The question of Feelings

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Khushi POV
After a long period of 24 hours I finally got the chance to chat with Arnav. Ughhh. Really? This guy is so quiet. He does not have much to gossip about. Since past 20 minites Arnav is busy in La la land. Jesus. Just because I have forgiven him he is taking me for granted.

I am enjoying my chocolate ice cream. Arnavs treat ofcourse. Poor fellow cannot even join me due to his diabetes. But thats not why I am annoyed with him right now. I mean dude you are out with your friend after a big arguement and now all you are doing is staring at the salt and pepper shakers beside you? Ok. I have had enough now.

"Earth calling Mr. Raizada...come back from will you? Hello? ARNAV?!" As if he woke up from a dream..all disoriented Arnav replied with a blank look.
"Hello there...welcome back! If you are so busy day dreaming about god knows what then who told you to bring me here. You should have gone to hang out with yourself."
I said while finishing the remains of my cone.

" I was just thinking about.." he muttered.
"About..?" I asked curiously.
"You." He said.
"What about me?" I asked again.
"You..I mean...You and that creep. He shouldn't have touched like that. What the hell did he mean about that kiss?!? Has he bothered you before?" He asked all serious back from la la land.

I kept my hand on top of his in a comforting gesture. And then calmly and quietly spoke what I had in mind.
"Arnav. I know you felt protective for me after what he did. But you have to understand...I have to fight my own battles. I have done it till date and can do it in the future as well. Believe me I appreciate the gesture. But..." he stopped me abruptly.

"I know that. I know it very well. And I like that about you. But I dont repeat my questions Gupta. Answer me. HAS HE TRIED TO BOTHER YOU BEFORE?" He sneered.

"Are you even listening to yourself. Why are you so full of yourself all the time? Whats with the arrogance dude?" I said harshly.

"Thats my second name. Arrogance. Satisfied. Now answer me." He ordered.
"I won't what are you gonna do about it?" I said in retort.
His other hand held mine in a tight hold. And when I glanced at the hand was practically sandwiches between his both.

Arnav followed my gaze and quickly loosened his hold. Now both chocolate and caramel eyes were at war. Realizing his worries for me, I quickly answered with a condition of mine.
"I will answer you if you answer a question of mine in return." I said a little calmly.
"Alright." He replied in a mili second.
"He has not bothered me before. This is the first time we crossed paths." I said honestly.

He nodded his head while his face expressed relief and satisfaction.
"Your question?" He asked being his normal self now.
"Bi-polaric.." I muttered.
He looked at me with a single lift of one of his eyebrows.
I sighed dramatically but then asked what was running in my mind.

"Why did you save me from him? What was the need to look after my wound? Why did making up to me meant so much for you?"
I asked him. A strange curiousity enveloping my thoughts.
Arnav did not answer for a long while. I tried to read his face as usual. His eyes spoke volumes. Surprise, shock, care and then all of sudden a blank look as if a curtain was dropped over his emotions.

"You were in trouble. I simply saved you. I would have done this for anyone. And I was not concerned about making up to you. Its just that...that..." he left his sentence incomplete.
"Arnav..." I called out.
"I will go and pay the bill. You are done?" He asked me. But his eyes screamed avoidance. So I left the topic instantly.
"Yeah I am done." I replied.

Arnav POV
After leaving the ice cream parlor. I dropped Khushi to her diner. Her shift was about to start and she did not broach about those questions again.

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