Is this the END....

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Arnav POV

"I want all of you to be prepared. Keep the gun in place. Aman both of us will enter the area together. And the rest of you...give us a back up. Remember one thing all of you, Khushi's life is very important. So save her at any cost mind you. Even if I die tonight. She remains the priority." I ordered harshly in my 'dont mess with ASR' tone.

"ASR...but you...." Aman left his sentence incomplete.

"No matter the circumstances alright." I said like a broken record to Aman.

"As you wish." Aman sighed in return.

We were almost there now. The location seemed pretty deserted too. 

I am coming my love...just hold on for a while. I would rescue Khushi tonight. By hook or crook. I thought to myself. And then with a determined sigh I opened the door of my car.

Khushi POV

I was almost falling asleep. It was pretty late in the night. And thinking that Arnav might come here by morning, I dozed off to sleep. Not even a few minutes had passed when I heard Vikram the creep shouting and ordering his men to be in position and stay alert. Oh My Goshh. He is Love. Oh my. Thank you Jesus. He will take me away now. We will be back again.

And then my previous fears of Arnavs safety came back in full swing when I heard gun shots echoing all around the warehouse. 


NO NO!!!!


After a moment of being in shock and denial I tried to untie myself. Come on Khushi keep trying. You have to save him. You just have to. Be brave. 

But it was of no use. My strength did not favor my willpower. Ughhhhhh. This cannot happen. Keep fighting Khushi you can do it.You can.

And then like a bright star across the black sky...appeared Arnav. With a Aman and a few men fighting off Vikram and his team. I fell more in love with him at this moment. Because without thinking about the dangers and risks to his life my love came here to rescue me.

"Arnav...." I called him out.

He was done fighting. Both of us just stood still. Staring deeply at each other. No words were needed. Chocolate and Caramel eyes did all the talking. After a few seconds I heard him whisper my name.

"Khushi..." And then like a blur Arnav moved towards me. Only to help me untie the ropes. I kept staring at him but his eyes seemed to be stuck on the traces of thick rope marks which now glowed on my milky white skin. One second we were looking at one another and then the next second I felt his lips on my wounds.

Without another thought I hugged him. I gripped his shoulders with all my might. Afraid. Scared to let go. But feeling strong now. Having him beside me. Arnav left the hug only to grab my face.

"Khushi are you alright m..."
His caring words stopped in mid sentence. And my favourite chocolate eyes fumed with rage. I was about to ask him the reason for it...when his fingers traced the corner of my lips.

I winced. Oh No. He found the wound I received when that snake Vikram slapped me.

"Arnav listen to..." I tried.

"WHO DID ALL THIS??" He screamed

"Arnav wait for...."

"WHO DID THIS KHUSHI?!?" He was no more my Arnav. I had to answer.

"That creep Vikram." I said softly.

Arnav POV

I wanted to make sure that my girl was fine. However the sight that welcomed me was not expected at all by me.
The rope marks on her wrists and the cut on her lips made me go all beserk. As soon as Khushi mentioned Vikrams name I dashed towards him. He was still semi conscious. Lying on the floor. My madness knew no bounds.



And then I punched, kicked and slapped that good for nothing fraud. He deserves this. I thought. I continued to thrash him.
Seconds turned to minutes.

"Arnav Singh Mallik. Inspector Malliks only heir. How about some introductions?"
An unknown but creepy voice echo-ed through out the warehouse.

I stopped hitting Vikram. And turned around to notice a middle ages figure clad in a suit. He was holding a gun towards me. And I instantly knew who he is.

"JD..." I said in a harsh and cold tone.

"He recognizes me. How wonderful." JD replied with a sarcastic smile.

"You did this. You used Khushi as bait in this plan of yours. This is your way of meeting me. An unplanned meeting to ensure your life. Pathetic. Not manly at all." I scoffed.

"Mafia business is not about heart filled emotions but brainy ideas. Love makes one weak. Look how one stunt of mine made you come here at my chosen place. are still a naive boy trying to find justice for his parents death." He said calmly.

"You psychotic murderer. I wont spare you. I will kill you. You wont survive this night. Thats my promise."

"Lets see."
With that a huge battle began men against men. Aman fighting with Vikram. And me against JD.

Khushi POV
It hurt me to the core watching Arnav bleed and hurt himself. But I could really not do anything. Standing in one corner away from all this...was the only way to protect myself.

After a really long while it was just Arnav fighting off with JD. Due to an unexpected hit Arnav fell on the ground and in that moment everything happened in slow motion for me.

JD taking out a gun from his pocket.

JD aiming it at Arnav as he tried to stand on his feet.

Me running without a thought to protect him.

And then feeling a burning and painful sensation. As if something pierced the insides of my stomach.

And then....darkness enveloped me. The last thing that I saw was a horrified Arnav holding me probably screaming my name. But all my senses seemed to shut down.

A loud ringing reached my ears from somewhere... was that another gunshot..

Jesus. Always keep my love safe. I thought.

Arnav POV



Seeing my love unconscious with a bullet in her stomach punched a hole in my heart.

Without another thought I slowly made her lie on the ground and then in pure madeness and mania kicked and punched JD.
And then finding the right opportunity aimed his own gun on his forehead to end the creeps life.

I screamed like a wild animal and ended him. The murderer of my parents. The one who hurt my Khushi.

With the help of Aman I immediately took Khushi to my car. And within a span of 45 minutes we were sitting in a hospital.

Lavanya and Aman were sitting together. Aman holding a weeping Lavanya. And I prayed to god. To someone. Who will help.
Please save her. Please save my girl.
I thought.

I will be ending this ff soon. This tale will end soon enough. Just a few more chapters now.

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