Chapter 19- Unexpected Guests

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Evangeline's Pov
I walked into mine and Edrick's room after riding home in an empty limo by myself. I saw him pacing the room trying to calm himself down. I sighed as I walked over to him and laid my hand on his back.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked and he spun around not knowing it was me about to yell. I flinched when he glared at me, when he saw it was me his eyes softened and he sighed pulling me to his chest breathing in my scent calming himself down.

"I'm sorry. I just. I lost it when they kept blaming you for everything and then Zane.... And I... I"

"Shh. Edrick it's fine" I said and we looked into each others eyes, I won't bother him about who Zane is right now. I lead him to bed and sat him down making him lay down. I crawled in bed beside him but he had different plans as he pulled me on top of him making me look into his eyes. I gasped at he lashed his hands on my hips and started to his my neck. I moaned as a got to a certain spot between my neck and shoulder. He growled and I felt his canines rub against the spot. I knew what he wanted to do so I gave him more access to my neck while moaning. He stopped and pulled away so he could look me in the face.

"Are you sure?" He asked huskily making me more aroused. I nodded my head eagerly and pulled his head back down to my neck. He growled in pleasure in my ear before biting down on my neck making me gasp and wiggle in pain. He held me in place while his teeth were still in me, soon an immense amount of pleasure hit me making me moan load and hold onto him. He pulled me back down where u was laying on his chest and ran his hand through my hair smelling it.

"Go to sleep Vasílissa mou" He said and u fell into a deep sleep with a smile on my face.

—5 months later—
It's been a few months after Edrick marked me.. And I also convinced Edrick to let Lilly come to live with us instead of with my parents and Jake. I've missed my Lilly and I'm so happy I have her back with me. Edrick gets jealous with how much she gets attention. Also Edrick has been very possessive after he marked me, more than usual. Jake was happy for me but I could see the sadness in his eyes and I hugged him while telling him we will always be close to each other no matter what. I've gotten all my powers mainly down. Controlling the elements, turning people into gold statue, making my eyes glow letting me see into their minds and thoughts, and last but not least I can control others with me bitting them in wolf form and in human form I just stare into their eyes.

"Hey Eve, have you seen Ethan?" Sam asked walking into the living room and I shook my head no making her sigh and sit next to me exhausted, while laying her head on my shoulder.

"He's been so busy. With being top warrior and him training everyone and Zoey is the female beta helping Beta Mason. Then you have to worry about your powers, people wanting to kidnap up, you being the Moon Goddess' daughter. And on top of all that you are the Luna of this back and Queen of all supernaturals!" She said in one breathe and I laughed lightly at the end of her story.

"I'm sorry Sam. I've just been so caught up with everything. Why don't we have a day just to ourselves? Huh?" I said and she sat up and pulled me out the door with her making me laugh. But we didn't get two steps out when alarms went off and everyone started to flee. I looked around and saw a little girl being chased by a rouge. I pushed Sam into the house knowing she is an omega and shifted into my wolf not caring about my clothes and attacking the wolf. I bit him and made him attack some of his own while I nudged the little girl onto my back running her to the safe house.

I put her in and stood in front guarding it. A wolf was about to pounce on one of our warriors but I stared at him thinking of Edrick and him turned into a statue. The warrior looked at me and nodded while I did the same but someone rammed into my side making me roll over with the wolf. I snarled but stopped when I saw a beaten up Edrick. I whimpered and budged his snout with mine earning a pained whimper from him. I looked up and saw another wolf about the same size as me with a scar along his eye.

Hello sweetheart, it's nice to finally meet you the wolf said to me making me stand over Edrick in a protective way.

Who are you and why are you on my territory! I snarled at the wolf and he gave me a evil look making me scared but I didn't let him see that.

Well my name is Zane sweetheart. I'm assuming yours is Evangeline Rose? He said making my eyes widen a little. This is the guy. The guy I wanted to know about for months. Every time I would ask Edrick who is was he would change the subject or tell me not to worry about it. I looked at Edrick while he looked at me whimpering.

You know what Zane? I said and he tilted his head telling me to continue. I want you to get off of my territory and leave! I barked at him and he gave me a wolfie laugh and I watched at a very familiar wolf walked from behind him.

*tries to mumble something out*
To tried to speak. Night Magical Unicorns! (It's like 1 in the morning where I am lolz) 💕

*inserts question*

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