I am Your Shadow!

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Khushi POV
"How could he do this to me? To us? Seriously Lolo you are least bothered by all this? I mean come on....our privacy was invaded. Someone keeps an eye on us 24x7....in the name of bodyguards!!!! Do you even realize how Creepy all this is? Two men were following our each and every move. And how easily you just said that...I am getting hyper for no reason"
I said loudly making Lolo cover her ears.

"First of all I am not gonna take my words back. So stop getting so hyper. Second thing is that you just went against everything that you preach about. If I am not wrong you always say that one should not pass quick judgements, analyzing each and every angle of an issue is majorly important. And last but not the least, Arnav offered you a dinner with an opportunity to discuss and sort out this matter. However, you bluntly rejected him. So I personally feel that you are the one who is really wrong here." Lolo said without blinking with a stern expression on her face.

"You are siding with him? Not your childhood friend but him? Bravo Lolo. Bravo. Fine if I am the one who is wrong here then there is no point in talking about it any further. Conversation over." Saying so I quickly took an auto rickshaw and left Lolo not even bothering to hear her.

I went straight home. Since the diner was going through some renovations we were given three days off. Initially I was absolutely thrilled knowing that I had a three days break. But because of Arnav Singh Raizada my holidays were a waste now. Ughhhh. He is so full of himself. He is...he is a...Bi-polar. Yeah. Exactly.

After reaching home I went to bed feeling tired all of sudden. Hmmm. I have to make up for all those busy tiring days. But Lolos words were disturbing my sleep.

....Arnav offered you a dinner with an opportunity to discuss and sort out this matter. However, you bluntly rejected him. So I personally feel that you are the one who is really wrong here..

Am I really wrong here? But he should have informed me about those men in black. The real reason of my anger was not the fact that I had security following me everywhere, but the idea that all this was hidden from me. Arnav did not trust me enough to reveal this piece of information to me. But whats the use of thinking about it all now. I have said what I wanted to. I will have to approach him sometime but not tonight. I dont want to say something in my anger that will eventually hurt him.

With these thoughts in my mind I fell into a deep slumber. Not realizing that in my unconsciousness state how much can happen.

Arnav POV
"Arnav calm down. Go and talk to her like a normal person. This is not the way to handle things."
Aman tried to plead Khushi's case. But as of now I am in no mood to even think rationally.
"Dont interfere Aman. This is a personal matter. And I will sort things with Khushi in my style only. She fell in love with me so she must accept every side of me." I shut the door on his face and left my house.

Within a few minutes I took my car and drove towards Khushi's house. Where I found Lavanya getting inside her building. I quickly parked my car and called her out to stop her. Sensing my urgency she stood still while I walked to stand beside her.
"Lavanya I need your help again.." I said politely.
"And I am ready for it...again." She replied with a wink. I discussed my plans with her and she revealed the news of their 3 days off from work to me with a mischievious smile. She went inside to get the things I asked for while I prepared myself for what I was about to do.

I walked inside Khushi's room. As expected she was sleeping like a kid. All the hectic work and exams had taken a toll on her. Hmmm. These 3 days will
become the most beautiful days your life dear. I thought with a smirk. And carried a dead tired Khushi towards my car. Khushi Kumari Gupta...be prepared to see this face once you wake up.

Khushi POV
Someone was cooking something delicious at the moment. I could smell it easily. My senses were telling me it is something mouth watering. So I forced myself to get up. I blinked me eyes for a few seconds. Disoriented at first, it took me a while to recognize that this is not my room.
JESUS CHRIST!!!!! This is NOT MY HOUSE....I HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED. MY HEARTBEAT WAS IN MY MOUTH.....looking here and there all bewildered and worried I screamed as loud as I could.


And then out of the blue Arnav Singh Raizada came inside my...no the strange room. All huffing and puffing like a mad man.

"WHATS WRONG??? Stop Screaming you CRAZY WOMAN. I thought something happened to you. CRAP....The Chicken...I need to keep it on low flame...." saying so he rushed outside. Leaving me all flabbergasted.

After a minute when my heart started beating in its regular pattern I stood up from the bed and walked out to understand what the hell had happened. I mean the last thing that I can recall is that I was extremely tired and I fell asleep without even changing my dress. I looked down to confirm. Yup. Same dress. Now only Mr. Raizada can give the answers to my questions.
I moved out of the room and realised that this was some sort of a cottage. With 2 bedrooms, big open windows adjoining the living room and an open kitchen where Arnav Singh Raizada was cooking dinner for us.

I walked towards him and stopped. The kitchen counter between us acted as the barrier. His concentration was on the pan and not me.

"What the hell is going on ASR? We are here together at an unknown place. If you forgot our last conversation let me remind you again. Like I said earlier YOU ARE NOT supposed to show YOUR FACE TO ME!!! And instead of listening to my words YOU WENT AGAINST IT AND KIDNAPPED ME TO GOD KNOWS WHERE!!"
As soon as I mentioned my earlier words of not showing his face to me his expressions changed all together. With a bang he dropped the spatula in the pan. And came to my side. In quick strides he cornered me. I was practically sandwiched between Arnav and the counter.

Holding my neck in his hand Arnav pulled me to him touching our foreheads together. I stopped breathing altogether. His closeness   was affecting me very much. With a weird possessiveness laced in his body language he spoke to me harshly.
"Never Ever say this AGAIN. THIS FACE IS THE ONLY FACE THAT YOU WILL SEE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Because I AM YOUR SHADOW. I offered you a deal. A dinner and conversation. You rejected it. Now bear the consequences. Yes you have been Kidnapped Ms. Gupta. And this is entirely your fault. Dinner is ready. Lets have our conversation now."

Arnav let go of me with a jerk and got busy in laying the table for our so called dinner. I wanted to scream at him for talking to me in this manner but then I saw the pain in those chocolate eyes. Crap..my words about 'not showing your face to me' had hurt him. Damn it.

"I will just freshen up." Saying that I left Arnav who was still arranging the table.
His words still ringing in my ears.


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