Chapter 4- Ceremony

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Edrick's Pov
I didn't go to school today because it's my birthday today and mom and dad said they needed me here for the ceremony. So I've been here helping everyone get everything ready. I watched as my sister played with the omegas and runts. We weren't one those kind of packs who treated omegas and runts differently we all are equally.

Mostly because my sister is an runt she has Alpha blood in her but the runt gene was stronger; my mom is an omega and my dad is an Alpha, I am full Alpha, I don't have any omega or runt genes but I'm a hybrid. My mom is a vampire and my dad is an Alpha he is the king of all werewolves and vampires but his main concern is always on our pack. The only omega trait I have is goofing around but only with my family.

"Edrick the ceremony is close, you better start getting ready" Zoey said walking in with her purple silky dress. I smiled at her and she looked down at herself and then at me.

"Do I look ok?" She asked and I smiled and nodded, me and Zoey are twins I call her my little sister though cause I was born before her. She wants to look good because she wants to look good for her mate if she finds him tonight. I got up with a sigh and went into my closet picking out my suit and dress shoes. After I got my suit on I walked out of my room downstairs where my family was waiting for me.

"Oh honey. I'm so happy!" Mom cried hugging me I hugged her back smiling. I pulled back and saw my dad walk in with a huge amount of power radiating off of him. I've always looked up to him, I've always followed his rules and wishes to be here right now having my ceremony getting ready to take the Alpha position. He smiled at me opening his arms and I walked to him hugging him. Zoey awed and I snorted at her and she chuckled.

"Let's go it's close to 12 and this party isn't going to stop till 4 AM" Zoey said shaking her hips. We all laughed at her while we walked out. Dad went up there getting everyone's attention and did his speech before calling me up.

"Repeat after me" dad said making a cut into the palm of my hand and his holding them together over a bowl. "Do you Edrick Jace Evans, accept the role as Alpha of The Blue Moon Pack, and the packs and clans around the nation" he said and I repeated after him taking the weight off his shoulders.

"I, Edrick Jace Evans accept the role as Alpha of The Blue Moon Pack, and the packs and clans around the nation" I said confidently feeling all the weight of my pack and everything else. I winched a little bit it eased and took my hand away letting my hand heal. Dad patted my back smiling and welcomed me as my pack cheered. Mom and Zoey came up and stood with us as we counted down the clock till midnight. And as soon as it it I was 18 and I was ready to find my mate. All eligible women and men were in the front and me and Zoey sniffed. I smelled nothing but cheap perfume and their scents. I was sad but I saw Zoey's eyes darken as she looked around all the men perked up but she looked over beside her and Mason was there our betas son which is our new beta of the pack.

"Mine" he growled as he pulled her into his arms Zoey sighed in content and I smiled as we congratulated her. Mom and dad looked at me and I just shook my head and they sighed dismissing everyone to go have fun and party all the women and men huffed upset and went off I got off the stage and went to Zoey and Mason. Mason doesn't go to school cause he works more on his beta duties.

"Hey Zoey, congratulations on finding your mate" I said and she smiled while blushing at Masons arm wrapped around her.

"Thanks, did you not find your mate?" She asked and I nodded giving her a small smile trying to seem ok. She frowned at me and came to me hugging me.

"I'm sorry bub, maybe she's at school, you know there's other packs close to us" she said and I nodded and we pulled away walking with her mate into the crowd. I sighed while I stood next to my parents shaking everyone's hands cause I didn't know what else to do cause I don't have my mate yet and I was planing on finding her tonight and getting to know her.

"Honey, why don't you go and party with the rest of the pack?" I shrugged looking at everyone, it didn't look as fun as it would be. I sighed and told her I would go for a run, she nodded and let me go I ran into the forest and hid behind a tree taking my clothes off and shifting into my big black wolf.

Well that was disappointing.. Caden said while running around in the woods taking control running off to his favorite place no one knows about except us. Our secret cave that's hidden from the world by vines and grass with a pond and waterfall in it. I know, I was hoping we would find our mate.. I said as he walked into the cave laying next to the pond watching the waterfall hit the water peacefully while we listened to all the creatures and sounds of the forest. We will find our mate, and that's a promise. He said before blocking me out letting me have control. I closed my eyes relaxing beside the pond.

We will find you my little mate. And I promise when I find you, I won't let you go. No matter what..
So I hope you all liked this chapter from now on the chapters will stay focused on Evangeline's Pov. I love you all! 💋

What will Edrick do when he goes to school and finds his mate?

How will Evangeline react?

How will Edrick react when he figures out who his mate is?

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