Enemy Turf

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"I do feel a little guilty for whiskey dialing her at 2 in the morning."

At Alaric's words, Elena shook her head trying desperately not to laugh.

On the list of things you were not meant to do when drunk, calling your current or ex-girlfriend was number one.

Drunk dialing never ended well.

"No, you didn't."

Alaric groaned "Oh yes I did."

Elena couldn't help but shake her head in amusement "Ooh. Was she cool about it?"

"Well, as soon as these aspirin kick in and I remember the conversation I'll let you know."

Elena laughed, if there was one positive with having Alaric here it was that he was truly entertaining.

Before she could say another word however the doorbell echoed through the house. Effectively saving Alaric from any more taunting and mocking.

Opening the front door, Elena froze as she spotted the Sheriff standing outside pacing along the front porch.

Stepping onto the porch, Elena offered Caroline's mother a smile "Sheriff Forbes, Hi. Is everything ok?"

Sheriff Forbes sighed "This is an unconventional conversation we're about to have, so I hope you'll protect me on it."

Alaric nodded as he moved to Elena's side "Of course."

Liz sighed there was really no good way to explain this "I assume you heard the medical examiner was murdered the night of the Wickery Bridge Fundraiser."

"Yeah, Brian Walters. Why?"

Liz shifted her focus to Elena "We've been investigating." Slowly she revealed the blood-covered stake currently in the evidence bag from the crime scene "Someone drove this stake through his heart."

Had there been a different set of fingerprints on the stake, she probably wouldn't be revealing this.

Alaric frowned, there was something so familiar about the stake.

Taking the bag from the Sheriff his eyes widened at the sight of it close up "It's one of ours. This is one from the set from your parent's lake house." He realized as he turned to Elena who was staring at the stake with wide eyes.

That wasn't possible.

She was extremely careful with all of her weapons. If one had been taken she would have noticed.


"That's why I'm here." Liz told them "I haven't told anyone, but forensics ran it for prints and found only two clean sets." Slowly her eyes shifted to Elena "Yours and Buffy's."

Elena's eyes widened in astonishment.

That couldn't be possible.

She hadn't killed anyone...but what if Buffy had?


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"So you and Buffster are the prime suspects, huh?" Damon asked Elena as he and Buffy made their way through the large garden on their way to meet a certain well-dressed Original.

At his nickname for her, Buffy slapped Damon in the stomach only making him glare at her before the two continued to listen to Elena's explanation. 

"She doesn't think I did it...Buffy maybe but Liz doubts it.

Clearly, it wasn't Liz that had suggested that it might have been Buffy who killed the medical examiner.

"She's just trying to find out why someone used one of my weapons to kill a council member."

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