Chapter 11- Training

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Evangeline's Pov
I woke up in my bed and in my house. I sighed and swung my legs over the bed. My family is a traveling family. We move every few weeks to a new county. That's why I never got used to the walls and areas of a loving home. It's because I never had enough time to memorize the place. They've always treated me like a baby. I've never known what anything looks like so I don't know how to maneuver it. I sighed and got up try to feel my way around, I got confident in myself and went faster ending up bumping into a wall with me hands. I sighed and felt for a door handle and found one.

"Hopefully this is the closet" I said to myself and opened the door and tumbled into the room. I feel around and found another door handle it just lead to an amount of door handles until I found stairs. I know what I'm going to do. I made my way down stairs and felt around. I listened on the noises around me and opened the door I was hoping was the the back door. I stumbled outside and walked onto our porch and then I felt soft grass under my feet. I walked u til the ground got courser me realizing I was in the woods I put my hands out and felt around until I found an opening. I plopped down and start to scream.

"EDRICK! HELP ME! HELP!" I yelled and wailed until I felt a hush of air and someone pick me up.

"Evangeline? Are you ok!? What happened?! How did you make it out here?" He asked and I put my finger up stoping him from talking anymore.

"Edrick. Will you please train me? Help me to go on life without anyone helping me?" I asked and it was silent until I felt his hand on my cheek.

"Evangeline. What? Why? What do you mean?" He asked and I sighed letting myself lean into him.

"Everyone thinks I can't do anything by myself. They all think I'm stupid. I can't even walk through my own house and memorize everything because we move every few weeks!" I said legging tears fall from my eyes.

"Shh. It's ok. I will train you" he cooed and I jumped into his arms happily. I whispered a thank you to him and felt his chest vibrate while he purred. I smiled while he picked me up and carried me off.

"We will start today but first you need to change into some work out clothes. I can get us to be excused for school" he said and I nodded. Soon we were at his house and he went off somewhere to get me clothes. He came back and told me to change and lead me to a room. I grunted and started to feel the clothes. Hm. I put on the tank top he gave me and then the leggings and they all felt right so I walked out.

"Did I put them on right?" I asked and Edrick said yes and lead me outside. And that's where we started until close to the end of the day.

"Remember Evangeline listen to your surroundings. Feel the earth beneath your feet" he said and I tried my best. Edrick was walking and I tried to listen where he was. He finally stopped and I walked where I thought he was.

"Did I do it?" I asked and he grunted not giving me a clear answer. But the thing is I heard it not in front of me but to the right of me. I turned my head right and sighed.

"You were close but listen when you become Luna a rogue attack may happen. I need you to be able to keep yourself safe Incase something happens to me. And to protect the pack" he said and my heart clenched at the thought of something happening to him. I nodded determined but then stopped.

"Edrick. I don't even know if I'm going to be Luna" I said and he growled at me making me flinch a little.

"Let's move on." He gritted out. I sighed and we began again. But this time he got some of his pack warriors to come and help.

"There are two men about to attack. They won't hurt you but they will pretend to attack you and they are more stronger than regular humans so you can attack them and they won't be hurt. But, you need to find where they are at and stop them before they attack you first" Edrick said and I nodded and listened. I turned around and kicked one guy and heard a groan and then I turned to my left and swung a punch into the air.

"She throws a very good punch for a human Alpha" the warrior I was trying to attack said and the other guy groaned and I turned around to face him.

"Does a pretty good kick too" the other guy said in pain. I gasped and did my best to help the man up saying sorry. He laughed and patted my shoulder.

"It's ok Luna" he laughed. Edrick growled and they stopped laughing and became serious while I stiffened.

"Let's do it again" he said and I nodded while the two warriors said,"yes Alpha" at the same time.

"Now. Evangeline. This time they will be pretend to capture you but they won't hurt you at all I promise. You have to act quick. Werewolves have a step up from you so you'll have to be cautious" he said and I nodded and heard hem I quickly tried to grab one of the guys arms guis  failed then I tried to kick the other one but ended up failing when he grabbed my leg and twisted behind my back. Not hurting me but showing me he could easily win this fight.

"That's enough for today. We should get you back home" Edrick said dismissing the two warriors and taking me home.
Ok. This is not intended to be rude or anything at all. But I am not personally blind and I do not know what it is like. And if you guys don't understand why Evangeline is like this I mean don't read this book if you don't like it. I'm not forcing you to read it. Evangeline has never been able to do things by herself because of her family spoiling her and watching her 24/7. Just understand that I've never dealt with blindness. So writing this book is new for me so please don't be rude in the comments. Please and thank you. Love you my magical sea unicorns!

I don't have any questions do you all may ask!

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