The Problems of Heart.

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Khushi POV
It is very difficult for me to digest this fact that now Arnav Singh Raizada and I...Khushi Kumari Gupta are friends. We are friends. It sounds strange right? But life is the prime example of strangeness. Currently I am sitting with Lavanya at the backseat of Arnav's SUV. While Aman and Arnav are sitting in the frontseats. I can see Arnav glancing at me from time to time via the rear view mirror. This man is seriously suffering from bi-polar disorder. Yeah. Maybe drugs was not the case. Definitely a psychological disease.

"Khushi are you comfortable?" Arnav's words affected me in a weird way.
"I am fine Arnav." I said in reply. And Lolo watched this scene in a total awe.
I could see her eyes asking me 'what exactly happened between him and you' when you were alone for a while. I wish I could explain it to her.

"Take a right turn from the signal." Lolo directed Arnav towards our apartment.
"This red and white building?" Arnav asked while looking at me in the mirror again.
"Yeah this one." I said with a small smile.
"Thanks a lot Mr. Raizada. We appreciate all the help." Lolo said to him.
"Yes. Thank you. I mean both of you...Arnav and Aman.
Lolo and Aman moved out of the car. And then Arnav came forward to help me in moving out from his car. I stared at his chocolate orbs. He has a beautiful face if he is not frowning that is. I thought.
"Umm. Here is my card. If you want any help or even if you want to talk...." He said in a husky voice. I looked at him shell shocked. Is he seriously the same guy who was behaving so rudely and arrogantly the last time we met?

"And you said you dont know how to be a friend?" I teased him. Trying to get back that fierce side of him. Am I missing my Bull...Aweeee. I think I am.
" will be judging me right?" He teased in return. A twinkle present in his eyes.

I moved ahead to our apartment along with Lolo who was holding me from one side. Before entering my building I glanced back at him once.
And I almost gasped seeing the look in his eyes. I wish he could tell me whatever was running in his mind. This man is surely intense. My cheeks flushed trying to get away from those trapful eyes. I turned back and quickly took the stairs.

Arnav POV
After making sure that Khushi is fine I asked Aman to go home by himself. Since I really needed to vent out whatever I am feeling right now. Despite, his protests I left him and drove at a high speed to the exact location which Vikram had texted me.
I walked inside the house which belonged to the lead. The doors were open. He seemed to be sleeping calmly on the sofa and an empty bottle of whiskey was lying on the floor. I knew now that he is an easy target. I picked up the bottle from the floor and broke it over his head. He woke up a bit disoriented but then turned unconcious. Feeling all the more pissed I picked him up and took him to my warehouse.

My men were waiting for me here. I ordered them to tie the man and make sure that he wakes up in less than 5 minutes. And within minutes the guy became conscious enough to answer my questions. But my mind was in a far away place right now.
How could I do this KHUSHI?? I lost my cool for a second and ended up crashing into HER...her of all the people!!! Taking the brass knuckles from one of my men I wore it and started punching the hell out of this man.

How can I do this? I was supposed to stay in control. I was supposed to forget this girl. Then why??? Why did I get so close to her?


I screwed up. Very badly. Remembering her bleeding face, all weak and helpless felt like as if someone poured kerosene on my burns. Her pain hurt me!! It hurts like hell!!! What if those Caramel eyes had shut forever?!??


Friends?!?! How can I accept her offer of being friends? This is not a possibility. One day or another she will realise the fact that I feel something for her. I cannot let her see my vulnerable side.  But if she needs me then? I have to maintain this facade of friendship. This is the only way to remain close to her.

Another Punch

However I cannot hide my dark side from her. This bright chirpy soul can never be a part of my mafia world. She will runaway from me. After knowing the truth...after knowing my reality. She wont forgive me. And I wont be able to watch her walk away from me.

Final strike

DAMN IT!!!!! You will rot in hell JD you will burn in the pits of hell. Because of you I lost my world 5 years ago. And once again because of you my world will shatter.i wanted to murder that monster right now.

The lead was about to become unconscious again when I held him by his  collar and screamed at him loudly...
"Listen to me you good for nothing CREEP!!! I want to know everything that you know about JD. Yes JD. Dont look so shocked. I know who you are working for. seem you have not recognized me?? Let me do the honors. It is ASR. Mafia boss...ASR. know me dont you? I am a known name in the crime world. Now be ready with all that you know about JD. Orelse...tsk tsk...tsk." Saying that I knocked him out.

I wiped my blooded hands with a cloth and then casually walked out of the warehouse. I felt much better now.

Khushi POV
"Mind telling me what exactly happened between you two?" Lolo asked with a curiosity laced in her voice.
"Nothing." I replied. While I saved Arnav's number in my phone. Hmmm. Should I save his name as weirdo? No thats too boring...Bull is apt for him. Naaa...Bull Singh Raizada. Now its perfect!

"You liar." Lolo accused me all of a sudden.
"I am not lying." I said casually.
"You are lying Koko. Please anyone can know that from your face. Tell me na. Did he apologize? He said sorry right? And you forgave him...right?" She said showing me her 180 degrees smile.
"Hmm. He did. But that does not mean he is not a weirdo anymore." I said in anger.
"Ofcourse. He is a weirdo. You are absolutely right dude." Lolo replied mockingly.
"Whatever." I pretended to be least interested.

It was 11.30 PM in the night. Lolo had slept long ago. But why am I feeling so restless? Should I not be sleeping after taking such strong painkillers. Ughhh. Oh. Hmmm. How about I text Arnav? He must be awake. And even if he is not I will know if he does not reply. Just do it Khushi. Dont think. Orelse you wont be able to sleep.

I was about to sleep. Just thought to wish goodnight to my new friend.

And then I waited for his reply. Gosh how long does it take to send a reply. Is he a slow typer or something....a whole long minute passed and then finally my phone vibrated.

You need to sleep Khushi Kumari Gupta. Did you take your medicines?

What???? Is he crazy? I just texted him to say goodnight and this man is ordering me. Really? Bi-polaric fool!!!

Yes Doctor Raizada. Anything else? Do you have any toffees for me too?

Hahhhhh. Take that Mr. Raizada. The guy does not even have textual manners. Ughhh.

Whatever Khushi. Sleep now. Goodnight.

After getting some peace...sleep took over me. And I failed to realise that the reason for this peace is Arnav...Arnav Singh Raizada.

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