Chapter 2- Humans

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Edrick's Pov
"Edrick get your fat butt off of me!" Zoey my little sister yelled at me I laughed and put my full weight on her and she groaned. We were in her room she was laying down before I came in and tackled her off of her bed.

"Mom! Dad!" She yelled and I knew I was going to get in trouble for this. I got up off of her and threw myself of the bed picking up the book she was reading and pretend I was reading it and both my parents came in with their arms crossed together standing together looking intimidating.

"Edrick what were you doing to your poor sister?" Mom asked tapping her foot looking at me. Dad looked like he was about to use his Alpha voice and I really didn't want that cause it's just really weird cause he's my dad.

"I wasn't doing anything I swear I was just reading your book on her bed until she came in here yelling at me and she tried to tackle me so I moved out of her way and she landed on the floor and she threw a hissy fit!" I said putting the book down standing over my mother and sister. Me and dad were about the same height at 6'5 while mom was at 5'9 and Zoey was at 5'6.

"Edrick. What did you do?" Dad said gruffly using a little of his Alpha voice I flinched a little and put my head down and submitted to him.

"I came in here and tackled her off the bed.." I mumbled and he sighed pitching the bridge of his nose while mom shook her head and Zoey just chuckled at their reactions. I growled at her and she growled back until we were on the floor wrestling.

"Stop this right now!" Dad yelled using his full Alpha voice which made us both flinch and whimper getting up from the floor. Mom calmed him down by rubbing his arm and he gathered her in his arms sticking his head in the crook of her neck, being mates and all it would help calm him down. I can't wait to find my mate. He ordered us to go get ready and go to school and we did exactly that. We both got into my truck and headed off to school.

"Why did dad go off so badly mom had to help him?" Zoey asked and I sighed I know why but I don't want Zoey to worry about it. So I shrugged and heard her sigh before looking and, out the window.

Why don't you tell her? My wolf Caden asked I sighed and closed my eyes for a second before opening them and looking back at the road. Because it would worry her, and she wouldn't be able to focus. I barely can especially close to my ceremony and birthday which means I'm going to find my mate. I said pulling into the schools parking lot. That makes sense, and you mean OUR mate. He said as I rolled my eyes and blocked him out so I could focus durning my classes. I walked in to get accompanied by my friends Max, Devon, and Xan while my sister went to hang out with her friends.

"So, your sisters looking good today" Devon said smirking looking at her butt while she walked away with her friends I growled at Devon making him show me his neck in submission. I smiled when he did and we walked off heading to our first class. Which I ignored the whole period. Soon it was lunch, I picked my food and sat out in the courtyard with my friends.

"Have you seen that one girl?" I heard Devon mumble to Xan. I raised my head towards Devon and arched an eyebrow at him.

"This girl has been at our school forever and she is a human along with Jake and her sister, they're the only humans in this school. But I heard they moved around a lot! And she's not once looked anyone in the eye except teachers, Jake, and her sister Sam" Max said looking over at her smile her back facing us while she spoke with her sister and the boy.

"Ok? And? Does it really matter?" I grumble while sticking a fry into my mouth. Devon and Max raised their hands in defense.

"Their just saying cause we helped her once cause she bumped into us once and she asked if we could take her to Jake we did and he looked quite upset with her and we only picked up a little of their conversation cause we were a long ways from them. Jake said he was upset for trying to walk by herself, but we didn't fully understand it" Xan said I shrugged not caring for the blonde. Soon their class was called and the boy got her plate along with his and dumped it walking to her again helping her up leading her out. Interesting.

"See, it's odd that he always helps her around" Max said taking a drink from her water. I watched them walk back into the school disappearing from sight I could still smell their human scents though one was odd though. I looked back at my friends who sniffed the air until they picked up a scent they didn't want to smell and shook their heads crinkling their noses. I laughed at them and they huffed.

"Dude why do it at school? Why not somewhere else like a bedroom? Bathroom? Dang it! Even the floor! But at school? They know we can smell that!" Xan complained we all laughed at him and got up dumping our trays heading back to class. While I was heading back I bumped into someone I didn't mind looking at them I just told them to watch where they were going, because everyone here is a werewolf except the girl, Jake, and her sister and I doubt I bumped into one of them. And while I was walking off I heard a petite voice yell sorry. I ignored it and growled walking to my class. Stupid humans.
I hope you guys like Edrick's Pov! Until next time my magical sea unicorns!

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