This Insanity for Her!

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Arnav POV
For the first time in my life I Arnav Singh Raizada...was not drinking during the night. For the first time just to kill time I was not drowning myself in the bottle of a whiskey. Nor had I called Aman to join me for a drink.
My mind wanted to think. I was unable to control it. And like a broken record  her words kept ringing in my ears.

...Well she and the rest of us work here to become independent. To survive in this world which has not blessed all of us in the way you have been blessed...


...Got it Mister. And we dont need your money or tips. Thank you for making our day. Hope to see you again Sir...

DAMN IT..DAMN IT!!! Why cannot I get that GIRL out of my head? She insulted me. A mere girl who works at a restaurant had the guts give it back to me. She stood up for her friend. Fearless and angry. She looked like a goddess...
ASR...forget her. She is nothing to remember about. Just sleep. Focus on something else. Yeah sleep. I quickly freshened up and changed into my nightsuit.

After 10 minutes of closing my eyes all I could think about is fierce Caramel eyes staring back at me.

Thats it. Thats it. I picked up my phone and dialled Amans number.
"Aman I need all the details of that girl. Tomorrow morning it should be on my office desk. Got it."
"Which girl Arnav?" a confused Aman questioned me.

"Damn It! What do you mean which girl? I am talking about that waitress. The girl who insulted me at that stupid diner." I practically barked on the phone.
"Arnav. Dont you think you are taking that incident a little too seriously..."
Aman tried to make me understand. But the sudden denial of my order regarding her irked me immensely.
"Shut up Aman. And do as I say." I shouted and cut the call.

This restlessness will go away tomorrow. I said to myself. A reassurance that did nothing at all.

Next morning in class
Khushi POV
God I feel so sleepy right now. I slept quite late last night. Frankly speaking that weirdo who insulted Lolo kept haunting me. I mean the way his eyes never moved away from mine, made me feel so strange. I should have forgotten about him. He does not deserve to get so much importance. Ughhh. I need to focus on my lectures.
"I wish Professor Sinha could go on a long vacation." Lolo sighed from behind.
I whispered back to her tilting my head a little to the side.
"Shhhhh. Are you nuts Lolo?"
"I just cannot tolerate him anymore Koko. History of business is killing me now. Order a good and comfortable coffin for me in advance."
"Amazon or flipkart might help. Let me see for COD offer." I said with a laugh.
"Whatever." She replied sleepily.

After our lecture was over me and Lolo were sitting in the garden near college cafeteria. We were in the middle of a great gossip when I felt like someone was watching me. I looked everywhere but found nothing strange. But the feeling did not disappear.
"Hey where are you lost Koko?" Lolo asked me.
"Nothing." I said. And it was then that I noticed behind the garden area at the end of the parking lot stood a white SUV. It had tinted glasses. As soon as I looked in that direction, the car reversed and left abruptly.

Was that my imagination or that car...
You are imagining things now Khushi Kumari Gupta. Lack of sleep has taken its toll on you.

Arnav POV
Bloody Hell. She saw me. I quickly reversed my SUV. And left her college premises. Damn it! What the hell am I doing? I am Arnav Singh Raizada. A topclass businessman. I am ASR. The Mafiaboss. And here I am stalking a girl like a stupid loverboy. But this is no girl. This is Khushi Kumari Gupta. An enigma for sure.

This morning after going through her file I was in shock. On my way to office I had assumed that she was someone who was hired to conspire against me. Having a sleepless night made me think that she has been sent to seduce me. To get my attention.
However her file confused me to hell. Khushi Kumari Gupta is an orphan. A MBA student who studies half the day and works till night. Her constant companion is Lavanya Kashyap. The girl at whom I screamed yesterday. They seem to be thick friends.

My mind is running in circles since I read her information. No. No way. I wont let her consume my mind this way. She is just someone...sent to divert my attention. Yeah. Exactly. There is nothing else. I know what I have to do.

Khushi POV
In the middle of my shift I realized that Lolo was suffering from high fever. This girl never takes care of herself. I ordered her to take half day. She looked terrible as it is. If I had not touched her hand accidently then she would have pretended to be fine for god knows how long. Jesus Christ. She is so stubborn. After a lot of arguements she finally agreed to leave early.

I continued doing my work although it was a little bit difficult without her. However I managed to keep up with all the orders somehow.
When my shift got over it was raining cats and dogs. Waiting for the bus will be bad today. Since I forgot to carry my umbrella. Saying a small prayer I quickly rushed outside to walk till the bus stand.

And yet again the white SUV stood near the bus stop. The indicator was flashing though. I dont know why but somehow my steps took me to that car. I knew in my heart that this car was the same one which I saw this morning near my college.
I banged at the bonnet continuously for a few seconds. And then the door opened. In a wet black suit stood the same man from yesterday afternoon.

Hmmm. The bull is back. For revenge. And the Matador is unprepared.

Arnav POV
It was raining heavily. She again had noticed my presence. And this time Khushi Kumari Gupta took a violent turn. She came towards my car and banged the bonnet thrice. I lost my cool there and then.

Moving out like a panther ready for his prey I dashed to her side and held her by the shoulders.


What the hell are you doing?" I said angrily.

"I have not even started yet Mister. It is you who has been doing things to anger me since yesterday." Ms. Gupta replied back.

"Stop talking all this crap. And tell me the truth. Who has sent you? Who has hired you huh? How much amount were you paid to do this job? Who asked you to mess with Arnav Singh Raizada?"
I could see the fire sizzling in those caramel eyes.

"What nonsense? Why will someone hire me? Have you lost it? Are you a suffering from some mental disorder? I knew it..a normal human being does not shouts and screams like you. Neither does one stalks random people." She was breathing fire right now.

Honesty reflects in these caramel eyes. She is right now in my arms. Totally wet staring in my eyes without any fear.

"How dare you talk to me like that? Do you even know whom you are talking to?" I tried to divert her attention from the stalking part.

"Thats how one talks to crazy strangers. Stop changing the subject and answer me. Why are you following me? Were you paid to stalk me or something? Were you?"
Her words made me loosen my hold on her.
I let her go.

Her eyes kept following my every move. Damn it. What answers do I have? She is so right.

Hearing a bus coming our way I abruptly left the conversation and sat in my car.
She diverted her attention to the bus and I made my move. In seconds I left the area. And kept driving till midnight. With no destination in mind.

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