My girl My Khushi!

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Arnav POV
I kept pacing back and forth outside Khushi's building like a mad man. I had no idea how to tackle such a situation. I mean there were so many questions. What if Khushi accepted that Varun's proposal? What if she is now dating him? Are they in love?!?


I wont allow her to be away from me. Ever. By hook or by crook she will have to agree to be with me.

I was fuming with uncontrollable rage when Khushi came down to meet me. My anger knew no bounds and it was not unknown to me that she is equally angry right now. I know my phone call was pretty intense. However, I dont regret a thing about it.
I walked towards her in double speed and quickly grabbed her shoulders pulling her close to me. As expected she being so responsive to my touch grabbed my shoulders in return.

"What the hell is wrong with you Mr. Raizada?? Is this a new way to blackmail someone. Maybe you have lost your mafia touch ASR!!!" She taunted me again by calling me ASR.

"Shut Up Khushi Kumari Gupta. Not a word. Oh I am so sorry. Did I disturb you and your Friend Varun?!? Were you guys spending some quality time together? Well guess what I dont give a damn about this person at all." I screamed in her face.

"I think you have gone all crazy Arnav. Go to a mental asylum will you? Your Bi-polar tendencies have crossed limits!!! Are you even listening to yourself? You are hinting that there is something going on between me and Varun? You have completely lost your mind. And you dont deserve any explainations. Now get away from here. Maybe you need another dose of your drugs. Withdrawal symptoms are affecting you." Khushi said harshly. And then she pushed me away from her.

Asylum? Drugs? Really Khushi. You are testing the ASR in me now? I thought and then realized that she had started walking back to her building. Wow. Seriously. She is going back to that good for nothing childhood friend VARUN!!
Going all beserk, I followed her quickly only to grab and twist her left hand behind her back. Pulling her all the more closer to me. Caging her in my arms I declared what was running in my mind since ages.

"You are not going until one thing goes inside this thick headed brain of yours. Whether he proposes to you or not, YOU ARE MINE. ONLY MINE."
My words brought a really opposite reaction from her.

"WHAT THE HELL ARNAV??? Do You even realize what you are saying?!? I am no ones alright. I am a normal human being, not a property or a possession to hold."

She tried to leave and squirmed in my arms when I did not loose my hold on her.
Bringing her a little more closer making our noses touch one another I said the one thing from which I was running away since ages.

"When I say you are mine and only mine I mean that only I have the right to hold you, to touch you and to feel anything for you. What were you thinking Khushi? Me being friends with you? Showing extra care for you? Calling you my special friend? Me fighting that creep who tired to kiss you? All this was only because I consider you my friend? Thats it? I dont have any other feelings for you? Huhh? Answer me? Have you not realised it yet that you are... are more than a property or possession for me."
She stood all stupified while I confessed my innermost feelings to her. I had no idea what the hell I was uttering in my anger to her. But one thing that kept crossing my mind was that she has to know that we are meant to be.

"You mean you care for me..." Khushi asked me softly.
I wanted to reply to her question but Varun was still running in my thoughts.

"Deny Varun's proposal asap. By tomorrow I will be here again to see whether he has left or not. Be very clear about one thing Khushi. I am ASR. Dont provoke me like this ever."
She became all angry again. God how I love these Caramel eyes. Fierce and honest. Igniting fire. Lit up in rage. Hmmm. Lovely.
"Stop talking like this about Varun. You dont even know anything about him. He is..."

I loosened my hold on her. Allowing her to keep some distance. I did not want to kiss her like this. In my bubbling anger I wont destroy our first kiss.
"Tomorrow Khushi. Time is running remember that."

Saying that I left her shouting and calling me names. When I reversed my car I think I heard her calling me a Bull. Really now? My girl likes to call me a bull huh. Well then dear, wait and watch what this bull will do tomorrow.

Khushi POV
What the hell dude? ARNAV is a BULL my description is perfect for that arrogant snobbish egoistical fool. DAMN HIM. Did he just go all beserk on me because he was jealous of Varun??? And he just declared me as his. Not a property or possession but the one for whom he cares...he has feelings for me?

Bull Singh Raizada!!! You cannot just runaway from me like that. And whats with the THREATS?!?! Is this an ultimatum? He did not even listen to what I was saying. He is an addict. Thats what he is. Yeah. druggie...right?

But how did he get to know about Varun? Who infromed him about Varun's arrival? Obviously. Whoelse. Lavanya Kashyap. What have you done now Lolo? I have to ask her first thing in the morning about this entire mess.
She must have said something to her darling Aman. Lolo and Aman are such gossip queens. Could not keep their mouth shut for a while. One is BBC and the other is epitome of loyality for Arnav. Ughhhhh.

I need to sleep right now. Tomorrow. I will sort out this issue tomorrow itself. Before Arnav visits me again.

I feel like I am in a movie right now...

Titanic and the Giant Iceberg...starring Khushi Kumari Gupta, ASR and Varun. Supporting characters Lolo and Aman.

Arnav POV
"You just threatened your girl...and you have no worries about it?"
Aman asked all exasperated by my behavior.

"I never threatened her. Its just a promise. Nothing more. Nothing less. And whats your problem?" I asked harshly.

"My problem is you ASR. You never let others decide. The decision always has to be yours. Incase of fashion world and mafia business these tactics work. I agree. But when it comes to emotions you have to be a little polite and soft. And not so....judgemental." Aman stated in a sharp tone.

I raised an eyebrow at his courage. This guy is getting bolder day by day.
"Aman as per your words a guy was proposing my girl. And you expect me to be polite and soft about it. If I leave this decision in Khushi's hands then she will marry Varun by tomorrow."

He gave me another look and sighed deeply.

"Lavanya texted me again after you left. The second part of the message said that Varun was just giving her and Khushi a demo of how he proposed to his girlfriend Priya. Since Lavanya was laughing really hard, it took her a bit longer to text me again, with proper explaination."

Saying so he left me occupied in my own thoughts.

Uh oh!!

I made a rather quick decision did not I?

Now what am I gonna do?

Damn it!!! Who asked you to fall in love Arnav?

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