How Do I Say Goodbye?

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A/N: A very long chapter which I normally would split in two but this one didn't feel right as two parts.

Hopefully, you guys don't mind how long it is.



It was official.

Buffy was going to kill Damon!

Storming down the stairs of the Boarding House, her scythe gripped tightly in her right hand, she narrowed her gaze as she spotted him tossing Vaughn The Cure. What the hell was he doing? Why in the hell would he do that?

Jumping over the bannister, Buffy ignored the look of disgust Vaughn shot her, her eyes glued to Damon. Specifically, the way his eyes twitched.

Uh oh.

Damon had his plan face on. The issue? Damon sucked at making plans! If she had a dollar for every plan he had either messed up or ended up ruining she would be a millionaire!

"Damon, no. You're not good at stuff like this!"

Damon just smirked at her as he grabbed a shovel and started shoving Vaughn forward "Don't know what you mean Bubbles, I'm great at everything."

Letting out a frustrated growl, Buffy quickly blocked the vampire and hunter, the tip of her axe pressing into Damon's neck making it clear not to move an inch. Sure enough, he froze, his eyes glued to the weapon that could kill him in about a million different ways. Given that he had seen what she had done to Caleb when he went to help Stefan get rid of the body, he in no way wanted that thing cutting him up. Plus, the one time he had seen her cut a guy in half when they were saving Stefan from the tomb vampires, she had started from his balls!

Damon did not want to lose those!


Buffy just grinned, her eyes twinkling innocently "STEFAN!" She yelled at the top of her lungs "Damon's dying and won't let me save his life. So I'm just gonna behead him. That's okay right?!"

"You are snitching on me to my baby brother?" Damon grumbled, his voice laced with annoyance as a now very confused and concerned Stefan rushed into the room, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of the trio by the door in a standoff. 

Buffy had an axe to Damon's neck, Vaughn was glaring at her from behind him but what caught Stefan's attention was the object in the hunter's palm.

The Cure.

"What's going on here?"

Damon just rolled his eyes trying not to flinch as he felt the tip of Buffy's axe press further into his skin "You know, just digging up Silas."

Horrible plan, the worst plan ever.

As Stefan's eyes widened in horror, Damon just shrugged before quickly turning to Buffy and pinching her side, causing her to yelp in shock at the sudden childish movement. Luckily a second was all Damon needed and the second he felt the blade move away from him, he grabbed Vaughn.

As air brushed past her, Buffy flailed her arms around in annoyance.

Damon and Vaughn were gone.

"If the venom doesn't kill him, I will." Buffy warned Stefan as she moved over to him, her fingers quickly moving to her phone, once again trying to get ahold of Klaus who was still probably getting grilled by her mother.

Spotting the panicked look on Stefan's face the second she said venom, Buffy sighed quickly squeezing his arm "We will help him, don't worry." She assured him in a soft soothing tone knowing he would be panicked about losing his brother.

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