Chapter 21- Hostage

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Edrick's Pov
I saw them take my Evangeline right before I passed out. I woke up in a hospital bed with my family and Evangeline's dad looking at me, when he saw I was away he looked away while my family squealed at hugged me.

"Honey I'm so glad you're ok!" Mom screeched as she cried on my chest. Dad stood behind her and smiled at me.

"Son I'm sorry for ever thinking your mate was weak and unfitted to be a Luna. She's actually a strong woman" he said making me smile but frown when I remembered Jake getting injured.... Evangeline getting taken.... She said she loved me....

"Where's Evangeline?.... Is Jake ok?" I asked and my family's smiles soon went to frowns and I looked over to Ben, Evangeline's dad.

"They took her... They have her... Derek has her... Zane has her.... They are going to break her... A-and Jake..... Jakes in a coma!" Ben said falling to the ground and I assume his mate sensed his distress because soon Natasha was in here soothing him.

"I'll take him. We will get her back Edrick. I promise you that because when I find her I'm going to rip all those rogues limb from limb" she said walking out with a crying Ben. Now I know where Evangeline got her intimidation from. But of course the Moon Goddess gave that to her also.

"I have to go find her!...." I yelled trying to get out of bed but getting pushed down by Zoey with a stern look I growled and ripped the IV out of my wrist and groaned trying again.

"Edrick sit your butt down! I've been so worried about why dad has been so over edge and then why you started after you got Alpha and King position! But it was because of Zane and you didn't tell me?! Also you never told me about the war that might happen between the werewolves and vampires! I wouldn't mess with me right now!" Zoey yelled while Mason held her back trying to calm her down.

"You're sisters right Edrick. You didn't even tell us" Max said while Xan and Devon were beside her.

"You should have told us dude" Xan said giving me a disappointed look. While Devon just shook his head while his arms were folded in front of him.

I told you, you should have told her.Caden said giving me a wolfie smirk  making me roll my eyes at him.

He's right. But that doesn't matter right now! We have to get to mate! Axel yelled making me nod and Caden growl while I let them take over control making me eyes black and my pupil red.

"Let us go! We need to save mate! She needs us! Now!" Caden and Axel yelled making them flinch and step back but the doctor came in and poked a syringe in my neck making me dizzy. I feel back in bed and tried to fight the darkness but it took over but not before Caden, Axel, and I called out to Evangeline.

"Vasílissa..... mou...."

Evangeline's Pov
Hey you dummy get up! We have to get out of here! I heard a voice in my head say I groaned and knew it was Amber and got up looking at the chains around me. Silver with wolfsbane in it.... Why is it not hurting me?

Because our mother gave us the gift of being immune to wolfsbane and silver. Now come on! She yelled while I groaned getting up and tugging at the chains but failing and just falling back down in exhaustion.

"Oh look at you my sweet. Maybe I should make you even more exhausted" he said walking close to my cage. I shook in fear forgetting all about my training and powers and unconsciously blocked Amber.

"P-please d-d-don't hur-t me-me" I stuttered out shaking even more when he walked closer to me putting his filthy hands all over my body making me whimper.

"I won't do anything yet. But I will soon" he said waking back out letting Zane in making me cower to the corner. He smirked at me making me cringe.

"So your my brother's mate? You're very pretty and very strong for a little thing aren't ya. Not so brave now though, are ya sweetheart?" He said making me whimper and shake then yelp when he grabbed my by my upper arm pulling me up to his face.

"Derek and I are going to have so much fun with you. But first let's get down to business" he said dragging me out of the cell taking me somewhere.

"Derek and I both wanted you for pleasure but we soon figured of who you are. You're the blind beauty, daughter of The Moon Goddess. So we figured out something. If we use you to our advantage. You see Derek and I are werewolves I have vampire on me like Edrick so I'm a hybrid. But we control rogues and we are allies with the vampires. Has Edrick told you about that?"


"Well we want to take over the population of werewolves so we want to go to war with them. Edrick has been so stressed trying to keep it under control along with dear old father. But you, you are supposed to help keep the piece that's one of your destined quests. But have you ever heard how the prophecy goes?" He asked and I shook my head no. He laughed and began telling me what it was and how it went.

"Our land is full of mysterious things. But naked to the human eye is the side full of the most mysterious creatures. Werewolves, vampires, warlocks, hybrids, witches, and even more. They all lived in peace but the peace soon became havoc between werewolves and vampires making the rest of the creatures hide and cower away. Soon the Moon Goddess made a King and Queen to keep everything peaceful. But one day that will change and one of the sides will become greedy and want all power and declare war. But one day even if before or after the war, will arise The Blind Beauty. She is a gift from the Moon Goddess, her own daughter sent to help us all from the havoc and destruction. She will have to sacrifice something she loves dearly to do all of this but she, she is the key of holding peace between us all."
Well. Yay update! Lol. But. I'm honestly about to lose my crap because people are still commenting about Evangeline even after I put the note up and I am trying so hard not to us any bad words on here because I respect people who don't like it and oh my lord. I love you my magical unicorns!

You all can ask the questions this update! Because I'm generous not lazy!

Alpha's Blind Beauty [UNDER HEAVY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now