Chapter 9- Werewolves

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Evangeline's Pov
I listened trying to hear something until a heard feet walking toward my room so I snuggled back into the blankets and pretended I was asleep. Someone walked into my room and I clenched my eyes closed and waited for them to leave.

"I know you're awake" the voice said and I sighed and rolled over keeping my eyes closed knowing all to well that I won't see anything.

"Open your eyes for me Vasílissa mou" I sighed again and opened my eyes meeting darkness. I scrunched my eyebrows and closed my eyes again embarrassed to show a stranger my eyes.

"Your eyes are beautiful, please show me them" he whispered into my ear making me shiver. I opened my eyes looking at the darkness that consumed me. I felt a warm hand on my cheek and I instantly knew it was Edrick.

"Edrick? Where am I? What is going on? Wha-"

"Sh Vasílissa mou, your at my house and I will tell you what's going on later. Right now you need to eat" he said and I nodded and sat up allowing him to help me out if the bed with a tiny groan. I looked towards him and tilted my head.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked him and he sighed sitting me back onto the bed and I felt a dip beside me letting me know he sat on the bed beside of me.

"I got injured yesterday but I'm ok" he said and I looked down and sat up reaching out for his hand. He took mine and I pulled him up and pulled him towards the direction I believed the door was at.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to help you, you can give me directions and I'll take them" I said and he sighed and pulled away from me. I whined and reached my hands out and tried to feel for him but he took my hands and held them.

"You are not doing such a thing, I'm fine I can handle taking you downstairs" he said and I mumbled under my breath while he showed me the way and groaning every now and then. Once we made it downstairs into the kitchen he sat me down and I heard him stumble and whimper. And when I say whimper I don't mean like a human whimper I mean an animalistic whimper. I gasped and he covered it up with a couch and a question.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked and I thought for a second before answering with toast with jelly on it. He mumbled a small ok and I heard him shuffling through cabinets. Then someone else walked in and started talking to Edrick and completely ignoring me.

"Hey Edrick! Mom and dad told me to tell you that there is a meeting in the yard today to warn the pack about the rou-"

"Zoey, calm down. I know. And don't talk about that stuff in front of Evangeline. I haven't told her about all that yet" Edrick said and I looked in the direction of his voice tilting my head. What pack? What does she mean? Then I heard a loud squeal making me cower back. I've always had good hearing.

"Hello! I'm Edrick's sister! Zoey! It's nice to meet you Evangeline! I thought Edrick would be a lonely grouch forever!" She yelled and hugged me making me blush. Edrick laughed and sat a plate in front of me then handed me a piece of my toast letting me eat it myself. I smiled and thanked him.

"Now Zoey go so I may talk to her" he said and she huffed leaving while yelling bye. I laughed and waved and heard Edrick sigh.

"Now your probably wondering what's going on. God it's too early to be telling you." He said mum the last sentence. I nodded and he sighed sitting next to me.

"So. I'm going to try to explain this in the most easiest and gentlest way I can. So um, do you believe in magical beings? Like werewolves, vampires, etc?" He asked and I shrugged I never asked myself if werewolves and stuff like that were real.

"Well. I am one of those magical creatures. The fight you walked into yesterday was my pack and rouges fighting. Rouges are werewolves that don't have a pack most are bad and evil that try to take down packs and take innocent human lives away. But we don't kill rouges unless they need to be killed. Packs are a group of werewolves ruled by an Alpha and Luna and I am the Alpha. I am not a regular werewolf though. I'm a hybrid. Of a werewolf and vampire" he said and I was taken back. I gasped, I wasn't scared of Edrick but I was shocked by all this information and oddly I believe him.

"Werewolves have mates. The Moon Goddess which is the Goddess who created us, gives us our other halves that were perfectly made for us to be with forever and to cherish and love, we can't live without them. And Evangeline you are my mate. You are going to be the Luna of this pack" he said and I shook my head. I have a boyfriend, that I love dearly. I can't do this to him. It isn't right.

"Edrick I'm honored, but I can't. I have a boyfriend. I can't just break up with him because I'm your mate." I said and I heard a growl. And by the dominance it radiated I assumed it was Edrick.

"Evangeline you are mine, that mutt can not take you away from me. Do you not feel anything when I touch you? Can you not feel the connection we have?" He said pulling me to him so I was straddling his waist making me blush. I felt sparks everywhere making me subconsciously lean against him.

"Please Vasílissa mou. Please don't reject me. I love you already"
I hope you guys like the update and I'm sorry if it's moving too fast! Tell me if I am so I can slow down! Love you all my magical sea unicorns!

What will Evangeline do?

Who will she choose?

What will Edrick do if she chooses Jake?

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