroline into planning mode for her future Broadway career.

"You ready?" Caroline chimed excitedly as she looped her arm through Buffy's. They had just finished their lunch at Rockefeller Center and now there was no more postponing the inventible.

They were finally going to the showcase where Buffy's work was being displayed.

Caroline wasn't an idiot, she knew Buffy was terrified and had been trying to distract her in hopes she would forget about the showcase.

In no way was that going to happen!

Buffy gulped, as utter terror spread through her chest "Um, I think we are underdressed."

Given they were both in fancy cocktail dresses and had spent the morning at a salon getting blowouts, that was actually impossible unless this showcase turned out to be like the Mikaelson ball in Mystic Falls.

Before Buffy could bolt, Caroline giggled before grabbing her hand and hauling her down the street "No, we look amazing. Now come on."

Just as they reached the entrance to the museum, Caroline squeezed Buffy's hand supportively "It's just one piece in a showcase." She reminded Buffy, trying to soothe the panic before Buffy ran like hell.

As they entered the hall, Caroline quickly grabbed two glasses of champagne handing one to Buffy who quickly downed it.

She seriously needed the liquid courage right now.

Given the piece selected was a physical reminder of heaven, it was one of her most prized sketches.

What if everyone hated it?

What if she got laughed out of the showcase?

"Care...this is like a future thing. A planning thing. Slayers don't do planning, we do death-"

"And now you are immortal." Caroline reminded her sharply as she handed Buffy another glass of champagne before the two of them entered the busy hall filled with a range of students and art curators "The White Oak stake is gone. No more fear. You are going to get to have a life. Time to start living it."

Buffy smiled softly at the warmth that Caroline vibrated.

Even if Caroline could be a little abrasive, when she cared about someone she did it with her whole heart.

However, she also had a habit of drawing unwanted attention. The second they spotted Buffy's name under one of the canvases where her sketch was being displayed, Caroline screeched.

Buffy groaned, quickly hiding her face behind her purse as Caroline threw an arm around her, clearly more excited than a mother whose little girl had just won a beauty contest.

"This is my godsisters work!"

Buffy downed her glass of champagne "Oh God."


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