Visiting Dream-house!

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IILM building, Lodhi road, last class of the day.

Khushi POV
Althought I was physically present in college but my mentally I was in another world altogether. MBA has lost to Arnavs charm it seemed.
My life has become a roller coaster ride since I met him. And I never thought that this ride would be something that will become my reason for living. Arnav has changed me for the better. I now feel more confident about my future than I ever did before.
It has been 3 days since we saw one another. Our last meeting was more of a date at his house. I loved the fact that my Arnav had a domestic side of himself. Something which I believe no one knows about. I am proud of the fact that he shared something so personal with me.

Yesterday when we spoke to each other Arnav asked me if we could hang out together again. But since my exams were pretty close I thought that calling him at Dream-house would be a better idea. In this way I will meet my orphanage family again and can introduce them to Arnav as well.
When I told Arnav about it he became a little nervous. He said that this is the closest thing he would get to do. After my parents passed away Mother Superior became everything to me. So his nervousness is valid.

My mind was so busy today that I almost did not hear the bell. Thanks to Lolo's nudge I understood that I had to move out of the classroom.
Since class got over, I quickly texted him to pick me up so that we could visit my orphanage. Lolo stood next to me holding my elbow. As per her today I am totally absent minded. So I let her do so.

After making me wait for another 15 minutes ASR arrived near my building. And as usual he stood outside his car leaning against the door in his shades. Ughhh. I hate it when he does that. Now all the girls of my college will ogle him as if he is a piece of cake. I mean come on. Why does one have to check out my man. Okay...he does have a firm jaw, intense eyes and least to say a firm built. But that does not mean that this gives other girls the license to watch him.

I quickly walked towards him and hugged him tightly to stake my claim on him. Yeah watch out and be ready for a cat fight...I mentally challenged the group of girls who were ogling him since past 1 minute.
"Wow...this is a pleasant welcome. I was not aware that you missed me so much." Arnav teased me a little but held me enthusiatically.
"I dont like this at all." I muttered glaring at those teenagers.
"What...?" Arnav questioned curiously.
"Why do you have to wait outside your car? You should sit inside your car. Look at those creepy girls staring at you as if you are a chocolate ice cream with a extra choco chips. Disgusting." I said still staring meanly at those oglers.

Suddenly I felt Arnav shaking in my arms. And to my surprise he was laughing. What??? Is he making fun of me?
"You find this funny Arnav? Really?" I asked furiously.
"No Khushi..its are too cute...when you are jealous." Arnav replied still laughing like crazy.
"Yeah right. At least I did not hit these girls. You went all beserk when a guy tried to ask me for a kiss." And now it was my turn to laugh. All traces of laughter left Arnav's face. However, his arms tightened around my waist. And his chocolate orbs mirrored what I saw the first day that I met him.

I quickly cupped his cheeks and rubbed my thumb over his jaw to calm him down. It did work. His madness sort of reduced a bit. And he opened his eyes which now reflected just mild anger.
"Uh Oh. Sorry. I was just giving an comparison. Wrong subject. Got it. Come on now cheer up." I tried to uplift his mood but he did not respond. So in order to get his forgiveness I stood on my toes and kissed his left cheek. Arnav eyes again turned a bit naughty.
"What was that?" He asked caressing my fingers in return.
"I thought this is a good mood uplifter. And this will be a clear sign for those girls that you are taken." I said with pride.

"A hint for the future. Try kissing my lips. It will be more helpful in staking the claim." He said all business like and then winked at me.
I blushed hearing his statement. And then he let me go. We left college after that. And all the while on our way to the orphanage held my hand in his. Making me feel all the more cherished.

Dream-house Orphanage

Arnav POV
When Khushi mentioned about that creep who teased her last week I felt rage clouding my mind. I so wanted to kill that moron who tried to touch my Khushi. But then she sweetly apologized and kissed me on my cheek. This was not the kiss that I wanted from her. However, since she stated that this was also a way of staking her claim I teased her in return suggesting to kiss my lips.
Her cheeks flushed in a deep shade of red. Hmmm. Khushi Kumari Gupta. You should not have spoken about staking claims. Now I wont spare you. I thought mischieviously.

On reaching the orphanage I felt slightly worried. This was her family. I have to give a good impression. And my dark side had to be hidden from them. They should never about my being ASR. Giving myself a pep talk I confidently moved with Khushi and met all the kids first. They were very welcoming. A cute kid named Harpreet even asked me to carry him for a while. And all of a sudden I felt that these children had accepted me as Khushi's other half. This thought immensely pleasured me.

"Come Arnav. I will introduce you to my mother. Meet Mother mother for all intents and purposes." Khushi said.
"Hello Ma'am. Nice to meet you." I said a little shyly.
"Hello my child. Hmm. Khushi do you want to tell me something?" Mother Superior interrogated Khushi for a while as she stood blushing and stammering beside me. Seeing her state I quickly held her mother by her shoulders and formally introduced myself.
"Maam. I am Arnav Singh Raizada. And I am in love with Khushi." I said all smiling now. Khushi nodded to support my statement.

And I saw how her mother hugged her all happy about us. She even blessed us both. Finally feeling a bit relieved I started talking to Mother Superior.
"Call me child. Now you too are a part of our family. Hmmm. Khushi? Is this the same Mr. Raizada whom you addressed as a bull a few weeks ago?" Mother asked laughingly.
I found Khushi's expressions all the more funny now. She stuttered a bit on being caught.

"Mother this girl of yours bullies me a lot. And has the audacity to call me a bull. I mean do I look like one?" I asked making a baby face like Khushi.
"Hawww..." Khushi said in return.
And mother laughed watching the way we talked and teased one another.

By the end of our evening we were ready to leave the Dream-house. But all of a sudden Harpreet the kid who had previously asked me to carry him suggested that we leave after playing a game of hide and seek with all the kids. On seeing their pleading looks I obliged.

We had a lot of fun playing with the kids. At one point of time Khushi and I hid behind a pillar. And at that very moment I remembered how this morning KKG wanted to stake her claim on me. So payback has to be done I thought.

Khushi with her back to me was smiling and trying to hide from Harpreet and taking full advantage of the situation I pulled her to myself roughly. She was all silent now. I could hear her irratic heartbeats easily. We were that close.
"Arnav...what are you doing?" Khushi asked breathlessly.
But in return I tightened my hold on her petite waist. And moved her long hair to one side slowly.
"You said something about staking claim on me this morning. I should do the same right?" I said huskily and kissed the point where her shoulder met her neck.

"Ar....Arnav..." My love stuttered getting all senseless due to my touch.
But I kept kissing her passionately. Leaving a beautiful mark on her milkywhite skin I whispered in her ears.
" That is how one stakes his claim Khushi Kumari Gupta. You need some private lessons about such things dont you?"

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