Tearing The Last Thread

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With her old chalk set from Elijah resting on her lap, Buffy continued to outline the image of the cave that had been haunting her dreams lately. A cave that seemed impossibly large, filled with what seemed like an army of millions of demon-type creatures.

They kind of looked like vampires but not at the same time.

Their faces were more distorted and crinkled, their teeth sharper, and their claws terrifyingly long.

They were creepy.

What was creepier though were The Bringers she kept drawing, positioning them right in front of the army.

Bringers that she had only seen in one of her fake memories from Klaus.

But then again, Mary had said that the memories given to her were supposed to be the path her life actually took before her fate was messed with. Did that mean that every fake memory was layered with the truth?

Even the memories which didn't include her friends around her?

Did that mean The First and The Bringers were real?

Letting out a small frustrated growl, Buffy placed the sketch pad down before laying back on the couch. Her focus was Silas for the time being, she could panic about the possibility of The First Evil later.

One apocalypse at a time was all she could handle right now.

Listening out, Buffy couldn't help but roll her eyes as she heard Klaus making fun of Damon's current predicament. Of course, he was making fun of Damon.

Klaus and Damon were both little shit-stirrers, it was incredibly annoying.

Unable to get comfortable, Buffy turned onto her side, cuddling the soft pillow as she allowed her mind to focus on the little girl that was kicking her bladder again.

The thought of her upcoming attempt at motherhood sent her mind drifting back to her own mom. Liz mentioning her today had been a sweet thing, but it just reminded Buffy how much she wished her mom was here.

Would her daughter get her natural straight blonde hair or her mother's crazy curls?

Would she be more of a strawberry blonde like Jenna?

Or would she have dark hair like a lot of the Mikaelson family seemed to inherit?

Truthfully, Buffy kind of hoped Joy got her namesake's crazy curls.

While she had people like Liz and Sandra here to help prepare her for motherhood, offering her advice, it didn't stop Buffy from wishing her own mother was here to contribute to the conversation.

To know her granddaughter.

Her depressing thoughts were quickly stripped away as her phone started ringing, offering her a momentary distraction from her pointless desire to see her mother again.

Her mom was dead and she had been human.

Her mom was at peace.

Spotting her old Watcher's name she smiled "This is Louise. Darling." She screeched into the phone.

"Oh dear lord, Buffy."

"I'll be coming round the dinner singing songs."

"I see pregnancy has not matured your state of language."

"Not even a little." Buffy laughed, slightly relieved that Giles finally knew about her pregnancy. Once Xander had found out, everyone who had been left in the dark from the scoobies had found out. Making all of the work Willow and Tara had done to keep the secret pretty much pointless.

According to Willow, when she called Giles, he promptly fainted the second the words, Buffy is pregnant left her mouth.

Another notch for the Giles knock-out counter.

"What's up Watcher man?"

"I spoke to a contact of mine. He may have an idea of this Caleb. He seems to believe Caleb was a defrocked priest and serial killer responsible for the deaths of at least two girls."

Buffy winced at that, this guy was more psycho than she had thought. Sitting up, she grabbed her shoes struggling to slip them on as she continued to listen to Giles explain who this contact was and what he might possibly have on Caleb.

Once she knew more about what he wanted other than to keep Shane breathing, which was not okay with her, it might make defeating him easier.

"Cool, where am I meeting him?"

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