Explainations and Confessions!

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Khushi POV
"Oh My Goodness! Really Lolo? Do you have any idea what you have done? And why did you share this news with Aman of all the people? You know what? You keep asking me about my friendship with Arnav but you dont have any answers for me when it comes to Mr. Aman Singhania, right?" I asked furiously.
"Koko Aman and me are just good friends okay. No need to be so nosy. And like I said earlier, it was just a mistake. A typing error on my part. I was laughing like crazy just like you were when Varun revealed all about his funny proposal to Priya. And at that exact moment I replied to Amans questions. However I rectified my mistake a few minutes later." Lolo replied casually.

"Yeah right. You have a funny way of doing it." I said all angry now.
"Oh come on dude. And dont you think that Arnav being just a friend, was being a little too jealous about Varun and you. Even if he was mistaken about the fact that Varun was proposing to you, still he did not have to come here and visit you. What was the urgency? Hmmm. Love is in the Air..." she said in a teasing tone.

"Funny. Now shut up and have your breakfast. I will go and see if Varuns awake or not. I just hope Arnav does not come here today. It will only result in more confusion and chaos thats it." I muttered and went to check on Varun.

Arnav POV
I was totally flabbergasted with my own behavior last night. I dont even know what am I gonna say to Khushi today. I mean I threatened...ok not exactly...I promised her that I would come to her house to check on Varuns status. Ughhhh. This situation is not good. Why did I have to act like typical jealous boyfriend? But I was unaware about this unknown guy who was proposing my girl even if it was for pretence sake. I need to correct my mistake.

What to do? What to do?

Idea...I will go and visit Khushi in the afternoon. I can even meet Varun. Befriending him will be a good way to gain some brownie points in Khushi's eyes. That will be my first step towards proposing to Khushi. Last night was all about a wild way of claiming my love. But today I will have to man up. And say those three special words to Khushi. She must be so confused by my behavior..I am sure. That will only help me to make up with Khushi...my girl.

Finally after stalling for a few hours, in the afternoon I headed to Khushi's house. Its now or never Arnav. Thinking so I grabbed my car keys and left my house.

Khushi POV
It is 1pm in the afternoon now. I am sitting and watching TV with Varun while Lolo is making lunch for all of us. I told her to make a little extra incase Arnav turns up here. Jesus just help me out. I dont want things to go out of hand. Especially in the presence of Varun.

My thoughts were interrupted with the ringing of the doorbell. Uh oh.
I passed a smile to Varun and shared a nervous look with Lolo. With slow steps I walked to the door and took a long breath before opening the door.

There stood Arnav with a bouquet of white lillies in one hand with a nervous smile on his face. We sort of had the same expressions on our faces. Wait a minute? Why can I see worry in my favourite chocolate orbs...Is he aware about the fact that he misunderstood me and Varun yesterday?
"May I...?" He gestured towards me. Oh crap. Stop staring amd invite him inside idiot.
"Come in Arnav." I said to him.
He followed me to the living room where Varun was looking at him in a scrutinizing manner.

"Varun...meet Arnav a really good friend of mine. And Arnav this is Varun my childhood friend and mentor." I said with a genuine smile on my face.
Arnav smiled brightly on hearing my words. Hmm. Did he seem all relaxed all of a sudden? Why?...Because Varun is just a friend and its confirmed now. Unbelievable.

"Hi nice to meet you Varun."
"Hello. Nice to see you too." Varun said.
Both shared the pleasantries. And then Arnav thrusted the bouquet in my hands. Oh Jesus. I need to teach him a few things about romance.
"This is for you. You know for yesterday." He said looking here and there.
I smiled in my thoughts. But kept my expressions neutral.

Lolo came out of the kitchen hearing all the noises. And shared a hello with Arnav. And winked at me standing behind him. I rolled my eyes at her silly behavior.

Arnav POV
After nervously presenting Khushi the bouquet I got all quiet. But Varun seemed all happy to meet me. Lolo decided that I should join them for lunch. And then I ate with them. Varun is a decent guy. We had a small talk about sports and his work. And when he revealed about Khushi and Lavanya being growing teenagers when he left for his job, I realized the errors I made last night.

I had to apologize to Khushi. And confess my feelings too. Ughhh.
What to do..what to do? Think Arnav. Think. And then when Khushi and Varun got busy in clearing the table Lavanya pulled me in one corner.
"Hey dude..I know whats going on between you and Koko. You guys fought last night due to Varun. I know my mistake led to your arguement. And I am feeling bad for it. You know what after sometime I will ask Varun to make all us some coffee. You use this time and make up with Khushi okay?"
And saying that she lightly punched my shoulder and walked back to the table as if nothing had happened.

Hmmm. Interesting. Lavanya Kashyap will be really good for Aman. If he manages to propose ofcourse.

As discussed Lavanya asked Varun to make his special coffee for all of us. And then dragged the guy to the kitchen. This is your cue Arnav. Thinking about this being my only chance I quickly grabbed Khushi wrist and dragged her to her room.
"What the hell is this Arnav? I am not a toy that you can manhandle anytime you want to. Got it. Now let me go." Saying that Khushi tried to leave the room but I quickly blocked the door.
"I am sorry about the manhandling part." I muttered.
"Are you done? Because I dont have time for all this." Khushi again tried to steer away from me.

Without wasting another moment I held her by the waist making her go all silent.
"I am also sorry about tomorrow. I should not have come to any conclusion without verifying things with you. However, I am not sorry for being angry with you. I am not sorry for declaring that you are mine. I am not sorry touching you the way I did last night." I said breathlessly.
"Arnav..." Khushi looked at my eyes and took a deep breath.

"About your question last night...Yes. I care for you. I get pretty jealous too. Khushi when I heard about Varun proposing to you I felt like my world came to an end. I dont know how it happened...but it did. Initially it was just your anger and fierce caramel eyes that attracted me, but then I started loving so many things about you. Your honesty. Your fearlessness. Your independent spirit. And your acceptance about my mafia side. Yes Khushi Kumari Gupta...if feeling so much for you is defined as LOVE...then I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!"

A few moments passed in silence. But our eyes were communicating so much to one another. Minutes passed and then slowly a smile appeared on Khushi's face. A full on bright and mood reflecting smile.

"Arnav...I...I love you too. And mind you, your chocolate orbs are not any less. They always manage to make my heart skip a beat. Always. I too could not fight these emotions. When you helped me in the hospital, when you took care of me, when you defended me from that creep and when you got all jealous due to Varun." She said with a laugh.

Oh my god. She loves me too. She loves me too. Oh my. Before I could react Khushi hugged me making me almost loose my balance. I was about to fall backwards with the sudden unexpected weight. But thankfully her study table took care of my fall.
Seeing her hugging me so enthusiastically I too tightened my arms around her.

"Arnav...Khushi...guys coffee is ready." Lavanya's voice made both of us aware of the fact that we have to go back and join them.
Khushi broke our hug partially and said with a sad smile...
"We have to join them." I nodded pouting about the fact that we have to get away from each others arms.
"Do we really have to go?" I asked her all sad now.
"For now. But we have lots of time right?" She asked cheekily.
"We have forever." I said with a smirk.

And my girl blushed hearing that. I left her arms but did not let go of her hand. Clasping it in my other I walked out of her room. This is a beautiful start. Of our journey. I thought.

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