Fight for your LIFE!

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Arnav POV
I dont know why but after what Khushi did in the seminar, I felt so angry on the situation. She purposely embarassed me in front of so many people. So in order to teach that spitfire a lesson I ended up in the same diner where she works. And fortunately she was still working when I arrived. When Khushi Kumari Gupta came to take my order I intentionally riled her up with my words. However, sitting on the same table I got reminded of the fact that I behaved badly the last time I came here. My outburst affected the wrong person. So in order to correct my mistake I asked Ms. Gupta to bring her friend here to take my order.
And after a lot of arguements I finally got the oppotunity to apologize.
That girl walked towards me shrinking a little when I sat properly with my back straight.

"...Yes..Sir..How may I help you?" She asked in a scared tone.
"What is your name?" I asked softly. Feeling guilty watching her behavior.
"Its..Lavanya...Lavanya Kashyap..Sir." She again stammered.
Damn it! I should not have disgraced her with my words.
"I am....I am sorry. About what happened the last time we met. I was angry and took it out on a completely innocent person. I am not so rude and mannerless usually." I said while eyeing the tiles on the floor.
"Uhhh. Its ok. It happens. I am glad you apologized. Not everyone has the decency to do it. Especially to us commoners." She said with a small smile.
"You know what. I genuinely feel sorry. So why not you pack me a sandwich? And I will pay you double tips. To compensate for your last tip." She smiled again a bigger smile this time.

After a few minutes she came back with my order and I paid her. With a thank you and goodnight I left the diner. Feeling better after doing a good deed.

Khushi POV
Hmmm. This will work I am sure. All I have to do is go to his office and meet him. Now that he knows my name I am sure he will give me an appointment. Perfect, then its decided tomorrow morning I will go and meet him. As it is the college is closed tomorrow.  But I have to talk to him very calmly. I cannot just spring this news on him. He wont like it. I need to tread carefully.
Get ready Mr. Raizada. I promise to resolve your issues from tomorrow onwards.

Next day at AR Designs

I was sitting in the lobby when the reception called me to her cubicle. I walked with full confidence and approached.
"How may I help you Ma'am?" She asked in a overly polite tune.
"Hi I am Khushi Gupta and would like to meet Mr. Raizada. We have already spoken about this urgent meeting. Why dont you confirm it with him once?"
I said casually. But my heart was in mouth, it is just a white lie Khushi. Relax. You are actually doing this to help him.
"Sure Ms Gupta. I will get back to you. Wait for a while please." Hearing her I quickly went back to sit in the lobby.

Arnav POV
I was sitting with Aman to discuss about our next project when Ria my receptionist informed me that a Ms. Gupta was waiting for a meeting with me. And as per her words Ms. Gupta is here for a scheduled meeting which we have decided on a phone call. Really Khushi Kumari Gupta what are you planning to do now? I was curious to know what this hell cat would do next so I asked Ria to send her in my cabin.

"Excuse me for a few minutes Aman. We will continue this after lunch alright." Saying that I dismissed him.

My eyes were on the door when the spitfire walked inside. And to my surprise a polite smile graced her face. Seriously? Is this the same KKG who I met yesterday? Something is definitely fishy.

"Yes Ms Gupta. What exactly does this mean? Mind telling me when we spoke and decided to have this unexpected meeting?!?"
She walked towards me and gestured towards the chair. Asking permission to sit. I granted her by gesturing her to sit.
"Will you keep smiling or do you have the decency to answer my questions?" I asked harshly.

"I have forgiven you." She said with that silly smile plastered across her face.
"WHAT???" I said in surprise.
"I said I have forgiven you. And I completely understand what you did and why you did it. And it is totally understandable too. These sort of feelings can sorta...mess your brains you know. I mean there is no shame in admitting such things. Even if you feel that sharing about it with someone will only result in rejection." Khushi's words left me shell shocked.

Oh my GOD!!!! She KNOWS? SHE KNOWS about my feelings? But HOW? Crap! Is my face so readable. Fear of REJECTION? Can she read minds now? How in the hell will I hide behind the mask of arrogance and anger now? DAMN IT!!!

" did you know about all this? I never said anything." I said softly now. I could feel the red tint on my cheeks and ears now.
"One cannot hide such things. And the way you were behaving with me, it became pretty obvious. And you proved it that day when we were standing in the rain."
Khushi said keenly looking at my table. Oh no! She cannot even look at me in the eyes now. I have to deny all this. I have to prove her wrong. Things will get out of hand if I admit anything to her.

"There is no such thing. You are just making up stories in your mind. Have I ever said anything to you regarding my feelings. And we just met a few days back. I dont even know you properly. If you think that I feel something in that way for yo..." I tried to pretend that everything was normal but she interruped me.

"There is no point in denying the truth Mr. Raizada. I have proof. Please for once stop living in denial. And please listen to my advice. I am here for you. Whenever you need help. Also there are experts and professionals available now in todays time to deal with such things. Moreover, there are Self Help Groups. Where people from different phases of life but similar situations come together and heal each other." Khushi said and then placed her hand on my elbow, squeezing it a bit in a gesture of comfort.

WHAT???? Experts? Professionals? Self Help Groups? What the...

"Khushi what is it that I need help with.." I asked coldly.

"Your addiction. For DRUGS." She said in a whisper after looking left and right.

"WHAT THE HELL? YOU ARE IMPOSSIBLE KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA!!! Really? You think I am a druggie? Have you lost it?" I asked all angry now.
She matched my anger and the fierce look came back in those big Caramel eyes. Control Raizada. Do not think about her eyes.

"YES!!!! I am aware about your problem. The mood swings, extreme anger, stalking me, and episodes of normalcy at times. Is it not obvious? And you just admitted that a while ago. Did you not ask me just now 'how come I am aware about your feelings?' Are you going to deny that too?" Khushi said stubbornly.

Uh OH! This girl will finish me off. She thought I am on drugs?!? And I thought that she somehow became aware about my feelings. But Thank God I did not reveal anything. It is good that I kept mum and denied her words.

"There is nothing wrong with me Gupta. I am perfectly alright. Now leave my cabin before I do something in anger. I am not on drugs. Get that fact clear in your mindless brains." Saying that I gestured her to leave my cabin.

"Fine. If you say so. I was just trying to be helpful. Stay in denial. Whatever."
She did not utter another word but quickly left my cabin with tightly closed fists and uncontrollable anger visible on her beautiful face.

ASR you have to control yourself. You have to stay away from her.
Khushi Kumari Gupta is not destined to be with Arnav Singh Raizada.

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