I wish the Time Stops!

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Arnav POV
Right now I am sitting on the sofa while Khushi is resting her head on my lap. It was our second day in my private cottage. We were done with our afternoon tea. She was playing with my fingers. And we were just simply enjoying the silence, when a thought about our future struck me. I could not stop myself from asking.

"What are your plans after completing your degree Khushi?" I asked trying to sound very casual.
"Nothing much. I mean I dont wish to study further. I will look for a good job, but I am sure that by my last semester...placements will start. And I will get selected for sure." Khushi said with a smile.

Oh. She did not understand. How shall I be more specific than this? Damn it. Talking and discussing is not my thing. But now you are in a relationship Arnav Singh Raizada. So talk.
"I mean to say that...what are your plans after you get a job for yourself?" I asked trying to be more direct now.
"Oh you mean that, sorry I misunderstood entirely." I smiled shyly, but felt happy that she understood my point.
"No problem. But tell me Khushi how do you want to.." I questioned.
"I will probably buy a new place. I am sure Lolo will have plans too. I cannot expect her to share another apartment with me." She said.

What the...

How can she not understand what I am trying to ask for so long. Ughhhh!!!
"Khushi...Neither I am talking about your placements nor your apartment. Why is this so difficult for you to comprehend?" I asked all pissed of now. While Khushi got angry too. She got up from my lap and sat up straight looking at me with her sharp fiery caramel eyes. Oh..wow. Not now Raizada...Focus!!!! I averted my eyes from hers.
"Look ASR...I am not Jesus alright? So if you are trying to say something say it clearly...got it?" She said in an angry tone.

Fine. If that is what she wants. Here goes nothing.
"I wanted to know...about us. Where do you see me in your future?" There I said it.
"Oh...you were talking about us? Uh...what sort of a question is this Arnav?" She said...a lot calmer now.
"Its very simple and a straightforward one. And you know I dont like repeating things. But still I will for you. Where do you see me in your near future?" I asked again
"I understood it in one go. What I meant is that...its silly that you are asking this from me. We are in love...are we not? So ofcourse we will still be with each other dude." She said in an obvious tone. I sighed hearing the finality in her tone. Thats good right? I asked myself. Damn now I am having one sided conversations with myself.

"Khushi. I am talking about us in a more formal manner. I would like to call you mine officially. My love....once I am done with my revenge I would want to be with you forever. In another few months if things go according to my plans then I would be done with my desired justice. And I have a plan. I want to leave this mafia world. Once I am through with that snake we could get engaged or something?" I said in one go.

Now I could ssee the wheels turning in Khushi's head. She understood everything now. Her caramel eyes shined with an unknown emotion. And I loved this fact that it was me who brought this happiness on her face. Out of the blue my beloved hugged my causing me to fall on to the sofa. Since Khushi was in my arms she fell too. We were now lying horizontally on the sofa.
For a while I just soaked all the love from her hug. However the wetness on my shoulders alarmed me about the fact that she was crying. I let go off her only to hold her face which had a few tears.
"Hey...Khushi...dont cry...look at me...hey..stop crying. Shhhh...meri jaan chup hojao..whats wrong?" I asked all worried now.

"Nothing...nothing. Its just that. I was not expecting that. I thought you would never bring up marriage. I heard rumors that you dont believe in marriage so I thought that..." She said with teary eyes.
"Khushi thats all the stuff that paparazzi makes up about me. I once told them that I dont believe in love and commitment. And that was ages ago. The wounds of my parents death was still fresh in my heart. And you were not there with me then right? But now you are here. And we love each other. Madly. So ofcourse marriage will happen. Now stop getting so emotional. And answer me." I said the last words in a business like tone. She laughed in return.

"Ofcourse. I would love to get engaged as soon as you are done with that snake JD. And then once my studies are completed we can get married too." She said shyly. I laughed seeing how quickly her mood brightened up.
"Thats perfect. So you will still expect a proposal?" I asked with a quirk of my eyebrow.
She smiled haughtly and answered me.
"I definitely will Mr. Raizada. Make it a good one. Orelse.." she left her sentence incomplete.
"Orelse?" I asked in a serious tone.
"Orelse I will go to the media and will tattle all about your proposal failure to them."
I smirked and started tickling her while Khushi laughed like a hyena trying to stop me but failing miserably.

In the evening around 9PM, in the cottage backyard..

Khushi POV
"But why are we doing this?" Arnav asked again getting all curious now.
"Because this is how one enjoys a starry evening dude." I said while placing the bedsheet on the ground and arranging the pillows.
"So you do this often?" He asked as we laid down on the makeshift bed.
"Yup. We used to. Lolo and me kind of miss it now. However during our time in Dream-house Mother made sure that we enjoyed our natural surroundings once in a while when the weather was good." I explained to him.

"I see. This seems really nice. And I am liking it a lot." Arnav said in an excited tone.
"Thats good to know...future fiancee." I said with a wink.
"Really? Is that so...I am glad future fiancee." He replied with a smirk.
We were enjoying the night sky full of stars for a while. However, something striked me all of sudden.
"Hey....did you call me 'jaan' when I was crying this afternoon?" I asked all curious now.
"Uh....yeah. I did." And then Arnav Singh Raizada turned all red like a tomato.
"Oye hoye...Mr. Raizada is blushing...waah." I said smirking like he always does.
"Shut up Khushi." He muttered all embarrassed.
"Ok. As you say. Jaan." I exclaimed.

Both of us laughed out loud. And our happiness echoed all around the area.

Next day around 11am in the morning...

Arnav POV
"Hey there is no need to be all sad and pouty Khushi. Its ok. We can come here again. Anytime you want." I said trying to cheer her up.
"I know. But I just dont want to leave. This seems so beautiful. You, me and our little bubble of happiness. Away from the reality...the hustle and bustle of life." She replied.
"Hmmm. I agree with you on that." I said imitating her sad expressions.
After a minute she noticed my sadness and tried to cheer me up.
"Arnav. Its ok. We will keep coming here whenever we feel like. Dont be upset. I dont like this face of yours at all. Come on. Tell me what should I do to make you all happy?" She asked in a happy tone.
"Is that so Khushi Kumari Gupta? Really can you do anything I ask you to do?" I asked in a husky tone.

She trembled hearing the change in my voice.
"Ye..yes. I...I can."
I smirked seeing her in such a state. Well lets see how determined you are Khushi.
"Really?...then I want you to kiss me."
"WHAT?!?...you...you...want..a..a..KISS?" She stammered.
"Yes. I proper kiss."
I said and took our bags only to move out of the cottage and place in in my SUV.

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