The Much Awaited Kiss.

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Khushi POV
I went home early after my shift. Knowing that a car would pick us up soon enough. Currently Lolo was making sure that I be all smoking hawttt for Mr. Raizada.

I was a bit worried thinking that my dress was a little too much for this event. But Lolo's encouraging words stopped me from overthinking much. We were almost ready when the doorbell rang. Oh. Our chauffer is here. Great.
We quickly headed outside towards a car. And what a car dude....its a sin...a Lamborgini. Yup. 'A beautiful ride for two most beautiful ladies'.....this was an instruction given to our driver by Arnav Singh Raizada. Wow. He is plotting for our kiss it seems.

But I did not forget Lolo's earlier words.


"Focus on my 3 step plan Koko-

#Make a Plot

#Look Hot

#Take the Shot" She explained with a smirk.

And I nodded in return.

Finally after an hour, we reached the hotel where the fashion show was supposed to be held. I walked out of the car in style. All eyes were on me. The people from press were clicking my photographs constantly. There were hushed whispers from the group of girls who stood at the hotel gate.

"It is rumored that this is Mr. Raizada's girlfriend"

"She looks quiet beautiful though"

"Oh she is just another play thing of Arnav Singh Raizada"

Mindful of Lolo's instructions I walked with my head held high and entered the hotel. The crowded hall was a clear sign that Arnav was somewhere inside here. I quickly started looking here and there  to catch a glimpse of him.
"Khushi..." I heard his husky voice from behind.
When I turned around both of us gasped looking at each other.

He looked glorious in his tux. And that stubble of his did weird things to my heart. Hmmm. Control Khushi. Focus. Remember...plot, hot, n shot. Yeah.
With a look full of attitude and a smirk I moved closer to him only to kiss his cheek and hug him tightly.
The press went wild. All I could hear was clicks. I blinked to get rid of the flashy blindness.

"Hi Baby..." I tried to imitate his husky tone.
And suffice to say he gulped in response. Haha. This is so much fun.
"Uhhh...Khushi did you just..." He stuttered but I stopped him with a naughty smile.
"Shall we go and enjoy the fashion show dear?" I asked.
"Umm. Yeah ofcourse." I held on to his arm with a firm grip. Trying to show all the ladies tonight that this lad has been claimed.

Arnav POV
I love surprises. Especially when it is from Khushi. But todays surprise was definitely mindblowing for me. Khushi had turned all bold and confident all of a sudden. She even kissed and hugged me in front of the cameras. Her PDA knocked the winds out of me.
Were not her texts enough? What is this girl planning to do? Is this my last major event? Is a heart attack in order? Oh GOD!!!

My body was not in my control. Khushi dragged me for a while only to lead us to the VIP section where a few seats were reserved for me and my special guests.

Later, in the middle of the show.

If someone told me that today will be the most exciting and terrifying moment of your life...I would have laughed at that person.
But today is that particular day.

The way Khushi kept smothering me with her touches made it the most exciting yet terrifying experience of my life. Excitement for what she would do next and fear of loosing my control. She had no idea how she was playing with fire..
"Arnav..." Khushi said breathing around my neck.
"Ye...yes.." I stuttered like a fool.

"I think I need some fresh air...wanna go out for a minute?" Her honey like voice asked me.
"Yeah." I said with a nod.

We left the show to step out as per Khushi's words. My happiness knew no bounds. Were we about to share our first kiss? Oh My Goodness.
But my happiness was short lived. Since Laila Sinha our sponsor for the event crossed our paths. Her greetings felt like a bucket of cold water.

"Hey are you sweetheart? I hope your show becomes a great success again this year."
I could feel my girl's caramel eyes going all fiery right now. Ughhhh. What sick pleasure did Laila gain by spoiling my kiss?
And then suddenly Khushi turned into a Fire Goddess.

"Hi I am Khushi Kumari Gupta. Nice to meet you. who is she? Why have you not introduced us yet? Dont you think your fiancee has the right to meet your business associates?"
And I felt like laughing like a hyena. Laila Sinha looked like a fish out of the water right now. Hahaha.

"FIANCEE?!?! YOU GOT ENGAGED..." Laila screeched in anger and sadness. Oops.
I Love You Khushi. You made my day.

"Yes. His one and only. We would love to invite you for the wedding. But unfortunately its a private affair. Followed by a long honeymoon on a secluded destination." My love said pretending to look down and feel all shy.

And then Laila lost it. She stamped her foot on the ground. And left the premises calling and screaming at her driver.

Khushi POV
I was getting all touchy and feely with Arnav. This helped me prepare for our kiss too. As a fact I started liking this bold self of mine. When as per my plan I made an excuse to leave the show and go ahead for my kiss, a lady who had hots for Arnav showed up. JESUS CHRIST.


So to stake my claim I declared about an engagement, a wedding and a private honeymoon. Her furious looks gave me immense satisfaction.

But I was still loosing my temper and then I did something that surprised us both. I grabbed Arnav's shoulders pushed him against the nearest wall and glued my lips to his.
For a minute I attacked his lips pouring all my anger, frustration and fury. I even bit his lower lip. And he too returned my kiss with full on passion. After 5 long minutes when we became totally breathless, we let go off each other only partially.

"I HATE that nickname...Arnieee? REALLY?" I said breathlessly.

"Me too. But she is the sponsor. By the way you are a glorious kisser." He said with a smirk.

"Shut up Arnav!....well...thank you. You too." I said.

For a few seconds I felt all red like tomato realizing what just occurred. But then together we both lost it. And then we laughed. Truely. Freely. Happily.

Arnav POV
We laughed like there was no tomorrow. I felt on cloud nine. In jealousy and madness my crazy girl managed to make me the happiest man on this planet. Seeing her laugh so openly I could not stop myself from  expressing my feelings.


"I LOVE YOU TOO JAAN." She said cheekily.

But this time I did let her tease me. I just hugged her. Today I have the most cherishable gift. I lost my parents. But found Khushi. Thank you. Thank you Khushi's Jesus Christ.

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