Chapter 1- Darkness

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Evangeline's Pov
Darkness. That's all I see. It's always been like this, seeing nothing not knowing what colors are or letters or anything. I've always wanted to know what a dog looks like. I have one, her name is one of the only words I know semi what it looks like because when I felt it I called her Lily. Because I love flowers and how they smell.

"Evangeline! Are you ready to get your clothes on?" My mom asked from downstairs, I yelled back a yes and she sent my boyfriend, Jake Micheals. He has been here since day one even after years of being together he's been here. Mom trust him to help me around and everything cause he and my mom are literally best friends. He always calls my parents by their names, Ben and Natasha. I heard my door open and I still kept my head in the position it was in. I mean what's the point to even look.

"Let's get you dressed" Jake said coming over to me helping me up and to my closet. He took off my pajamas and put on my clothes.

"What am I wearing today?" I asked while he patted down my clothes and brushed my hair into a ponytail.

"Your wearing a teal dress with pink flowers on the end of it with pink flats" he said finishing my ponytail and kissing my cheek. I smiled and he helped me up taking me out of my room downstairs to where my mom, dad, and sister Sam is.

"Hello sweetheart" my dad said kissing the top of my head taking me away from Jake to sit down. When I did I heard a clink in front of me indicating my mom sat down a plate of food for me. I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder and pull me into them and I knew instantly that it was my mother.

"Good morning sweetie! Enjoy your breakfast"

"Thanks mom" I said while she said you're welcome to me. Jake sat next to me feeding me eggs and bacon with toast. After I was done he helped me up and took me out grabbing his pack back and mine while Sam followed us. We drove to our school and he helped me out and I could already tell you people are probably looking at me.

"Hey. It'll be ok Eve" Sam said using her nickname she made for me I smiled and nodded my head. Sam and Jake are my only friends. I can tell you who the cool kids are, they are the coolest kids in school but they're nice. It's Max, Devon, Xan, and their leader Edrick. I've never really talked or even heard from Edrick. I accidentally bumped into Max and Devon once when I tried to walk by myself they helped me pick my stuff up and then Xan came and took me to my classroom handing me back over to Jake who was upset I tried to walk by myself. I talked a little to them but not much.

"We're here Evangeline" Jake said I nodded thanking him while he walked me in and sat me down while he sat next to me. He is in every one of my classes because he always helps me. I have reading first which is hard for me. And I always have A's and it's hard to tell Jake my answers when people always like to copy off of me. Jake doesn't though, he does his test before me and then helps me.

"So today we will be learning about.." our teacher talked and talked about sentences and everything. I told what things to copy down for Jake to write down and told him to point these things out and everything. Soon the bell rung and our teacher told us one last thing that I was smirking about.

"I hope you all took notes because there is going to be a quiz tomorrow over everything you've learned today" and by the teachers tone he was smirking, me and Jake chuckled as the rest of the class groaned as we got up. Being a senior is hard especially being a blind senior but I make it, my classmates just don't care and that's why they don't make good grades. Soon it was lunch time and Jake told me what we were having today which is hot dogs or burgers. I told him what I wanted we paid and sat down outside in the court yard.

"So how's life been?" Jake asked and I could tell he was smiling because he sounded like he usually does when he plays around with me. I smiled and shook my head.

"You know the same old, same old" I said laughing when he let me take a bite out of my burger then taking a drink of my milk. I heard another person sit down.

"Hey Eve"

"Hi Sam, how were your classes?" I asked my sister while Jake put a fry in my mouth. We all talked until it was time for us to go back to class. I accidentally bumped into someone while we were walking. The guy yelled at me and I could feel how mad Jake was by his tense muscles. I turned my head to where I heard the guy yell.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I yelled at him but didn't get a response I was about to yell again when Jake just started walking with me again. I turned my head back to look up and try to met Jakes eyes.

"But-" "Evangeline don't try. He didn't look back, that was Edrick Evans he doesn't like anyone except his friends and family" Jake said I nodded my head which my eyebrows scrunched together walking to wherever Jake walked me to. We made it to our class and Jake saw how distressed I was about the situation that just happened and he wrapped an arm around me pecking my lips telling me how it would be ok. I believe him and went to listening to our teacher.
I hope you all like the first update! Love you my magical sea unicorns! Next chapter will be Edrick's.

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