Your ❤ holds the Key to mine!

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Arnav POV

It has been exactly 172800 seconds that I have been missing Khushi.

I have spend exactly 2880 minutes in loneliness without my love.

I have not heard my nightingale's voice for the past 48 hours.


Khushi POV

"Where am I? Why am I here?" I questioned once I woke up from a deep state of unconsciousness.

"You are in the basement..." The creepy guy who kidnapped me replied.

"....of a place that we can't tell you the name of. And you are here because you need to take yourself away from Raizada for awhile....till you die I mean." He completed with a laugh.

I huffed in anger hiding my fear. No I wont let him take this pleasure. I have full confidence in my love. My Arnav will protect me. Thoughts of him gave me a good dose of courage. I deliberately smirked to annoy him.

"Well both of us very well know who is gonna die here. So why not spare yourself the pain and torture that you will receive from my boyfriend as soon as he reaches here."

The veins in thay creeps forehead seemed ready to burst with anger. And then he striked me.

My cheek was red and hot with pain. However I stifled my cringe and bravely gave him a death glare.

"See you in hell then." I muttered.

He got frustrated by my replies and left me all alone in the dark and strange place.

Arnav POV

I was sitting in my penthouse all alone. My drink being my only companion. Sitting in the dark helped though. It made me somewhat coherent.
Whatelse could I do....? I thought to myself. From past 2 days me and Aman are running in circles. We are just aware of the fact that one of my most trusted man...that bloody Vikram took her away. Inspite of making so much efforts nothing turned out to be fruitful.

No clues, no location, not even a slightest idea of where Khushi is being held right now.



I broke my glass and punished myself. Not even the glass pierced in my skin provided any relief.



Khushi POV
The date in my watch showed that 2 days have passed. Its now the 3rd day of my kidnapping. Till now I have been able to understand a few things.

Firstly the creep who kidnapped me is a guy called Vikram. And he works for a person who he addresses as Sir over the phone.

Secondly, this place is not a basement. Its a warehouse. An old warehouse. A railway station is nearby. And apart from Vikram a few more men are here.

Thirdly. I have to find a way to inform Arnav about my whereabouts. I am sure he is dying out of worry. My thoughts were interrupted when Vikram came near me with a plate of food.

"Eat this. And dont do anything stupid." Saying so he untied my hands but not my legs as usual.
I just scoffed in return.

However, Jesus did something amazing. Vikram on his way back accidently dropped his phone near me.
Oh my!!! Oh Goddddd!!!
Grabbing this opportunity I quickly took his phone and tried to dial Arnav. But stopped immediately. No! I have to send a message or something. A call will alert these creeps. And then another idea striked me. I quickly added Arnav in the contacts. And shared my location through Whatsapp. With a short text so that he knows its me.

In seconds I deleted the conversation and his number from the contact lists. And then threw the phone away.




Arnav POV


I screamed through the phone. Right now all I could feel nothing but hatred for my situation. Only hatred.

"I am trying my best ASR."

"Why dont you do some..." I stopped in mid sentence when a text alert sound vibrated through the phone..

Hold on.

No one texts me besides Khushi...

"I will call you back." I said in a rush and cut the call. It was a whatsapp text with a shared location.

What the...

Near Delhi-Gurugram highway...Traders Warehouse.

I was confused for a minute but then in a moment life seeped through my veins. I read the text message.

Bull Singh Raizada...your Matador is waiting for you.

I smiled. I smiled a huge smile after 2 long days. And then rushed out of my house dresses haphazardly dialling Aman on my way out.

I am coming Jaan. I AM COMING.

"Aman its me. Listen to me very carefully..."

Khushi POV
"I just dont get it. Why dont you kill her? How is it beneficial for you to keep her here Sir?" Vikram asked.

I could not hear what was said in response but the way he gulped and apologized. I knew that this "Sir" of Vikram is dangerous.
Hmmm. What if??

What if...

Could this guy be JD...

Whoelse would have the courage to kidnap me.


Oh NO!!

Have I done something wrong by informing Arnav. What if this JD harms Arnav.


Arnav POV
"....Are you sure?" I asked him again.

"Yes Arnav 100 percent JD is behind this. The location is the old office of JD. He knew all about your plans from Vikram. And Laila must have verified about Khushi. We need to attack with all our team Arnav. This is a risky situation. Lives could be lost. Are you prepared? This is unexpected.." Aman asked me.

"I dont give a damn about my life. Khushi is the most important thing for me. Go ahead with our previous plans. Tell the team that tonight we are heading to the location. And if you dont want to join me...I will understand. Dont give up your life for me." I said in a calm voice. Giving him an option.

"You think I will give up on the one person who sheltered me through the worst phase of my life. I was helpless. Living on streets. Hungry for days. You made me Aman Singhania. The right hand of ASR. I wont give up on you now buddy." He winked.

I smiled again for the second time. Hearing his comforting words.

"Lavanya feels sorry for all this. She said to tell you that she feels pathetic for what she did. Her tantrums forced Khushi to take her out for jogging in the park. I tried to tell her it was not her fault..." Aman said.

"It was not her fault. I will speak to her when we get Khushi back." I said with full determination.

"Yeah we will." He said softly.

Lavanya POV

A text alert on my phone brought me out of my train of thoughts.

We will get Khushi back soon. Dont worry.
I know I might not be the right guy for you. But still. For what its worth it....I Love You Lavanya Kashyap. I never said the the words. However you understood my feelings so easily. If you think I deserve another chance and if things get back to how they were...maybe we could see each other?

And then I cried. I wailed. I weeped miserably. You are wrong. You are wrong Singhania. Its not you. Its me. I dont deserve you. I dont.

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