Damsel In Distress

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A slumber party had definitely been the best idea that they had in months.

Despite the fact the four girls were squished on Caroline's bed with barely any room to move, it was probably Buffy's best night's sleep in weeks.

However, as the sound of a phone ringing filled the room all four girls let out a groan of annoyance before Caroline turned over, pushing Buffy sending her rolling off the bed and onto the floor.

Huffing as she landed on the floor, the barely awake blonde grumbled in annoyance as she glared over at the vampire "I'm still not at full strength you know." She reminded her before crawling over to the table and grabbing her still-ringing phone.


At the sound of Buffy answering the phone so early in the morning, disrupting their sleep, the three other girls moaned loudly.

They all exclaimed at the same time causing Buffy to groan.

She so did not need to invoke anger from those three tired girls, it would not end well for anyone.

For her own safety, Buffy crawled into the hall and leaned back against the wall as she brought the phone to her ear.

"How was the slumber party?"

At the sound of Stefan's voice, Buffy smiled "It was good. However, getting shoved out of bed by a tired vampire... not so much fun, especially when my powers still aren't back to full blast. But otherwise, very much needed." Slowly a small cheeky smirk covered her face "When can you and I have one? That is also very much needed."

At her question, Buffy could practically hear the smile gracing his lips as he answered.

Clearly, he was a big fan of that idea.

Especially, since they still had over a month before the two of them rushed off to Greece.

"Hmm. That can be arranged." 

Buffy laughed softly "Thank God. Now. Today. Get me the hell out of here."

"Even with everything that's going on?"

Buffy sighed softly. If anything with everything going on, this was more than needed.

"Well, I'm still weak so I need time to regain my strength. And with everything that's going on, little old me needs a break. Look, Elena is going to be spending the weekend with Liam, if she gets to have a nice break, I want one too."

"And you're sure this has nothing to do with you freaking out by the fact your powers are gone while Elijah is still running around."

That was exactly the issue.

Buffy had no interest in being a damsel in distress but for the time being, she was more useless than nipples on a man "It has everything to do with that. Right now I'm useless. Plus, if I'm around John any longer, who by the way helped the council spy on me, I may go insane."

Stefan let out a small chuckle at her words "Well, in that case, where would you like to go?"

Buffy frowned for a moment before her eyes widened as she thought about the one place, they could go to. Where they wouldn't have to deal with any of this crap.

Completely solitude and no stress.

Typically her answer would have been Williamsburg, but she didn't want to worry Sandra and the elderly woman would certainly panic at the sight of her bruises and still taped-up forehead.

Without hesitation, Buffy spun around glancing at her half-asleep cousin "Elena dibs on the lake house."

Elena's eyes slammed open and she shot up in bed, knocking Caroline off the bed next.

Buffy barked out a laugh.


Elena just continued to stare at Buffy in horror, had been planning to go there this weekend. She couldn't do another weekend in Liam's dorm room with his roommate "What? But—"

Buffy simply pointed up her busted-up face before narrowing her eyes.  Making it clear that she wasn't going to give it up, and given how stubborn Buffy was Elena could only huff at her loss.

There would be no winning this argument.

"Fine. So guess I'm stuck in his smelly dorm room, that's just great." 

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