Forgive my Sins!

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Arnav POV
I kept walking back and forth for a long while. Trying to decide how to and what to do? get Khushi's forgiveness. It wont be easy. Thats for sure. But I want to explain everything to her. My fears. My thoughts. She should know that how breaking up with her was like breaking myself into pieces.

She did say that I should take wiser decisions in the near future. Then I have taken a decision. Tonight I will make a choice that will give me my happy ending. No matter how selfish it will sound. I promise to correct every error of mine. I promise to change things for the best.

With full determination I picked up my car keys and along with a little something from my almirah. This time it will be all about me. I wont sacrifice. This time I will only think about my happiness.

I left my house for the last time as ASR. Since I know very well once I return its only ever gonna be Arnav. Only Khushi's Arnav.

Khushi POV
"Thanks Anil. I really appreciate everything that you did for me." I said while standing at the his floor.
" girl. Chill there is nothing that I dont do when it comes to pretty chics. And believe me...all my friends dont just call me love guru for no reason. I am the best advisor when it comes to relationships. And I hardly did much. This was all your idea."
Anil said with a wink.

I smiled at him. He is a good friend thats for sure. Two hours ago when he came to my house for enquiring about my health I spilled everything to him. And thats how we ended up at Arnavs penthouse.

"Alright then. How about some breakfast tomorrow? Me and Lolo would love to have a guest...what do you say for a thank you meal? I asked him.
"I can never say no...for food." He said with a smirk.

After talking a little more I waved him goodbye and made my way to my floor.
Come on Raizada. Time is running. Hopefully you caught up my words. I shall have to wait till tomorrow probably. Hmm. Khushi Kumari Gupta's plans never fail. I thought.

Arnav POV
It was pretty late when I reached her house. I wish I could just barge inside and and do what I want. But thats not a possibility. Ughhhh. What to do? What to do? What to...
Oh yeah. I could try and text her...She will reply if she is awake. Yup. Simple.

I quickly typed a message asking her to come outside...

Khushi POV
My phone chimed once. A text alert. Is it Arnav?
I dashed towards my cellphone which was lying on my study table. Oh. Yessss. Its Arnav. He is waiting for me outside. Perfect. Its now or never. I will let him explain his side of the story. I really want to know what led him to take such a rash decision about us.

I quickly sent a reply and draped a shawl around myself. It was slightly chilly these days. Taking a deep beath I carefully made my way building.

It felt like deja vu. A few months back when Varun had come to visit and in his unknown jealously Arnav had sort of confessed his feelings for me. So much has happened between us since then. I sighed. He was still pacing back and forth not noticing the fact that I have arrived.
"Arnav..." I called out.
"Khushi..." He said instantly. He walked towards me but then stopped all of a sudden. As if something striked him.

"You want to go for a walk..?" He asked hesitantly.
I simply nodded in return. No knowing what life had in store for me.

Arnav POV
I asked her for a walk. Thinking that it would be more appropriate. There was so much that I wanted to say. However my mind was in utter chaos. Where to start..? But my girl beat me to it yet again.
"Are you better now? The incident was quite tiring right? I mean all the kidnapping and stuff. I am sure it was tough for you too." Khushi said softly.

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