Chapter 24- Life's Great

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Evangeline's Pov
I was sitting far away from Edrick in Jake's hospital room. They told me when I was taken he was put into a coma. So I wanted to come. It's the third week Ive been in here. The thing is with my sight I can see when I shift into my wolf. My mom gave me that she knows I loved seeing everything so she granted me that, which I am very thankful of.

"I wish he would wake up... Does he have an injury's on him?" I asked and Edrick hummed at me.

"He did but they all healed but when Derek scratched his side it was deep and his claws were covered in wolfsbane so it affected him more" Edrick said exhausted. I've been away from Edrick and all males. I remember what they did... They touched me and they.. They raped me.. The power I had to banish them that day is long gone and now I'm just a broken shell of my former self.

"Evangeline will you please tell me what happened?.. I could feel it through our mark but I want to know that your ok" he said making me look towards him with unshed tears.

"That's because I'm not ok!" I yelled sobbing putting my head into my hands crying. I felt arms wrap around me and I knew it was Edrick from the tingles but I was so terrified for someone especially a male to touch me so I yelled and screamed for him to let me go. He did and called Max and Sam. I smelt them in the room and they came closer wrapping me in their arms.

"Help me... Please... They are coming.. Please"

"Who's coming Eve?"

"Derek and Zane.... They are coming! Please help! Please!" I yelled pushing them away covering myself as much as I could.

"Edrick we need to call your friend to come help her... This has been going on for the whole 3 weeks she's been back." Max said and he growled and then I smelt an unfamiliar smell making me scream and kick more.

"No! Please don't! Don't take me! Please!"

"You all need to hold her down so I can help her" the old feminine voice said, it's that one elder. I think her name was Carrie?

"Elder Carrie! Please help me! They're coming! Please!" She sighed and started chanting something is Greek making me squirm feeling everyone's intense stares on me.

"What are you doing! Please help me!"

"Shush child, I'm taking the pain away. I'm not taking the memories I'm taking the way you felt and how you fear others when those disgusting men touched you" she said making me kick and scream.

"Please they are coming! You need to help me!" Soon she was done and I felt different. I felt all the pain and disgust of their hands on my body. I can't remember how I felt other than anger. Pure anger. I'll never officially recover from those awful days or be my former sled but I will be strong from now on and live my life because I know they won't come back.

"Evangeline? Are you ok?" Edrick said cupping my cheeks. I looked down towards his voice and smiled at him. I grabbed his neck and planted a passionate kiss on his lips.

"We will be leaving now" Elder Carrie said leaving the room with her scent along with Max and Sam's scent.

"I love you" I said and Edrick chuckled pecking my nose. That was our first kiss after I came back from my state.

"I love you too my queen" he said making me laugh while smiling at him.

"E-Evangeline?..." a rough voice said I got up stumbling over things over to Jake's bed I grabbed his arm I think and squeezed he took my hand squeezing it.

"You're blind?..." He said and I smiled at him looking towards where Edrick was.

"Get the doctor and my family" I said and he went out of the room while I smiled down at Jake.

"I'm here. I'm here" I said over again while he out his hand on my check probably wondering how I got like this again. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. He's back.

—5 months later—
"Edrick! I swear to my mother Selene I will kill you for doing this to me!" I yelled at Edrick while we drove to the hospital because I was going into labor. Yes I'm pregnant. Yes heat hit me in the face. Yes Edrick and I made love and he also remarked me. If you are wondering why it didn't take long is because werewolf pregnancies last 3 months. And let me tell you this baby wants to come out now! I squeezed Edrick's hand hard making him whimper a little. Soon we were there and I was rushed into a room giving birth to our baby boy.

"Evangeline he's beautiful" Edrick said holding him. I smiled playing with my hands wanting to cry from happiness and sadness. I'm happy because I have a son a beautiful son and I'm sad because I can't see him. But soon I was shift and see him for myself.

"Can I hold him? You've been hogging him ever since he came out of my womb" I said laughing he laughed to and settled him in my arms. I smiled and put my hand on his stomach letting him grab my finger.

"Hello. I can to get your babies name" a human woman said walking in and I smiled warmly at my baby and over where the woman's send was coming from making her surprised I knew where she was.

"Theo. Theo Alexander Evans" I said and she hummed and wrote it down leaving.

"Welcome to our crazy work Theo" Edrick said making me laugh at him and shake my head, then I heard Theo giggle at me making me smile.

"I can already tell you're going to be a handful and a be a ladies man" I said rubbing his chubby stomach.

"He has my eyes and my mother's and fathers hair color brown" he said making me look towards him.

"Curly hair?" I said and he said yes making me giggle then our family started to come in but Jake got Theo first making them all pout.
Another update! The next chapter will be the last one my magical sea unicorns! I loved writing this book and of course I had trouble from all the people saying stuff but I got through it with all you guys! I couldn't have done it with out you my magical sea unicorns!💕💗😁

You all can ask questions!

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