Chapter 17- Important Plans

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Evangeline's Pov
The last few days I've been practicing and seeing what other powers I have. I can control the elements as in nature, water, fire, and wind, then I can control wolves by bitting them, people I can also but my eyes glow when I look at them controlling them, and turn them into golden statues. But only if I'm thinking of something I love dearly! And I can control it. And I'm wondering if I can reverse it but I'll try that another day. The rest of my powers I don't know yet but I'm still trying. I'm actually training with Edrick right now.

"Evangeline I need you to concentrate" he said and I huffed while in my wolf form and trying to practice my powers. I snarled at him the ground began to shake. What the... He quickly jumped from where he was and the ground cracked open I shook my head. I stumbled back a little bit and looked at Edrick shifting back into my human form and putting on shorts and a sports bra n real quick.

"I almost killed you....." I said looking at him. He shook his head and stepped towards me, grabbing me by the arms towards him.

"You didn't mean to. I'm fine. See? I didn't get any scratches" he said and I nodded while looking at the hole while he hugged me. I made it go away and I sighed, well I have another power down and I feel like that's the last one. I saw Sam walking towards us with someone with her, Zoey and Mason where trailing behind laughing at something.

"Hey Eve! I want you to meet my mate! Ethan I just met him today!" Sam said and I looked over Ethan. He seems like a very relaxed kind of guy. I smiled at him and he gave me a boyish grin.

"Hello Ethan" I said and stuck my hand out for him to shake but he bowed his head at me and submitted.

"Hello Luna" he said so I grabbed his hand and shook it laughing making his head jerk up a little.

"Come on! You don't have to call me Luna! Call me Evangeline!" I said and he looked up at me and smiled and nodded towards Edrick.

"Hey Evangeline, I also wanted to introduce you to my mate Mason. And you already know I'm Edrick's little sister. Zoey. But I'm the cooler one of course" she said flipping her hair making me laugh.

"Hello Mason and I totally agree Zoey" I said and she laughed with me making Edrick grumble under his breath.

"Well as you can see we all have our mates so why not go out on a triple date?" Zoey asked looking at Edrick and I, Edrick slipped his hand around my waist pulling me into his chest. I felt tingles all over my body making me think about Edrick and I... In hot scenarios.... Edrick growled smelling my aroused body.

"We can't. We have our own plans" he said and they nodded their heads walking off. I looked at Edrick and slapped his chest.

"We do not! You just didn't want to go!"

"No. We actually have somewhere to be. Now that your Luna and Queen of all supernaturals we have to deal with things. The rouges have found vampire rouges and apparently they are plotting to get you so we need to go" he said straining himself from going off on me. I whimpered in my head and nodded with all seriousness. He nodded back and told me to go clean up in nice clothes, we have to go to another pack to discuss it. I went to my room and saw a dress with heels, I shook my head while smiling.

"Oh Edrick..." I said and picked the dress up and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower to get all the sweat off of me and when I got out I let my hair dry to it's natural straight hair. I slipped the dress on with the shoes, I put on mascara and winged eyeliner. I smiled at myself and walked out, down stairs Edrick was pacing in a suit. I smiled at his form, he looked so stressed and worried, I guess he heard me because he looked in my direction and smiled grabbing my hand and walking to a limo.

"To the Red Blossoms Pack please" Edrick said to our driver and he nodded. I smiled and looked around the limo in awe. As the driver rolled up the window making us invisible to him Edrick grabbed me and sat me on his lap while he snuggled his head into my neck.

"I've been waiting so long for me to be able to do this" he said and I laughed pushing him away making him growl as I sat back where I previously was.

"Edrick remember I said no doing this. I let you the day of the attack because I need to calm down. It's not fair to Jake" I said and he growled putting me back on his lap but making me straddle him this time.

"I shouldn't have to wait for my mate. And it especially should be fair. I'm your mate not Jake" Edrick said in a strained voice, I sighed and sat my hand on his check while he snuggled onto it savoring the tingles and the warmth of his mates hand.

"I know.. I will pick you in the end, I always will. But you have to understand all this is hard for me and to let my first love go" I said and he growled opening his eyes that were pitch black... Oh no... His wolf is out.

"Hello baby" his wolf said and held my waist tightly making me blush as my dress rid up as his hands touched my thighs.

"H-hello Caden" I said and he groaned as I felt something poke me making me gasp and get off of his lap from the extreme tingles. He smirked at me then pinched my cheek and gave me a lopsided smile.

"You're so cute my mate" he said and I smiled at him. We talked until we got to Red Blossoms Pack House. Caden is so goofy and sweet.
I'm so sorry my magical sea unicorns! I have been busy with everything! And winter guard just started today! And I'm really excited! I love you all! Oh and again the reason Jake and Sam smelt weird to Edrick a few chapters back was because they were werewolves trying to mask their scent! Jake and Sam were never together behind Evangeline's back!

How will the meeting go?

Who thought Sam was with Jake behind Evangeline's back?

Who is trying to get Evangeline?

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