Chapter 23- War

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Zane's Pov
She is doing great... We have her wrapped around our fingers. She thinks a lot so she tries to break the brainwash spell we got a witch to put on her for us but all we have to say is remember and she is ok. We told her she can have all kinds of power from doing this and she was in. Today was the day. Today is the day we start the war and win. With Evangeline on our side we are sure we are going to win.

"Evangeline are you ready?" Derek asked and she nodded her eyes sparking with something deathly. I can't wait till my dear brother sees this. It was all his fault on why I'm against him. Mom and dad always favored him over me and I'm older than him but they decided making him Alpha and King was better then putting me as Alpha and King. It's all Edrick's fault.

"Ready than I'll ever be" she said smirking and we all headed out getting ready to attack. This is going to be a glorious day... Well for us it will be.

Edrick's Pov
We were driving back home after we got frozen yogurt. We all talked and laughed but I couldn't get my mind off of Evangeline. She must be terrified. She must have given up on me by now. My chest squeezed in pain and I scrunched my face up knowing what was happening they were touching her again. We soon got home but everyone but yelling and screaming. I immediately got out and shifted fighting off some rouges and then I saw it. Evangeline with Derek and Zane walking from the woods with vampires. Zane gave me a smile showing off his fangs while Evangeline smirked thy shifted while the vampires attack some of my warriors. I growled loudly and went straight to Zane.

Evangeline go to the safe house! You'll be ok there! I yelled through our mind link to hear her laugh then shift attacking me. What? What did they do to her?

Evangeline? Evangeline! Stop! I yelled at her snarling making her step back and circle me snapping.

What did you do to her Zane? I demanded while Zane gave a wolfie chuckle making Evangeline make a snorting noise resembling a taunting huff.

She's one of us now Edrick. She wants power. She finally came to her senses he said making me snarl at him making Evangeline bark at me. I gave Zane one last glare until I looked over at me mate.

Evangeline it's me Edrick.... I'm your mate... Please snap out of it... I said whimpering at her and her eyes softened a little bit they became viscous again when Derek yelled remember at her then shifting attacking some of my members. Evangeline shook her head back and forth trying to come back to me. I guess she is commanding the rouges and vampires with her powers because she made them go on one side while whimpering.

Edrick.... T-tell you-r warriors to g-go on the other side-e she said I nodded and do so while she cracked a ripple in the ground capturing all the vampires and rouges putting fire in the pit of it. Derek and Zane where the only ones out. She looked at me then fell to the ground breathing heavily. I ran over to her licking her ear until her eyes opened again and snapped at me she looked over at the people she trapped and I knew she was going to u leash them again but then something amazing happened.

"Evangeline! Stop this! Now!" An angelic voice called we all looked up seeing the sky turn darker with the moon up glowing brightly. Selene... The Goddess of the Moon. I bowed down seeing her and so did everyone else having a deep connection and pride for her.

She was beautiful. She looked like she was in her late 20's even though she's been around for decades. Her hair flew like she was in water while her dark eyes glowed white she looked like Evangeline.

"Evangeline. Hunny. I didn't send you here to cause all of this. I sent you here to save everyone. And that's exactly what your going to do. You have a heart of gold and I expect you to act like it." she said lifting an exhausted Evangeline off the ground making her glow. She then had a spot  black fur on her shaped like the moon.

"I love you my daughter. This is your destiny" Selene said then going away. Evangeline stood up proudly while her eyes glowed white just like Selene. She jerked her head towards Derek and Zane then the rouges and vampires. She arose from the ground levitating. She barked making a glow cascade down to them making Derek and Zane howl out in pain the the rouges whimper while the vampires hissed.

I command that you leave now and leave my pack alone. The vampires will be in peace with us werewolves and as for you rouges I want you all to stay away from packs and leave us alone and Derek and Zane leave and pray no one will ever see you cause if they do you'll have to deal with me! She barked and let them get past the hole in the ground making them run off whimpering filling the hole with water and sprouting a tree in the middle of the tiny space with flowers. She came back to the ground and shifted into a white gown with a ring on her middle finger. I shifted back running up to her hugging her. She giggled and wrapped me up in a big leaf covering me up.

"Edrick do you know what this is" she said feeling her ring. I looked at her and her eyes where white again. She was blind again. The prophecy..... She will have to sacrifice something she loves dearly to do all of this... I looked down at her and said no.

"This is my mother's ring... Selene... She has one just like it... It bonds us together" she said smiling.


"I'm fine Edrick.... I knew I was going to lose my sight again... I knew it. It's fine" she said cupping my face wiping a stray tear. I let a sob out and wrapped my arms tightly around her embracing her.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too Edrick...."
I hope you all liked this update! 💕

Who knew Evangeline was going to lose her sight again?

Who thought Selene would make an entrance?

What are your all's feeling right now?

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