Matador de Toros: Khushi

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Arnav POV
"Good. I like it. Did you see this Aman? Mr. Khanna is not only on time but he has also reserved a table for us. In a far away corner of the diner. So that we can enjoy complete privacy. Interesting."
I said in my usual facade. The one which indimidates and scares others. My demeanor makes me what everyone fears the most - ASR.
"You are right ASR." Aman said casually. The 3 lettered abbreviation which changed the look of Khanna's face altogether.

" are...A..S...R....ASR..the most dangerous....Mafia lord..?!?" Hmmm. And that is all it took to make him squirm and sweat profusely.
"Here. Have some water. You look a bit flushed." I commented without looking away from the glass of water.
Nervous and shaky hands took the glass from my hand. All the confidence that he had shown during our meetings and phone conversations vanished all of sudden.
"Listen Khanna. I dont like repeating things. That is not my style. You are aware about the rumors surrounding my name...right? Anyways. The solution is pretty simple. All I need is a signature of yours on these documents. And then you will be set free from this problem." I suggested gesturing towards the papers kept on the table.

"I...I...was not aware...I...please...I am ready. I...I will sign the hotel papers right away." Khanna quickly snatched the pen from the table and signed the legal documents stating my ownership over the hotel.
"It is your lucky day Khanna. ASR never offers second chances. Go from here and do not show your face again...ever." Aman said with a slight smirk.
"But...but...what about mother? Please...let her...let her go...please.."
Khanna stuttered in fear.
"The old age home is not too far away from here. She is just taking a walk with my men. Go and save her. Your time starts now. Tick tock." I said pointing at my watch.

Poor fellow ran away like a deer who had just seen a lion.
"Too mousy huh.." Aman joked.
"Whatever." I said checking my phone.
"You mind if I order some coffee?" Aman asked.
"Lets make that 2 shall we?" I said with a nod.

A dusky skined waitress came to take our order. Aman dealt with her while I answered a few official mails. Few minutes passed by and I was totally engrossed on my phone.
One of my men called me. Hmmm why is he calling me now...

Khushi POV
"2 coffees. 1 with lots of milk and the other black without sugar. Hehehe. One is full of life and the other is totally boring." I said while making the order.
"And...why do you say that Koko?" Lavanya asked me curiously.
"Its so obvious Lolo. Just look at the two orders together. One cup bright and colorful and the other one is lifeless. You know I could actually be a palm reader. Or should I say coffee reader?" I said laughingly.
"Okay my coffee reader now let me take the order quickly." Saying that she winked and walked away towards the table at the far end of the diner. Which was not visible much from here.

After a minute I heard a loud noise of coffee mugs shattering on the floor.
Uh oh...Did Lolo loose her balance or something? I shoud go and check.
I quickly left the counter after making sure that no new customers are waiting for me.
On reaching the table I realized two things. One. Lolo. My bestie was in tears. Two. A man in his late twenties along with his friend stood there screaming at her. But after hearing his insults and words my body and mind lost control. And all the words of Uncle Tom about friendliness and customer service disappeared in thin air. Only one thing remained...

The Matador de Toros has found the Bull.

Arnav POV
"How dare you Vikram? Who gave you the right to decide anything on my behalf?!?" I roared in anger after hearing how one wrong decision of his has caused me a big loss. This tender was supposed to be mine. My first stage of getting closer to my enemy. And he took that away from me...ughhhh. I will torture him to no end...
I screamed in my phone with hopes to break his eardrums.
"You made a BLUNDER..DAMN IT!!!!" And at that very moment the waitress arrived with our order and dropped her tray. Causing a mess on my shoes.
I quickly cut the call and took out all my frustration and anger on her.

"YOU!!!!....DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID???? DO YOU..." my voice echoed in the entire diner.
"" She stammered like a fool.
"Its fine you can go." Aman tried to handle the situation. But my anger knew no bounds.
I screamed again at her.
" startled me..." She said in tears now.
I was about to leave from this god damn diner when a a voice stopped me.

"Lanvanya Kashyap. You did nothing wrong. So there is no need to cry. And you Mr. Mannerless-Ego-Freak...instead of APOLOGIZING to my co-worker you have the audacity to runaway from this place?"
Hearing this new voice something snapped inside me. How dare she talk to me like that. I turned around to see who in this world had the courage to speak in this manner to me..the menacing ASR.

Two big Caramel eyes filled with fire stood staring back at me. Neither my appearance nor my expression made her blink. That never happened ever. Strange.
"Did you just ask me to APOLOGIZE?...ME?" I said in the most intimidating and harsh way.

"YES. I DID. My friend here just got startled with the way you were snarling on the phone. So it was a mistake. Just a mistake. And she has apologized for the same. And what did you say a minute ago? Yeah. If she does not know her job then why does she work here? Well she and the rest of us work here to become independent. To survive in this world which has not blessed all of us in the way you have been blessed. We work here so that RICH and SNOBBISH PEOPLE LIKE YOU CAN COME AND ENJOY YOUR DAY. YOU DEPEND ON OUR SERVICES. AND NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND. Got it Mister. And we dont need your money or tips. Thank you for making our day. Hope to see you again Sir."

No one EVER spoke to me like that. And this mere waitress has said so much without a pause. And all of it is true. There is no doubt about it. But my ego did not allow me to say sorry to her crying friend. I kept glaring at her but she returned my glare and anger with no fear.
"YOU..." I started again but then Aman intervened.
"Let it go. Leave it. Let it go." And saying that he dragged me away from the restaurant. But my eyes did not leave hers till the end. And she matched my anger by keeping her eyes on me while consoling her friend.

Khushi POV
"Shhhh. Lolo. Babes. Its ok." I tried to calm her down. That good for nothing arrogant snob...that BULL. He made me go beserk with his words. How dare he harrass my girl.
"I am..fine...I am fine." She tried to settle down a bit wiping her tears.
Currently we were in the washroom. And seeing her tears I felt like going back and  finishing off that good for nothing...Bull.

Thankfully Uncle Tom was out for a meeting and there were only two more customers who ignored what happened a while ago.
"I am fine dude. Seriously. And thanks a lot. The way you fought for me. That arrogant man deserved it." Lolo said with a smile on her face.
"That he did." I muttered.
"Rich and snobbish...really Koko?"
Saying that Lolo laughed out loud. And I soon followed her. We were now in tears and sitting on the washroom floor trying to control ourselves. And I felt happy seeing her laugh wholeheartedly after crying for long.

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