3 Schools And Counting

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The first day of school always sucked.

Being the new girl sucked. Yet it was a part that Buffy had played before. She could only hope that the third time was the charm.
Though given Mystic Falls was the gossip capital of the word she doubted her first day would go well.

It would probably be public knowledge that orphan Summers was repeating Junior year because she had been kicked out of yet another school.

She had gotten kicked out of Hemery halfway through her sophomore year.

Kicked out of Sunnydale before her junior year was finished.

The fact that she was on her third school would make her the new interesting piece of hot gossip. People would speculate, she wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to find out what happened to get her kicked out.

This was exactly what she had been hoping to avoid. It was why she had decided to get her GED instead. The sucky part was, if it had taken Liz another month or two to find her she would have been done with High School.
If she ever found out who had sold her out and sentenced her to another two years of high school she was going to kill them.

While Elena had suggested that Buffy play nice and plaster on a smile, she was seriously contemplating starting a fight till she got kicked out.

Maybe she could light the gym on fire. That had certainly worked in the past.

Putting the idea on the back burner for now to avoid the wrath of Jenna, Buffy finally entered the kitchen.

The makeup on her cheeks hid the bags under her eyes.

Jenna was standing by the fridge, in a frantic state. The first day of school was a stress ball for this entire family "Toast. I can make toast."

Elena simply reached for the coffee "It's all about the coffee Aunt, Jenna. Morning Buffy."

As Elena handed her a cup of coffee, Buffy almost moaned at the sensation, slowly feeling her tiredness fade away. Coffee had slowly become her best friend over the past few months.

It was all about the coffee...plus, Jenna was not a genius in the kitchen and she would probably burn the toast. Coffee and a donut would do just fine.

While Buffy made her way to the bag of donuts, Jeremy entered the room quickly catching a donut as she tossed him one.

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy grumbled, ruffling Buffy's hair before taking a bite of the donut.

Quickly fixing her now ruined hair, Buffy glared up at him slapping his arm. If there was one thing you didn't do to a girl in the morning...it was mess with her freshly done hair.

"Your first day of school. And I'm totally unprepared." Jenna groaned before she grabbed some money out of her purse holding it out toward the three kids under her care "Lunch money?"

Buffy merely shook her head waving Jenna off as she downed her second cup of coffee. She was still half asleep unlike the rest of her family who had slept last night.

She had been wandering around the graveyard till sunrise...again.

Averaging two hours of sleep a night was really starting to mess with her. She needed to find something that would hopefully keep the nightmares away.

Hence her text to Willow this morning to see if there was some witchy herb tea that would help.

Jenna who was still rushing around huffed as she remembered yet another thing she had forgotten. Another thing on her seemingly endless list.

Running a hand through her hair in a panic she turned to Buffy "Ok Buffy, remember you have a meeting with the principal before class. After what happened in L.A. than in Sunnydale, he insisted on meeting you just to set some ground rules."


She could assume it was going to the normal routine.

1. Do not set buildings on fire.

2. Do not attack teachers with violence.

3. Do not attack fellow students with violence.

4. Do not beat up a cop on school grounds.

"Let me guess, Miss Summers, we have eyes on you!" She snickered before glancing at Elena "Who knew getting kicked out of two schools would cause this much trouble, and here I thought I would be considered the perfect student."

The sarcasm laced in her voice was thick, and while Elena busted out in giggles, Jenna clenched her jaw. Buffy was seriously stressing her out with all of these jokes about being a criminal.

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