Chapter 15- Shifting

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Evangeline's Pov
It's been a few days and I'm out of the infirmary. Edrick and I still practice everyday and everyday he makes it harder and harder. He is still really mad about everything so he is ignoring me. Jake is taking it fine he still talks to me as a friend. But my training begins in a few minutes so I should start getting ready. I put a black sports bra on and black leggings with my Nikes and headed out. When I went to the place we work out no one was there except one of the house pack warriors. I can sense he is one of the high ranked warriors.

Let's fight him. See if we can take him on. Amber said and I nodded and went up to him.

"Excuse me" I said and he turned around and his eyes widened and he bowed his head showing his neck a little submitting to me.

"Yes Luna" he said and I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder making him look up a little but not directly into my eyes.

"Call me Evangeline. But can we fight?" I asked making him look at me with wide eyes. I gasped and slapping my hand onto my head.

"Not like that! I mean as in training. I'm training with my new found skills. So maybe we can fight?.. You seem like a good opponent" I said and he nodded. I smiled and we got into a stance.

"Oh. And you can shift if you want to" I said making him nod. I smiled and we began I ran at him and he got ready but didn't expect me to slide under his legs and quickly hit at his back trying to find a weak point. He turned back to me and swung at me legs making me fall. I took that time and grabbed his foot and twisted it backwards making him fall.

His weak spot is shoulder. Before we started he kept rubbing it. Amber said making me nod at him and where I was distracted talking to her he flipped me over trying to punch my face. I dodge his punches. He got up shifting quickly. Now this may be tricky. He charged at me making me jump over him and riding him. He jerked and I ignited my canines and bit his shoulder making him yell. I didn't bit him hard enough to make him bleed out. But I did to where he gave the fight up. He whimpered and submitted. I got up and he shifted. I offered my hand and he smiled at me while his wound healed.

"You are doing great Lu- I mean, Evangeline" he said bowing and walking off. I sighed running my hands threw my hair and then saw Edrick. He looked shocked and proud.

"Hey Edrick... How long have you been standing there?" I asked taking deep breaths.

"I saw everything. Your doing great. And-" he was cut off by my screaming. There was a burning in my body and I felt my bones move and shift around making it agonizingly painful.

"Evangeline! Oh God. You're shifting. I'm going to carry you to the woods. Ok?" He said softly at the end rubbing my back. I saw Edrick's family and mine run out staring at me. Edrick picked me up and carried me into the woods. He laid me down on the sold grass next to a stream making soothing sounds.

"E-Edrick it-it hur-ts" I whimpered while Amber tried to push threw. He coed at me calming me down a little and I let a scream out while it turned into a howl. While fur sprouted fast and bones cracked into new places. I closed my eyes and when I opened them back up everything was more advanced. I looked around and found Edrick's wolf. He gave me a wolfie smile making me stick my tongue out.

You look beautiful. He said through mind link I got up and trotted over to the stream looking at myself. I was a beautiful golden wolf with vibrant blue eyes. I've still gotten used to having my eye sight back so my wolf eye sight just made it worse but it's so cool! I love it! I looked over at Edrick and pounced in him catching him off guard. I licked his check making him purr, I pulled away and tilted my head.

I didn't know wolves could purr I laughed in our mind link making him roll his eyes getting up with me. I jumped all over the place excited. This is very new for me. What I'm a talking about? Everything about these past few months have been new! Werewolves! Mates! Packs! Rouges! Elders! Being able to see! Being the Moon Goddess' child! Being someone who is supposed to save everyone!

You ok? Edrick asked coming up beside me nudging me a little. I nodded my head and sniffed my way back to the pack house letting Edrick follow behind me wondering what my sudden mood swing was about. I scratched the door until Zoey opened it and gasped. I walked in and my family and Edrick's gasped and gawked at my golden wolf. Amber was soaking up the attention but I was still thinking hard. I went up the stairs and to my room that I switched to. I shifted and put on some comfortable clothes and crawled into bed.

"Today's been a long day..." I sighed to myself. I rolled over to look out the window. I closed my eyes and sighed. Ah. Darkness. One of the many things I'm very familiar with. And oddly the one thing I'm the most comfortable with. I sighed and scrunched my eyebrows together opening my eyes back up. When I did I saw someone out my window smiling a sinister smile at me. I gasped but before I could scream he opened the window and attacked me.
Hey my magical sea unicorns! This is the fastest update I've done in a while! But, I'm very truly sorry if this book is going really fast! I don't want the book to be that long and I'm running out of things for it. And I'm trying really hard. I hope you all understand!

Evangeline'a wolf is gold, what does this mean?

Is Evangeline going to be ok with all that's happening? Or will the anxiety and stress get to her?

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