Chapter 14- No Boys

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Evangeline's Pov
I looked at the woman blankly and started to laugh. I laughed so freaking hard I had to hold my stomach and take deep breaths. Edrick, the woman, and the other elders looked at me like I was crazy and I stopped and wiped my tears away looking at her. She had a serious face on making me sober up.

"You're kidding? Right?" I asked and she sighed and shook her head no. I let out a strangled breathe and motioned Edrick to come closer to me. He did and I fisted his shirt into my hands, he saw my distress and growled at everyone to get out. They all bowed their heads and went out. He climbed into bed with me and pulled me to his chest making tingles spread everywhere. I sighed in content and snuggled closer to him making his grip on my tighter.

"How did this happen?" I asked and I laughed humorless and shook my head. "No. Why did this happen?" I asked myself when Edrick kissed my head making me think. I have a boyfriend I have Jake. Why am I doing this? I'm an awful person.. Jake doesn't deserve this. Neither does Edrick.... I have to figure out all of this before I even think about boys.

"Edrick. You're going to have stay away from me. Like we can't do things like this." I said and he pulled back to look at me. He was mad. Not even mad he was fuming.

"What do you mean Evangeline? You mean I can't even be with my mate!? Is that what you mean!?" He asked yelling making me flinch a little. Then there was a bang on the door and Jake was there. I pushed Edrick away and told him to stand with Jake. He growled loudly making Jake growl at him for growling at me.

"Both of you shut up!" I yelled making them both go quiet.

"Now. With all that's happening I don't know how to handle everything with you guys. Jake you are my boyfriend and Edrick you are my mate. And all of this is stressing me. I can't deal with it. So Edrick we will still train but we can't do things like mates do. Jake I think we should take a break but with everything I can't deal with a boyfriend and a mate. I have to focus on me. I hope you both understand" I said and Edrick was fuming but Jake had a small sad smile. Jake nodded in understanding and Edrick growled loudly and shifted into his wolf running off.

"Hey. It's ok. I understand. I understand that you are going through something rough and need to focus on things. But Evangeline. I know you and Edrick are mates. Mates love each other dearly and were made for each other by the Moon Goddess herself. No matter what I will always love you. But I want you to pick Edrick after all this is over" he said and I smiled at Jake. This is why I fell in love with him. Not because of his looks. And of course I couldn't see him but he is handsome. Really. But I love him for his good heart. But all good things have to come to an end..

"Thank you so much Jake. I will always love you" I said and he smiled at me sadly and walked to the door.

"I love you too little one.." he said before walking out. I sighed and then someone else of course walked in. It was the doctor. Great. I have questions about all this anyway.

"Hello Miss. Rose. So to explain what was happening is that your family made you drink a type of drink making you unable to be a normal werewolf. After a few days you'll get enhanced hearing smelling speed and things of that nature. Then your wolf will reach out to you and try to talk to you. Your first shift may happen in a few days, weeks. It depends on when your wolf is ready" he said answering all my questions I nodded and he smiled.

"Thank you for telling me. Do I get to name my wolf or does she have her own name?" I asked and the doctor looked at me and laughed a little.

"Your wolf has her own name. When she begins to talk to you she will tell you" he said getting medication ready for me. He walked over and handed me a small pill and a glass of water.

"Here. You will have to take this one pill every day" he said and I nodded my head and said thank you. He gave a small nod and walked out while I took my pill.

Hello! I coughed on my own spit and shook my head and looked around the room.

I would appreciate it if you listened to me, my name is Amber! I'm your wolf! My so called wolf said in my head. Amber. That's a nice name. I concentrated hard and I saw her. It was the golden wolf I saw in my dream.

Hey! I remember you! Oh. How are you? Are you ok? I asked and I heard her laugh and it was he most angelic thing I have ever heard.

Yea I'm fine. Where you kept drinking that drink I was unable to communicate with you and I was chained up. Then there was a slither of a chance I could reach out to you and I did in your dream! And I nodded my head in understanding.

I'm glad your ok! So do you wanna get to know each other? I asked and she laughed so hard I thought she would pass out. She fell on her side and after she was done she rubbed her paws over her snout.

Hun! I've known you since you were born! I just couldn't talk to you! She laughed

Well then I can get to know you! And we talked to hours!
Sorry for long update! I've been busy my magical sea unicorns! I hope you liked it!

So she broke it off between Jake and Edrick?

How do you guys think they are doing?

What do you guys think of Amber?

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