Chapter 18- Meeting

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Evangeline's Pov
When we walked in Edrick had his arm securely around me as I saw people staring at me. Men with lust and attraction while women had envy and curiosity. But I think everyone was curious about the blind human girl who got her eye sight back and is actually a werewolf and not even that, the Moon Goddess' daughter. We went into the office and Edrick and I went to the very end where the King and Queen were supposed to sit at. It made me anxious from sitting there and so many people staring. Then is began.

"So. We are gathered her today because of my Queen receiving empty threats and her being the women from the prophecy. Now let's begin" Edrick said as everyone sat down. All the highest Alpha and Luna's from their countries and states staring at me.

"My King. I am not trying to disrespect you at all but your Queen is making a huge problem for all werewolves and creatures because of who she is. Especially her being the Queen" one Alpha said and Edrick nodded his head trying to stay calm.

"I understand that Alpha Daniel but she is your Queen and no matter what you will learn to deal with these problems as we are trying to find a solution and of course she is mew to all of this because of her family"

"That's Just it My king! Your Queen is causing us too many problem for us to deal with! We have packs of our owns dealing with enough and then she comes! Also she doesn't know what the heck she is doing! I say we find a new Queen who knows what she is doing and that doesn't cause us problems!" Another Alpha said making the whole room erupted in mumbles. Edrick stood up and let a giant roar making everyone silent, his eyes were darker than usual showing he was fighting control of his wolf.

"Alpha Trent! If you say something like that again about your Queen again I will end your life in front of your own pack! And I don't think the Moon Goddess would be very happy of the way you're talking about her daughter!" Edrick roared making the Alpha whimper and submit to him while his Luna rubbed his arm comforting him. She looked at me and silently apologized with her eyes. I nodded towards her telling her it was ok.

"Now. I understand that you all are going through problems and some may be caused by my Queens appearance. But, we are figuring it out. And if you all wait we will be able to fix all of your problems. But do not take it out on your Queen. Now I want her to say a few words on the matter and if she would like, you all can ask questions if she is comfortable with it" Edrick said and I nodddd standing up while he sat down. I looked at all the curious eyes as I took a deep breath.

"Hello everyone. My name is Evangeline Rose. As you all know I was a blind human before. But then I soon got my eye sight back from my mother The Moon Goddess. Then figured out I was a wolf like all of you. I'm so very sorry if I have made any problems for you all but I'm trying to resolve the problem and trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do. I'm working and training everyday to help and strengthen me to be ready for anything. But I will not fail my citizens. Because if I am Queen I will do anything to protect all of you. I will put my own life before yours. Because I will not watch my citizens die and get hurt for something that is cause by me. And whatever I need to do I will do it. And I have my own pack and I now how it feels to be under pressure but that will not stop me from protecting all of you." I said and sat back down while Edrick looked at me proudly. I held my breath as everyone stared at me and slowly stared clapping. I gave a small smile knowing that I was accepted. These are my people and I will make sure I protect them with everything o have in me.

"Now. On the matter of my Queen. She is the one from the prophecy. The one who is supposedly save all supernatural kind. It says a great darkness will take over and kill everyone until they have control over all supernaturals promising misery. But one woman a very special woman called the Blind Beauty will stop this but she will have to sacrifice something she loves dearly. And that woman is your Queen Evangeline. We do not know who the people are yet but we are trying to get to the bottom of it." Edrick said making everyone and there was one person eyes making me feel uncomfortable I looked around until I landed on a figure but they quickly left. I shook my head and looked back at everyone.

"My King. Could it be rouges?" A Luna asked and he looked thoughtful.

"Yes. We did discuss that and there is a high chance of it being rogues, but we do not officially know yet because we found tools around our territory covered in wolfsbane. And rouges have no reason to use that" Edrick said and everyone nodded thinking.

"My King?"

"Yes Luna Sydney?"

"Could the rouges be.... Be..." Luna Sydney said pausing looking at her hands then at her mate and back at Edrick and I. "Be working with.... Zane?" She asked and Edrick's eyes darkened while I looked at him confused. Who's Zane? Is he someone important? Bad? Good? I don't know..

"Yes. My King and Queen. There's a high chance it could be Zane. He's always wanted power and he's always been so greedy" An Alpha said then Edrick got up storming out.

"Everyone is dismissed we will reschedule this meeting once Edrick calms down. Thank you all for coming" I said and they all bowed and started leaving while I ran after Edrick.
Hope you all liked this chapter! Oh and please go check out my other book Mystical and Mysterious and maybe the sequel Mysterious Attitude? M&M is on my page and the other is on my other page Struggles_in_life

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Who is Zane?

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