Realities are harsh!

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Khushi POV
It has been almost a week now since that accident. Yup seven days since me and Arnav have been friends. Something has surely changed. One of them being my strong dislike towards him. Arnav Singh Raizada is seriously a mystery. You have to dig deeper to understand this man. His name and anger is just the tip of the iceberg. However, it is his intense and complicated self, that lies beneath that tip.

We have been texting one another frequently. We did have our fair share of arguements too. Like the time when I did not reply to his messages since my phone was on silent mode. And I got to see the Bull which I had been missing for a while. I still remember his words clearly when he called me.

Damn IT!!! Why did you NOT REPLY to my TEXTS?????

WHERE were you LOST????

I have sent 20 MESSAGES till now regarding your medicines and recovery...

Or like last night when Lolo accidently slipped up and revealed to me that Arnav Singh Raizada had paid the bills of the hospital. We fought for half an hour like crazy maniacs...


Were you trying to do FAVORS for me...?


And on top of that Lolo reacted in the worst possible way by making fun of the both of us. According to her we looked like an old married couple. Since we were fighting like one. Really now? Is that actually the only conclusion to arrive at?
Finally this morning Arnav texted me with a message which was not an apology as such. But a sorta.. kind of truce. The message simply stated that the bill amount was not something that has left him penniless. And if I feel like compensating I can cook something for him while he would love to self invite himself.
This made me laugh at his silly attempt to make up for our fight. I agreed wholeheartedly. But, thought to confirm once with Lolo if she will be comfortable with it. And to my surprise...she seemed super enthusiastic about it. I was about to question the reason for such chirpy reaction when she asked me something that made things crystal clear to me...

"Will Aman accompany him as well? I mean it will be fun to hang out right. All four of us together. By the way Aman seems pretty reserved but he is much more fun once you get to know him."
"Oh is it? Alright I will ask Arnav to tag Aman along with" I asked casually while I was dying inside to see her reaction to this.
"Really???? Thats great then. I am gonna personally invite him right now. He will like it for sure..." Lolo jumped on the sofa in her over excitement and did a happy dance.

Wow...hmmm. I see.

Lolo and Aman sitting on a tree...K.I.S.S.I.N.G!!!

Arnav POV
"I just dont get it. You said you dont know what you were feeling for her. And now you are telling me that we are going for lunch at Khushi's apartment. Not that I am not happy about the idea of a free home cooked meal. Still. As far as I know dont associate yourself with people in general. You yourself confessed to me once that nothing is more important for you than your revenge."
"We are just going for a simple lunch thats it. Why are you making a big deal out of it Aman." I replied. Trying to ignore his words.
"Because this is not you ASR. I have not seen you this concerned for anyone in the last few years. The way you went out of your way to help Khushi even after the messy arguement that happened at that diner, is confusing for me. I just want to know whats the harm in admitting the fact that you care for her."
"Get Out. We have reached her place. And I dont want to hear another word about all this." Saying that I banged my car door louder than normal which caused Aman to cringe in fear.

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