The Best Mini Vacation!

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Arnav POV
After my short conversation with Khushi I simply got busy with arranging the table for our dinner. I was expecting her to show some kind of retort to my words but something changed within her. All of a sudden she turned all quiet and muttered about getting fresh first. I continued with what I was doing. Alright Raizada. Time to do the thing you hate the most. Talking and discussing things out. Phewww. I wiped the imaginary sweat on my forehead and got ready to win this war with Khushi Kumari Gupta.

In a few minutes she returned and joined me at the dinner table. I served her spaghetti pasta with soya. Slowly both of us started with our dinner. And then when we were almost finished Khushi spoke to me calmly....yeah calm after a long while.
"Okay look Arnav. I am sorry. I should not have said those words to you. I admit in my anger I forgot that I was hurting you. I was hurting the man who I love the most. But you have to understand. You were wrong too. I have bodyguards...who follow me around everyday. Its creepy. And the most hurtful thing is that you hid this fact from me. Am a stranger? You claim to love me? Me? Then why the secrets damn it!" She said the last words a little harshly.

"Khushi. I am sorry. That was not my intention. I can understand that having security all of a sudden can be quite creepy. But you have to understand why I did it? What led me to do it? You dont know much about my mafia world love. But today I will tell you everything. Because this is the very reason why I have assigned bodyguards for you."
Saying so I kept my fork down and stood up from my seat. I put my palm in front of her...gesturing her to come with me. As expected Khushi kept her hand in mine and stood up as well. I took her near the large window beside the kitchen.

The full moon looked really beautiful tonight. I silently observed it for a while and then started revealing the dark tale of my life to Khushi.
"We were once a happy family. My Mom, Dad and me. Its been 5 years Khushi, but still that dreadful night haunts me. My Dad was a police inspector and he had gathered enough proofs to expose JD, the Mafia Don. However, that snake got to know about it. And then came that night. I returned late from college, only to find my Dad and Mom lying in a pool of blood in my own living room. I cried a million times Khushi. It was like a black hole which had taken away everything from me. The police, the court non were in my favor. No proofs and fear of JD made my case cold. And that is when I realized that revenge can be taken from him by using his own tactics. Yes. You are thinking correctly. I turned into ASR because of JD Khushi. He introduced me to this world." I said in a tired tone.

I was about to continue when I felt two arms around my waist holding me in a tight grip. For a minute I stood still. But then my emotions got the better of me and I simply returned her hug. For the first time someone supported me without any questions or allegations. I sighed deeply. This girl is everything to me, everything.
"Arnav. I....I am sorry. I wish I could meet those wonderful souls. After all they gifted you to me. They will be proud of you. Because you fought all alone. And still continue to do so. I know this might not be the right way to take revenge. But I know sometimes you have to take the matter in your own hands since the doors of justice are shut." She said softly.

I caressed her hair lovingly. Thank god I have you with me my love. Your words mean everything to me.
"Khushi I am on a hunt for this man JD. And I am getting close to him now. All these bodyguards are to ensure that nothing happens to you while I sort things out with him. You wont have any once I am done with my revenge. But till then please for my peace of mind be supportive. Those men will only remain at a distance that too when you are out in public. I have lost my parents Khushi...please I cannot bear to loose you too."
I explained to her while a few tears rolled down my eyes.

Khushi sensed the change in me and quickly left my embrace partially to wipe away my tears. She touched our foreheads together.
"Hey dont. Dont do that. I am here for you. Always. And I promise to be supportive about those men in black okay? Come on now. Enough with the heavy. Mind telling me where we are right now Mr. Raizada? I honestly feel like a kidnapped victim right now." She said with a laugh.

Her contagious laugh brought a smile on my face.
"Relax. This is not exactly a kidnap. Aman and Lavanya know everything about this trip of ours. As a fact your Lolo helped me in packing a bag for you. We are a few kilometers away from Delhi. This is my private cottage. There is a lake outside as well. I wanted to spend some time with you. Its been ages since we did that right? And Lavanya has already informed me about your 3 days break so no worries." I said with a kiss on her forehead.

Her expressions changed altogether. She looked like a cute kid who was about to get his favourite cookies right now. A bright smile lightened up her face. Those caramel eyes became all warm. Hmm. Beautiful.
"Really Arnav?!? We are on A MINI VACATION???" She asked all enthusiastic now.
I nodded my head seeing my bubbly girl's excitement.

"So how about a walk around the lake?" I asked like a gentleman.
"Ofcourse. Let me go and wear my shoes." And like a butterfly she ran away to her room. Her chirpy mood made me chuckle.

Khushi POV
All my anger vanished as soon as Arnav revealed his painful past to me. I understood his pain very well. I have been through a similar trauma too. So when he offered to walk me around the cottage I readily accepted.

We were walking along the lake that was opposite Arnavs cottage. It looked very beautiful. Like heaven on earth. The trees surrounding the cottage were decorated with fairy lights making the place glow. We held hands and walked back and forth at the shore of the lake.
"This place is simply mesmerizing." I whispered to him.
"Not more than you." Arnav replied in the same manner.
"I am serious." I said laughing.
"Me too." He winked at me causing me to blush.

We were quiet for a while when I remembered what Lolo said to me this morning.
"Lolo is gonna propose today. Since Aman is lacking the guts...she said she will take the matter in her own hands." I shared the gossip with Arnav.
"Really? Thats good. Lavanya is doing the right thing. Aman is extremely shy when it comes to romance." Arnav said with a laugh.
"Yeah right. And what about you? If I remember correctly you were all awkward initially too. Say thanks to Varun orelse you would have taken decades to propose." I said leaving his hand and turning around to walk backwards.

He smirked looking at the lake. It felt nice to tease him after so long.
"Say thanks to me Khushi Kumari Gupta...if it was upto you then it would have taken you centuries to propose." He said repeating my lines.
"Can you imagine how funny it would have looked if I had turned all possessive on you. I mean just imagine. A role reversal. For once Khushi cornering Arnav to a wall...getting all cozy. And then saying in a husky tone...
'You are mine. Only mine.' Jesus Christ."
I laughed like a hyena after repeating his possessive lines.

Arnav smiled for a minute but then his eyes turned all naughty.
"" He stopped walking now. I continued my backward walk.
"What...?" I asked again. Confused.
"Run...quick." He said again. And this time I followed his advice.
I laughed and ran around the area while Arnav followed me chasing me.

We had a great time together. Finally my mind was at peace. And Arnavs too.
May Jesus always keep us blessed.

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