Chapter 12- "What's going on?"

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Jake's Pov
The last week or two Evangeline has been sneaking out and coming to school the very next morning. I trust Evangeline, so I don't ask her what's going on and the past few weeks she has been walking around herself. Like. She doesn't need me to walk her around anymore. Well in the house and stuff but when she is at school she still needs a little help. But she couldn't learn all that herself? Could she? The weird thing is that her scent is different. Not to be weird or anything. I just doesn't smell like her usual flower perfume.

"Hey little one" I said warily looking at the back of her head. She was talking to Edrick.. Like always.. Evangeline and I's relationship have been a little rocky over the past few weeks. I heard a quiet growl and I knew it came from Edrick.

"Hey Jake" she said smiling. I smiled sadly at her knowing she couldn't see me. Edrick looked at me and I looked at him for a split second until looking back at her. She is so beautiful. I know I'm going to have to let her go though.. I can't do that to someone. I can't...

"Jake? Are you ok?" She asked and I let tears fill my eyes up as I brought her into a hug and stuffed my face into her hair covered shoulder sniffing in her scent.

"Yea I'm fine" I said and pulled away to see her face with a small frown. I frowned myself and took my thumb and pinkie from my right hand and made her smile making me smile once again.

"You should never frown" I said and she smiled and pecked my lips getting an immediate response. I heard a loud growl and then bones cracking which made me flinch but I pulled away from Evangeline and we walked to class. I just want to hold onto her for a little while longer. Just a few weeks longer.

You know we can't take Edrick's mate away from him. We already know how much it hurts to lose one.. my wolf Trent whimpered. I nodded my head and hid my scent making me smell like a human to all of the werewolves. I know Trent but she makes me calm.. She is the only good thing in my life ever since Heather... I said to my wolf making him growl at saying our dead mates name he retreated into my mind blocking me. I sighed and the day begun. After school Evangeline disappeared once again. I shifted and ran into the woods following her scent because I was done. I wanted to know where she was off to. I came into a opening and I saw Evangeline in work out clothes and two wolves I'm assuming warriors training her while Edrick watches. I came out of the woods in my wolf form and growled.

"Rouge" Edrick growled and went next to Evangeline whispering into her ear making me grow louder. His eyes glazed over before shifting into his huge black wolf and my dark brown wolf a few inches shorter than him. The warriors took Evangeline and me and Edrick fought.

"Who are you rouge!?" Edrick asked in his wolf form. I stood my ground and shook my fur looking at him with pure hate. The only reason was because of my wolf hating him for taking Evangeline from us. Trent treated Evangeline like his mate even though Heather couldn't be replaced Evangeline made us feel secure. I attacked him again and we stayed like that until I knocked him down and ran. Edrick is an Alpha I shouldn't be messing with him, he's also a hybrid and that even worse. I masked my scent once again and started heading home and walked into the from door making Sam, Natasha, and Ben gasp and Lily run under a couch.

"Jake? What happened?" Natasha asked and I snorted and ran up stairs to my room and shifted back into my human form then out on some clothes heading back down stairs.

"What's going on?" Sam asked and I looked at her and looked at Ben and Natasha. How do I tell them their daughter is mated to the highest ranked and King of the whole vampire and werewolf community and that he is also a Alpha and hybrid. I signed and told them to sit down.

"Well. I know where Evangeline is going now"

"Really? Where?"

"She is being trained to take care of herself by her mate... The king over all werewolf and vampire community, an Alpha, and he's a hybrid. Does that ring a bell?" I said and they all gasped and I nodded my head running my hands through my hair.

"Edrick Evans...." Sam said breathless and Natasha and Ben looked in deep thought.

"You know, the vampires are thinking about to war with us werewolves. Hopefully Edrick will make a good leader and make everything better" Ben said and I nodded and put my head in my hands thinking about if Evangeline will be happy with Edrick. I heard someone sit behind me and shoo the other two out of the room and I instantly knee who it was.

"Honey. I'm sorry this had to happen after... You know" Natasha said and I nodded looking up and into her eyes. Surprisingly Evangeline had all of her mother. Tears built up into my eyes and I let them freely fall and Natasha pulled me into a hug comforting me.

"Shh shh it's ok. Maybe things will look brighter in the future" she said rubbing my back after about an hour or so we pulled away and she got a tissue and wiped my tears from my cheeks and patted them.

"Now. Go upstairs and rest" she said and I nodded and thanked her silently. She nodded as I walked up stairs Lily hot on my tracks. Oh Evangeline, it's going to be hard letting you go...
Poor Jake. Also the reason Jake and Sam smelt weird to Edrick was because they are werewolves trying to mask their scent! Jake and Sam were never together behind Evangeline's back!

Who knew Jake was a werewolf?

Who knew her family was hiding all this from her?

What does that make Evangeline?

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