Chapter 20- Old Memories

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Evangeline's Pov
Derek.... What is he doing here?! He can't be here... He was in jail... He's a wolf?! Oh my lord all of this is messed up. He's supposed to be in prison! I wobbled a little and Edrick whimpered at me faintly licking my paw.

It's been forever my sweet. I've missed you, and I would advise you to tell that mutt to stop licking you Derek growled making me whimper from the memories.

—2 weeks after they moved—
I went through the halls after class by myself hoping I could get to my classroom. We just moved here a couple of weeks ago from our old and may I say 6th house. Jake didn't get the chance to come get me cause I went out as soon as the bell rung and now I'm lost holding onto the walls for dear life. I bumped into another wall and cursed a little under my breath.

"Watch where your- oh I'm sorry. Are you new? Do you need help?" A male voice ask and rested his hands on my waist steadying me. I smiled and nodded my head and I heard him chuckle while grabbing my hand and leading me somewhere.

"So what's your name?"

"My name is Derek my sweet, what about you?" He asked making me blush and look down while he guided me.

"My name is Evangeline... Also I'm sorry you have to help me I tried to go out of my classroom by myself and.. You probably already saw my eyes.. I'm blind"

"It's totally fine. I'm glad I bumped into you" he said and we stoped somewhere while I looked around.

"I'll see you around my sweet.." he said kissing my neck and putting me at the door. I blushed and walked in holding onto the wall.

—2 weeks after they met—
"Hey Evangeline! Hey Jake..." Derek said coming up to me and Jake while he said Jake's name with venom.

"Hey Derek!"

"Hey, Derek..."

"How are you my sweet?" Derek asked, Derek has been very nice and we became friends very quickly. I assumed we were at Jake's classroom caused he kissed my head and told me to be safe and let Derek take me.


"Lets go Evangeline" Derek said pulling me close to his side possessively making me a little uncomfortableness try to create more space but just resulting in him pulling me closer.

"Don't ever pull away from me" he said and I whimpered and nodded my head while he took me to class.

—2 months later—
"Derek please stop! Stop Derek! Derek I said stop!" I yelled and screamed after Derek pulled me into his car and drove off after he started a fight with Jake. I assume Derek punched Jake for kissing me. Taking my first kiss.

"You have to understand! You are mine! No one else's! Especially that mutt! You are mine Evangeline!" He yelled pulling me out and pulling me into a house taking me somewhere. He opened a door and pushed me onto a bed the I heard a loud thump making me realize he closed the door and locked it. Then I felt him crawl on top of me as start to assault me. Kissing my neck and ripping my clothes off. I heard him trying to take his belt off and that's when I struggled against him.

"Derek! Stop! Please don't do this! Stop! Stop now! St-" I was cut off when he slapped me making me cry harder.

—2 hours later-
I ran out of Derek's house and tried to find help by screaming and crying covering my body with a piece of fabric. Someone came and helped me taking me to the police and they took me in for questioning.

"What happened sweetie" a nice female voice came into my hearing. I shook violently and started to cry while she came over and hugged me.

"H-he... h-e r-rap... rape..." I couldn't finish my sentence with out crying harder and she cooed at me and hugged me tighter and I visioned how I felt and started to scream and push her away.

"No! Don't touch me! P-please..." I said crying and she sighed and I could feel her body heat in front of me.

"Who was it"

"D-Derek Antonio.."
End of flashback

Evangeline... Are you ok?... Edrick asked through mind link and I whimpered backing a little away from Derek and Zane and closer to Edrick. All the memories flashed in front of me at once making em whimper and shake.

I see you remember me my sweet Derek said chuckling making me growl at him and he growled back making me flinch a little. He wasn't supposed to be out... He can't be out..

If we haven't been formally introduced I'm Zane Evans. Edrick's brother that was supposed to be king but dad gave it to him. Also I am the Alpha of rogues he said smiling a wolfie smile at me making me cringe.

And don't try your powers on us they won't work. Also I'm helping Derek back get his property back. And he of course wants it back more knowing you are so much more important now he said making me growl loudly stopping everyone while they all looked at me.

I. Am. Not. Property! And you will not hurt my people and you will leave my territory now! I yelled and all the rogues left when Zane howled.

Would you like to say anything to Edrick? Derek said snarling our Edrick's name. I looked at him and laid softly on him licking behind his ear.

I love you so much Edrick... I love you so so much. I want to bear your pups. I want to stay with you forever I said in our mind link only.

I love you too Vasílissa mou Edrick said and I licked his ear again. Then I saw Jake's wolf pouncing onto Derek's making me bark then run towards Zane but then I saw Derek cut deep into Jake's stomach making him fall onto the ground.

Jake! No! I howled before feeling a pain in my side making em fall over seeing Jake on the ground not moving and Edrick barley breathing..

I love you guys...

I love you Edrick...
Ripppppp sorry for the cliffhanger my beautiful magical sea unicorns!💕 but you all got a fast update! Yay!

Who though Zane would be Edrick's brother?

Who knew Evangeline went through that?

What will happen to Edrick and Jake?

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