Chapter 16- Attack

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Evangeline's Pov
I shifted into my wolf while the intruder did the same thing. We were circling each other. And I realized I was in the pack house. A lot of pack members live here. I'm there Luna.. I can't put their lives in danger. I growled at the guy and ran out of my room and down stairs while he followed behind me. Edrick saw and he shifted too. I ran outside and deep into the woods. My parents, Edrick's family, Jake, and Edrick's friends were following behind. I stopped and looked at the wolf.

Who are you and what are you doing on my territory?! I asked him in a mind link. He let a a growl that sounded like a chuckle and circled me.

Calm down there little girl. I'm here for my Alpha. He wants you. He heard the Blind Beauty has risen. You probably don't even know why you're important he laughed and Edrick and Jake growled in warning but Edrick's was louder.

I do. I know I'm supposed to save everyone from something. I said knowing my knowledge. And he laughed and shook his head.

Dear. Did you know you have powers? Probably not. You are supposed to stop my Alpha. But I doubt that. I mean, look at you! He laughed making me growl and jump onto him attacking him. He tried to big my neck but I dodged him and but his hind leg making him yelp and snap at my face. I backed away quickly and went around him bitting his side. He growled at me and bit my leg I barked at him making him growl. I growled lowly at and he snarled and snapped at him while we circled each other. I stood my ground and Amber spoke to me.

Listen carefully Evangeline. I want you to close your eyes and focus on someone or something you love. I suggest mate. But I know how you feel about that. Think about our family. And when it gets overwhelming open your eyes and attack. She said and I nodded I closed my eyes and heard the wolf growl. I thought about my family and how much I love them. After a minute I opened my eyes and attacked the wolf. My fur was glowing and when I bit his side he yelped and it turned into an odd sound and he started to stiffen up and before I knew it he was just a gold statue. My eyes widened as I looked at the statue and I looked back at my family and friends and they were all in shock. I whimpered and ran away. All of this is too overwhelming.. What else can I do?

Are you ok? Amber asked and I nodded and she saw how much I didn't feel like talking so she went to the back of mind and stayed quiet. I walked until I was by a stream. I huffed and laid down on the ground watching as the stream flowed. I heard twigs snap behind me so I popped up and growled and I saw a small brown wolf, a yellow one, and a dark brown one. It's Zoey, Max, and Sam. I got up and backed away from them. I'm scared I'll hurt them. I don't wanna hurt my sister, my mates friend and sister. They came forward with their heads down. I shook mine and ran away while they chased after me.

Leave me alone! I don't wanna hurt any of you! I yelled at them throw mink link.

Let me take over Amber said and I nodded while she took over. She stopped and looked at them and they stopped, Amber gave a warning growl at them making them step back a little.

I understand you all are worried about Evangeline but you all need to back off! She needs time to process all this by herself! Don't follow us! She growled at them and ran off somewhere. I am thankful of Amber. I finally have someone to talk to that I can fully trust.

Thank you Amber I said and she nodded and put her snout in the air and sniffed she growled and turned around seeing something move. She sniffed one more time and I let myself smell it to. Fresh pine and cinnamon.... Edrick..

Come out. Amber said trying to be closed off to her mate. She knew I didn't want anyone bothering me and she's protecting me even from our mate.

Amber. Please let me talk to Evangeline he said and she growled at him and he cautiously walked up to her and rubbed his face into the side of hers. She purred and I watched, I really don't want to be bothered right now but Amber is enjoying herself. Amber knocked out of it and growl at him making him back up and lay down showing us submission. Amber was proud at making an Alpha show submission but she was also sad that he did. I took back control and went up to Edrick and tucked myself into his side, trying to seek comfort he saw this and moved so we were facing each other. I tucked my head into his neck and laid his head on the side of mine licking my fur. I purred finding comfort.

Why are you so complicated? Edrick asked me and I pulled my head from his neck and looked at me.

I don't know. I've always been like that. If you don't like it, suck it up I said and he let a wolfie laugh out and licked my cheek laying his head back on mine making me close my eyes and purr again.

I don't like it Evangeline. I love it. He said and I gave him a wolfie smiled and I laid my head down on his paws and he laid his on top of mine. I purred while he licked my ears making them twitch. We both fell asleep right there.
Hello my magical sea unicorns! I have just uploaded a new book! It's a humor/love book so make sure to go check it out! Thank you guys!

Who is happy Edrick and Evangeline are getting along?

What else can Evangeline do?

Who is the wolf's Alpha?

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