The right way to break up!

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Khushi POV
As soon as Arnav left my house I cried. I weeped. My physical wounds were nothing in front of this emotional wound that Arnav gave me. I very well knew what he was upto. However, watching him utter those pathetic words about me and my life felt like as if someone poured acid on my wounds.
Hmmm. Guess what Raizada you need to understand that you are wrong. You are very wrong. You will have to be punished. Not only for having thoughts about breaking up with me but also for not being my strength when I needed it the most.

Hahhh. You think only you can utter crap. Well guess what?? Khushi Kumari Gupta is not any less talented. Wait and watch. Just wait for a while.
I will make sure that you apologize with folded hands and bended knees. But for now....I need my strength for this plan to work. So I tried to relax and slowly fell asleep. My mind full of revenge.

Arnav POV
I did not really know at  how long I was out. But it was sunset now. I have to go back home first. I need to rest for while. I have to continue convincing Khushi how wrong she is. I am ASR. I will make her hate me. Tonight I will make her break up with me. No matter what hateful words I have to use in order to make her believe me.

This is for Khushi. I just have to do it. I know she will probably hate me forever after this. But I will have to do it. This is for her safe and secure future. I made myself understand.

Evening 6pm @Khushi's place

Khushi POV
"He is a pathetic jerk, a fool, a moron and practically every word in the dictionary which means the same. I mean come on. Really???" Lolo said in an angry tone.

"Exactly my thoughts, babe. Guess what?? For the first time in my entire life I did not loose my temper. I did not even get angry at him for doing all this. I did feel an extreme dislike for the words he used. Especially that adjective - attention seeker." I said with hostility.

"Thats really something. I mean its progress right. If I would have been in your place I would have thrashed Raizada for sure." She yelled.

I laughed seeing her reaction. In return Lolo just stared at me for a while. And then she smirked her rare smirk at me.
"Whats the plan?" She asked.
"We were twins in the previous life. You know me so well." I said with a smirk of my own. Hahh. Now its time for the real break up act Arnav. Let me show how one does it.
"I do. Now share with the class Koko." She replied.

"Okay here is what is supposed to happen. You do remember Anil dont you? Our new neighbor..." I started explaining with an evil look in my caramel eyes.

Arnav POV
It was around 7 in the evening. I had rested for really long. Now it is time to focus on my plan. I have to do something else. Something to make sure that Khushi feels hurt by my actions. I was sitting in my living room thinking of various ways to break Khushi's heart when someone rang the doorbell.

Who could it be? Maybe Aman. Yeah. He too must be exhausted after what happened in these past few days. I could even ask him. Maybe he can give a sound advice. With these thoughts in my mind I went towards the door.

A tall, fair and manly guy smiled at me. For a minute I just stood still.
Who is he? I thought to myself. I was about to ask him when he waved at me and opened his mouth.
"Hey dude. Whats up? So you are babe's friend huh. Nice building I must say. Hey babe did you find your phone? Look he opened the door for us." The strange guy said while looking towards his left.
"Look it seems you have mistaken me for someone-else..." I tried to clarify but all my words were stuck in my throught when I saw Khushi standing at beside the strange guy with a small smile on her face.

What the...

What is Khushi doing here....

She should be resting right now???

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