You have a Choice...

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Khushi POV
I felt all disoriented for a while. Everything seemed blurry. I blinked continuously though. Trying to make sense of what is happening around me. Finally after a while things became somewhat clearer. White walls, a drip attached to my wrist, and someone holding my right hand. I looked around only to find Arnav sitting besides me. He was resting on his head on my bed. One of his hands was holding mine in a tight grip. Like he was afraid to let me go.
He feels scared of loosing me. Jesus. He must have been in so much pain. Slowly two tears rolled down my eyes. Why does this happens with him only. Why God? He has to live in fear. First his parents. And now me. Even though I am alive still this perfect human being had to go through so much.

I lifted my other hand and brought it closer to his head. My fingers found solace in his silky soft hair. I caressed him with utmost care. However, he lifted his head so quickly almost giving me a whipash.
The first thing that I noticed were my chocolate eyes which held so much in them. Pain, worry, anxiousness, love and devotion. And then he uttered his first words...

"Why?" Arnav asked me.
I knew what he wanted to know. But I did not repond.

"Why Khushi Kumari Gupta?" He asked a bit harshly this time.

"Because you are mine. Because no one can take you away from me. Because I would have been lifeless without you." I replied softly but firmly.

He kept staring at me. No words were shared for a while. I knew he was trying to reassure himself that I was here. I was alive. I was breathing. But I knew something was troubling him too. His eyes were speaking volumes today.

"Khushi you...I...." Arnav tried to form words. But I understood him.
"I am fine. Relax. Please dont do this to yourself. I can see it clearly. You are feeling guilty but you need to..." I tried to explain but he stood up leaving my hand.

"I will call the doctor. And you can meet Lavanya and Aman. They are very worried." Saying that he left the room. Uh oh. Its gonna be one difficult task to convince him. I thought.

Arnav POV
I could not really see the love of my like that. She could have died last night. But without a second thought Khushi had jumped between me and JD so as to save me from his bullet. No this cannot happen again. I wont allow it. I have already lost my parents. I wont loose my Khushi. I will have to do this. This is the only way. It will be the hardest thing to do. But I will.

As soon as she gets discharged from the hospital and comes home I will do it. I will have to go away from her life. I am sorry Khushi. I wont loose you. My destiny only brings death to my loved ones. If separating from you is the only way to ensure that you have a safe life....then thats how its gonna be.

Khushi POV
The doctor came to do my check up. After a few questions it was decided that I could go home only if I take good care of myself. Knowing that Arnav is there for me always I reassured the doc that I would rest as much as possible.

As soon as the doctor left a crying Lolo accompanied by a silent Aman walked into my room.
"I am so sorry Koko. All this happened because of my silliness. I wish I could go back in time and rectify my mistakes. Please forgive me. I gave you a really hard time about dating Arnav. Its just that hearing about the mafia business was really shocking. I was in denial. Trying to hide my head in the sand. Thinking that everything would be fine. But I cannot deny the fact that my feelings dont give a damn about this mobster business. You were right I am just being thoughtless. Aman is everything for me. What he does and who he is does not really matter. Thank you for making me understand this."
She said in one go. All breathless for a while.

"Are you done Lolo? That was a pretty long speech. Did you practice while waiting?" I asked teasingly. Her red cheeks gave me all the answers.
"I am really sorry yaar." She said again.
"Hey....Lolo. I am not mad at all. And there is no need to apologize. All this was my destiny. My fate. Gods decision. You are not to be blamed for all this. Get this in your thick-headed brains will ya? Now stop moping. How about a smile bestie?" I asked winking at her.

And then she smiled her bright smile. I also received a soft but loving hug. I just rubbed her back using one of my hands.
As always Aman just asked me using a smile and few gestures 'how I was doing?' I simply smiled in return and nodded my head answering him in his way.

My mind kept drifting back to Arnav. I should have a word with him. Once I reach home we could have a cozy dinner. Moreover, he just needs reassurance. I am sure once we speak he will be fine.

Two hours after beind discharged @Khushi's apartment

Arnav POV
I carried Khushi to her room. We had not really spoken much since her discharge. I was mentally planning of every way to convince Khushi about our break up. It wont be easy. She will catch my lie soon. She is very sharp. But still I have to act well. I have to make her believe my every word.

I made her lie on the bed. Lavanya came inside the room with a bowl of soup for Khushi. I planned to excuse myself when Khushi ordered me to feed her. This is it Arnav. Dont delay it anymore. Be as bad as possible. Remember this is for her good only.

"Khushi I feel like its time that we talk." I tried to sound all cool.
"Exactly we should talk. You left the hospital room in the middle of our conversation. I think you should stop feeling guilty for all this. It was supposed to happen. A gunshot. But look. I am fine now. And dont deny the fact that you would have done the same for me if our places were switched. Am I right or am I right?" She asked with a smile.

"Khushi. I dont think we should see each other anymore. I think I need a break from all this. You are always finding ways to get attracted towards danger. I cannot be your savior everytime something bad happens. I mean come on. First the accident, then saving you from that eve teaser, then you throwing a fit about my bodyguards and now look you got shot. Seriously. I mean I have heard that those kids who dont get their parents love and care during their childhood they suffer from attention problems."
I felt like killing myself after uttering those god damn words.

For a while all that could be heard was the sound of cars, birds and a cleaner brooming the ground outside. Khushi sat very still for a moment. And then took a deep breath.
"My hands are working fine. Let me eat my soup by myself." She said calmy. Like I had not said anything to her at all.

"Khushi you need to get this in your head that I dont love you anymore. Things have changed now..." I started again. But she interrupted me.

"This soup is much better than the hospital food. But still nothing beats your spagetti. We will have to visit our cottage again. I had a great time being kidnapped by you." She said without giving a thought to my earlier words.

I started loosing my temper hearing her words...
"GOD DAMN IT KHUSHI.....I am saying something to you. Why are adamant on ignoring my words. How can you be so mannerless? See this is another reason why I feel that we should break up. A partner needs to understand his other halfs words. And look at you. Being all selfish. Just look at you.."
And that was it...

"I can hear every single word of yours ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA. You know what you need to go home and rest. I think you are no longer mentally fit to continue to stay by my side. Go get some sleep." She said while patting my shoulder.
"Khushi I am breaking up with you. And you are consoling me as if I am a mental patient. Have you lost your mind?!?!" I screamed.

"Ofcourse. We are done. Break up it is. Cool. Now go home and both of us need to rest." Saying so she kept her finished soup on th side table and tossed and turned till she got settled in a comfortable position.

Before I could say anything else Lavanya came to her room again.
"I heard should let her rest Arnav." She said in stern voice.

I left the room in anger and then went out for a drive to clear my head.

What the hell just happened?????

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