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Leaning against the kitchen sink, Buffy couldn't help but rub her head in frustration. 

She had another flash right after she woke up which left her pretty much feeling like she had been run over by a truck on repeat for two hours. 

Wiping the blood that was dripping down her nose with a tissue, Buffy groaned before moving to the cupboard. She needed aspirin, lots and lots of aspirin.

Yanking open the cupboard, she sighed in relief as she grabbed the bottle before moving to grab a glass of water.

Downing a few pills, she exhaled in worry as she glanced down at the bloody tissue in her hands. 

She just didn't understand what was happening to her, the visions hadn't been too bad at first but they had progressively grown worse over the past few months.

Ever since her birthday, every flash had left her a bloody coughing mess.


Jumping slightly, startled at the sound of Jeremy's voice, Buffy quickly wiped the rest of the blood from her nose before hiding the tissue behind her back as she turned to face her brother.

"Hey—Hi—Hey." She stuttered as she subtly tucked the bottle of aspirin into the utensil drawer. 

While she didn't want to hide anything from Jeremy, she also didn't want to worry him. At least not until she knew if it was something to be concerned about.

There was just so much going on already.

Her own troubles could wait a while.

Frowning at her weird morning attitude, Jeremy made his way over to the coffee pot "Yeah you said that already." He mumbled watching her closely. 

Buffy was definitely acting stranger than normal.

Buffy chuckled nervously as she made her way to the fridge "Yeah well you know silly me. Morning."

Raising an eyebrow in her direction, Jeremy couldn't help but be skeptical, Buffy wasn't a morning person, this was weird even for her. 

"Yeah, sure."


Nodding, Jeremy moved to fill another cup of coffee sliding it over to Buffy before moving to sit at the counter, not noticing the way Buffy was sneaking the bloody tissue into her bag.

Just as she zipped her bag close, Elena stepped into the room, rubbing her eyes sleepily "Morning." She mumbled before grabbing Jeremy's cup of coffee, and downing it in one go causing the youngest of their clan to moan in annoyance.

While Jeremy moved to get another cup, Buffy turned to Elena with a bright smile on her face "Hey. So what do we want for breakfast? I can make cereal."

Jeremy chuckled in amusement as he made his way to the fridge "Making cereal is not making breakfast. We've explained this to you before. You're as bad as Jenna was when it comes to cooking."

Yanking the whisk out of the cooking supplies, Buffy waved it around, wielding it like a sword.

She was The Slayer, she could cook if she tried hard enough. 

"Am not! I am the queen of cereal making."

"Yeah, sure." Jeremy muttered sarcastically before turning to glance at Elena, a hopeful gaze filling his eyes.

Knowing exactly what that look meant, Elena groaned before moving to grab the eggs out of the fridge "I'll make pancakes."

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